50 thoughts on “A Guy Like Me And A Girl Like This (Meet My Girlfriend)

  1. I have always been an animal lover and I have a very conflicting view on zoos… I know that a big part of zoos is helping to protect animals. But I also feel like animals at zoos are very unhappy being housed in captivity. This is why I consider zoos to be animal prisons… What do you think about zoos? Do you think they are good for the animals? Or do you feel they are not?

  2. Daaaaaa amn Joe. High five to you my brotha. Treat her well, dick her down and she is gauranteed to stay around. Just kidding but you have a good one bro. Dem junies on her👀👌

  3. I like when it suggests videos like this …. A few years back. Damn Joe…how did I score that . 👍 u da man that's how.

  4. I know this has been on for a while, but I just saw it. Joe, you are so cute with her. It's sweet. I love how you describe the Animal Prison, with rec time.

  5. Your a lucky man Joe. Especially after everything you have been through to be able to find someone special to ride with you is amazing. I wish you guys nothing but years and years and years of health and happiness for you both.

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