Brazil’s COVID-19 nightmare puts its health care system on the brink

ABC News’ Victor Oquendo reports on the ground from Brazil as it faces a surge of new virus cases and deaths amid the rampant spread of a dangerous variant.

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46 thoughts on “Brazil’s COVID-19 nightmare puts its health care system on the brink

  1. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
    Psalms 147:3

    Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
    John 14:6 (NKJV)

    Jesus is the only way to heaven.

    Confess and repent of all your sins in prayer
    Forgive those who have harmed you (this will free you from anger) as Jesus forgave you
    Believe Jesus died to blot out your sins and that He is your Saviour
    Believe He rose again 3 days later in the flesh by God's hand
    Be baptised fully immersed in water and be baptised in the Holy Spirit
    Repent daily
    By grace you are saved through Faith (belief)
    Live pure and stop sinning
    Follow the spiritual laws:
    Love you neighbour as yourself and love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Believe Jesus is Lord.
    Do fruitful works.

  2. I’m Japanese and lived in’s a sad for us in Japan and whole the world,and I think that Brazil’s COVID matters is not fire on the other side of the river,cuz the worldwide is connected in every nook and corner.
    I pray for Brazil

  3. Man, I wish Biden would help Brazil instead of illegal immigrants—if I were pres I would ship some doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech ASAP!

  4. Diseases, Viruses, Funji, Pathogens, or Illness Can Not Exist In A Clean Oxygenated Blood Stream. Doctors are no longer Physician’s, They are Agents of the Drug/Pharmaceuticals Industries. They seem to have abandoned The True Science Of The Physician and Recognition of the Fact, When The Body Receives The Natural Chemicals It Needs, “The Body Heals Itself”.
    Read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker, to better understand the Truth about Vaccination Programs. Immunity Denies The Body It’s Power To Resist Viruses, Pathogens, Fungi, Bad Bacteria & Illnesses.

  5. They can save every life with Ivermectin. This is a population control attack. Brasil is a target because they have a large population of young people. The tribe of "Asher" is blessed with children

  6. Imagine if all commercial international flights worldwide stopped after COVID was declared a pandemic or when China locked down millions in January.
    Half measures lead to half results, why we're still dancing with this Devil.

  7. Brazil struggling through this, everyone is praying for them hoping they get through this. America struggling through this everyone laughs their asses off & mocks & makes fun of America for it. Make sense. Just wait for this to happen to your country. See if you're laughing then. This nothing to laugh about. Whether you believe it or not, people are dying & people are basically laughing about it. Imagine someone you know dies during this & people are laughing about all of this. Wouldn't make you happy.

  8. Crazy.. when there is a crisis in a poorer country, they media shows grave digging! Watched tons of Covid footage in America and not once did I see grave digging!

  9. Aconselho os amigos brasileiros a controlar melhor a forma como as mortes e infecções são classificadas.
    Aqui está o meu comentário de algum tempo atrás traduzido para o português, relacionado a esse assunto na Itália:

    Ao examinar os dados publicados no site do Istituto Superiore Sanità, pode-se ver que em 1 de março de 2021 o número de mortes atribuíveis à Covid era de cerca de 96.000. Todas as pessoas falecidas foram registradas como "positivas" em Covid, não como mortas "por causa" de Covid. Segue-se necessariamente que uma parte indeterminada das mortes não ocorreu exclusivamente devido à Covid, mesmo que ninguém pudesse negar que a infecção Sars-cov-2, juntamente com outras patologias coexistentes, pode ter sido uma causa contribuinte de morte.
    No entanto, por que se refere em particular à positividade do falecido, existem algumas inconsistências de ordem lógica, como emergem da análise efectuada pelo próprio IIS, relativa a uma amostra de cerca de 6.000 prontuários, evidentemente considerados representativos de todo.
    1) Em 90,4% dos prontuários o diagnóstico de internação referia-se a quadros como pneumonia, insuficiência respiratória e sintomas como febre, dispneia, tosse, “compatível” com SARS-CoV-2.

    2) Em 600 casos, o diagnóstico de internação não teve relação com a infecção;

    3) Em 83 casos o diagnóstico de hospitalização dizia respeito apenas a patologias neoplásicas;

    4) Em 195 casos, patologias cardiovasculares (por exemplo, infarto agudo do miocárdio-IAM);

    5) Em 247 casos o diagnóstico de hospitalização dizia respeito a outras patologias;

    6) Em 75 casos, patologias gastrointestinais (por exemplo, colecistite, perfuração intestinal, obstrução intestinal, cirrose);

    Se a amostra for verdadeira e totalmente representativa, deve-se presumir que pelo menos 9,6% dos falecidos, mesmo se catalogados em conjunto com os demais no relatório do IIS, não têm relação com a Covid, nem como causa direta, nem como causa contribuinte, a menos que seja demonstrado que a infecção ocorreu durante a hospitalização ou terapia intensiva, o que até agora não é mostrado nos dados oficiais. Além disso, se os 90,4% restantes dos falecidos apresentavam condições e sintomas simplesmente "compatíveis" com Sars-Cov-2 no diagnóstico de hospitalização, não é possível excluir que alguns ou muitos deles foram hospitalizados e então morreu, precisamente devido a pneumonia ou insuficiência respiratória devido a outras doenças.

    Além disso, se no momento da internação os falecidos apresentassem quadros e sintomas simplesmente "compatíveis" com Sars-Cov-2, quando sua "positividade" ou degeneração em doença real dessa positividade fosse definitivamente constatada? Os únicos momentos em que se constatou positividade e adoecimento foram os de internação ou de terapia intensiva, mas isso não é evidente no exame de prontuário realizado por amostragem pelo IIS.

    Por tudo isso, há boas razões para acreditar que várias das 96.000 mortes com resultado positivo em 21 de março de 2021 não morreram realmente de Covid, independentemente de a infecção ter sido a causa direta ou indireta da morte.”

    Nesta ocasião, observo duas coisas:
    1) que Bolsonaro foi o único Chefe de Estado que tentou forçar as empresas farmacêuticas a assumir a responsabilidade por suas vacinas experimentais;

    2) Na Itália já existem muitos médicos que realizam cuidados domiciliares para Covid sem hospitalização com um sucesso de sobrevivência de 100%, recomendando no entanto que os tratamentos sejam "quase imediatos" após os primeiros sintomas.

  10. They are packed like rats in Rio. I suspect tremendous near-innerbreeding (cousins, nephews, etc.) so they all have the same physiologies.
    You can't fight a hidden enemy if there's no physiological variations.

  11. Translation. Brazil's run down public health care system is at breaking point. And it would happen whether due to influenza or Covid or some other malaise. It was just a matter of time…

  12. From: Vicky Adkins, April 6, 2021 3:20 a.m
    Messenger Sent Channel
    My Broken-hearted and Distracted Bride,

    Time has gotten away from you. Time cannot be replaced nor retrieved. It is time for you to pay attention to Me and set your life in order. Time is short and every moment that you allow to be stolen from you is one more moment wasted-gone forever-emptied of hope-stripped of promise- and replaced with “other”

    Other things, other deeds, other thoughts, But they are not what I intended for you. And many of those things bring you closer to death-not to life. Not to purpose. Not to my purpose for you. Not to what I have for you to know or believe, to say, or to do.

    Like sand that runs through your fingers, countless opportunities to know Me are lost in wasted, precious moments that could have been ours together. Things I wanted to show you, words I wanted to speak to you, wisdom I would have given and doors I would have opened- all remain now in the past. Now I ask you…What will you do about the future?

    Will you come out of distraction? Will you set your heart and mind to follow Me every day? Will you take your eyes off of yourselves- turn away from the mirrors that only lie to you about what you are missing- although you cannot discern the truth about what those things are- and turn to Me where there is genuine Truth and fullness of life?

    As long as you look at anything other than Me, and that includes looking at yourself- what you lost or could be missing according to the lusts of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of life- more time will be lost to you. More distraction will steal the few moments of life you have left to live and more the jaws of death will draw you in until there is no more time. No more time to repent. No more time to give what I have called you to give. No more time to prepare to meet Me.

    And then, what will be your excuse for all the wasted time? Will you say that you could not bear the weight of grief, and so you turned and shut down completely? Will you say that you did not want to miss anything so you ran to the world-only to find that it could not satisfy and could not give you what you were searching for? Did you take hold of the hands of distraction and deception, of procrastination and self-pity to comfort and fulfill your broken heart of your frustrations? What will you say to me then?

    I have told you to guard your hearts. You must also guard your time. It is not meant to be wasted. You must take every thought captive, for the thoughts you allow yourself to dwell on determine the course of action you will choose. If you dwell on thoughts that produce discouragement, you will not choose to act with purpose and determination to succeed. You will be in danger instead of placing your focus and efforts on words and deeds that take you into darker places of hopelessness and self centeredness. If you continue on those paths, you will be drawn away into despair and will not even notice that time has passed you by.

    You will not even notice the chains that have been wrapped around your thought life and opportunities that have been stolen from hands that never reached to take hold of them. You will instead find yourself bound, your growth stunted, and your eyes darkened by the sins of wastefulness and laziness. And when your eyes are finally opened to see what has happened-will there still be time left to repent? And if so, will you? Or will guilt and shame cover you instead?

    My precious ones, time is given for a season. You must not waste it. Like any other commodity in this life you have been given on earth, it is limited in amount. There will come an end when you will no longer have time- so what will you do with the time that yet remains?

    If you are wasting time, you must repent. Whether you have learned this lesson or not, the time you take away from knowing me and My desires for your life- from walking in the path that I have called you to-from simply sitting at my feet each day and waiting on me-is only death. It is like wood and hay and stubble that burn… gone without reward, lost and irretrievable forever.

    And what is burned in that fire is the relationship we could have had…The lives you could have touched for my Kingdom’s sake…The hearts you could have lifted…The lessons you could have learned and taught to others. The dreams of hope you could have spoken. The relationships you could have mended with the wisdom you would have learned as you chose to be with Me and obeyed my voice.

    If you allow on-going self condemnation, or any other distraction to have room in your life, what will you lose? Far more than you know my little ones. Far more than you know.

    Even as it is spoken in my word, there is a time, a season for every purpose under heaven. Ask yourself what you are doing in this season of your life. Examine yourself and how you are spending the precious commodity of time you have been given. Make adjustments where they are needed. Repent for wasting time and give yourself over to full purpose of heart. Throw off distraction and procrastination. Throw off laziness and every excuse, every permission you use to justify those things. Refuse to chose any path but mine. Make the necessary to get your life back and set in order.

    Distraction comes in more ways that you have known. Do not give it room to steal from you again.

    Be like those in the vision who sit at my feet and refuse to listen to the voices of deception or allow the manifold distractions to turn their focus-their gaze-away from My face. Repent yourself to Me. Come before My throne. Sit in My presence. Be still. Listen for and learn My voice. Do not do all the talking. Do not throw your list in my direction and then start looking around for other things to satisfy your hunger an passions.

    Cover your ears against the sounds of the enemy’s voice. Do not let the arrows, the bites, the stings, or the ‘pretty things’ poison your thoughts and cause you to turn away from Me.

    There is no other God that will save you. There is only me. There is no other God who can carry the burden of your grief and exchange it for a full purpose of heart. The appetites of your soul will lead you to death if you do not surrender to Me. Take every thought captive, for your thoughts will turn to deeds if you do not.

    Your life is not about activity. It is about learning to love and follow Me. Let Me be the driving force behind the activity you chose each day. Let me and my purposes for you dictate what the fruits of your labors will be. Stop looking around for satisfaction. You will find no greater reward than being in Me. No greater satisfaction can be found. Everything is found in Me.

    So chose this day whom you will serve. Put your hand to My plow-set your feet on My Path-come as you are today. Repent once again. Ask me to restore you. Renew your mind. Purge your life of wasted time and justifications-of the past that cannot be relived or redone…Purge your life of the things of the world-of the pride of life and the lusts of the eyes and the flesh. Purge your life of selfish ambitions, instant gratifications, false doctrines of men and every idolatrous endeavor. Set every distraction aside and do not allow your eyes, your heart, or your mind to stray from Me. Take command of your thoughts and actions every day as you choose to lay your life down before Me. Your life is in My Hands. I gave you the time you have wasted and the time you have followed Me. Don’t look back. Look at me.

    No one could ever love you more or better than I do. Always remember that I am GOD, Holy, Just And True.

    Your Father and King

  13. Notice they tell you cases not deaths. Who cares? This isn't a "pandemic"! Real pandemics don't need celebrity endorsements and continuous advertising! You know a real pandemic because people are dropping dead all over! That's not happening with COVID! This has a greater than 98% survival rate! This thing is some kind of governmental power grab. Quit believing the lies! Stand up for your rights! Revolt!


  15. We know they are lying,
    They know they are lying,
    They know we know they are lying,
    We know they know we know they are lying,
    But they are Still Lying.

  16. Brazil's government is totally corrupt!! Half the country is privileged and they other half lives in slums!!! Its pathetic!!!!

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