ABC News Live Update: Suspect in spa shootings has not been charged with hate crimes

Plus, dozens of tornadoes tore through the South overnight, and an independent pharmacy is helping to vaccinate thousands.


Author: avnblogfeed


50 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: Suspect in spa shootings has not been charged with hate crimes

  1. The perp was charged yesterday with 8 counts of murder, and as for additional charges, ''nothing is off the table;'' the headline here is "Suspect in spa shootings has not been charged with hate crimes.'' Says a lot about the narrative they're pushing.

  2. Get read for an acquittal due to dementia or manslaughter conviction with commuted sentence – just like ronald ebens & michael nitz. Welcome back to 1982. RIP to the victims, RIP Vincent Chin.

  3. We are not surprise
    This started with Trump, disrespecting Asian people on national TV, even doe Trump disrespect everyone 🤔 what's going on now is the hate that Orange man spilling out 😔

  4. 🚫 Many Massage parlors just a front for prostitution and perversion. Sad 😞 that people were shot by a mentally ill young man addicted to pornography; pray for the families.

  5. "It's not racism, it's just a bad day" said the racist misogynistic mass murderer to the douchebag Sherrif.
    "They're women so therefore responsible for my sex-addiction and therefore I pull my patriarchal white victim complex privilege card and kill them all".
    👋🏼 That's FEMICIDE Sherrif, still a hatecrime!!!

  6. What beautiful inspiring stories in these troubled times, true heroes, Lorenzo and Dr Superman, and I realize my troubles are few in comparison. God bless the good doing good, and help those who could do better.

  7. Just to be clear. Let's get pass the sensationalism and charge the assailant with multiple homicides. Move forward immediately with the facts in hand.

  8. College students Learn from homelessness.

    When I first arrived in Tennessee I was living at hud housing across from a church offering morning coffee to homeless people. They were outside smoking and this policeman showed up telling them they cannot smoke. I replied should you not talk to the minister first. The next day the policeman impounded my car for not using my blinker leaving the parking lot, he went on to say if he ever finds me driving again he is going to do the same thing. He told me having my car impounded costs $400 a day. I let him keep my car but this is wrong I had no choice. It is called institutionalized thinking and it kills hope. It lives to the American flag and I watched all my homeless friends die in this fate drinking themselves to death under a bridge. Being caught between a rock and a hard place you have no real choice… This is the American way. Just so you know being a bully does work, sometimes snowflakes don't even have a real choice. I don't believe children in middle school are bullying themselves to death I believe they are being murdered. A troll should be put in jail they should not be running to be president. The Republican Party has to go extinct if this world is to survive.

    What is a troll? Saying they are of mean spirit is probably an understatement. What is this new world order we are handing down to our children? After Isis and bullying to suicide along with today's churches voting to give a bully and ex-casino owner nuclear weapons is having our children work and play with the walking damned really the credit debt we want our children to redeem coming out of their history books of tomorrow? Maybe Donald Trump truly is the King of the Jews having paid a higher price keeping reality honest than the first one that died on the cross that money rejected. If you want to know what a troll is Google (interview with a troll) then you can decide for yourself if God is being hated coming out of our inalienable rights because avarice wants to own the world. If you're like me and you can empathize to your environment don't blame yourself for feelings of hate of God gaining consciousness in the reality of our times. I never knew these feelings existed until I moved to Tennessee trying to make commonsense of what was going on around me. I still can't do it, and to this day I will never understand how Donald Trump became president of a superpower country with the support of the South and a Baptist minister telling everybody watching Fox news that Donald Trump was a gift from God. A bully is still a bully whether he comes out of a TV show called the apprentice or a movie called the Godfather. For myself, I am convinced that the spirit of damnation now does live in the meaning with capitalism to the flag of the United States of America killing inalienable rights as it grows.

  9. Asian American Immigrants have enjoyed the benefits offered to White Identifying Immigrants for a longtime in the United States, however thanks to former president #45 it is their turn to experience some Dylann Roof Right Wing Extremist Hatred and Racism like the 17 June 2015 Black People Mass Murder in the Charleston, South Carolina Church Shooting.

  10. Isn't it a "hate crime" for top universities to deny asian students and white students because there are "too many of them"? THAT needs to be addressed too. Msm only goes on about hate crimes when they can blame them, along with everything else on "whiteness". 🤷

  11. Hate crimes are stupid. So if he wasn't charged with a hate crime his victims would be less dead. Hate crimes, speech crimes and thought crimes come right out of Orwell's book 1984 and the concept of those laws have no place in a constitutional Republic.

  12. I ask, How can any person deprive another of their right to live. That is some kind of evil.
    I wondered how bad tornado season will be this year.
    Pray for the victims of both.

  13. Lol Look at all these arm chair lawyers and psychologists acting like they know more about the crime and the law than the actual people investigating and prosecuting criminals every day.

  14. He claimed it was an effort to stamp out his sex addiction as an excuse to not be charged as a domestic terrorist. If he has the capability to kill, he can also lie.

  15. السلام عليكم اني اترجاك واتوسل اليك يا اخي ان تقرا رسالتي هذا كامله ولا تتركها. بدون ما تقراها.
    اخي اول كلامي اقسم بلله علا كتاب الله اني لا اكذب عليك ولا انصب ولا احتال اني بنت يمنيه نازحين من تعز اني واسرتي وعلينا اجار بيت الشهر ب13الف يمني ولان علينا 39الف حق 3اشهر وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ما ترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد يخرجنا من البيت للشارع لاننا ما قدرنا ندفع له الاجار وما يروح الا بعدما نبكي ورجعوا تكلموا عليه الجيران ومهلنا لاخر هذا الاسبوع واذا ما دفعنا له حلف يمين بلله انه بيخرجنا الى الشارع بدون رحمه واحنا اسره ايتام فقراء مشردين من بيوتنا بسبب هذا الحرب ولا نجد قوت يومنا وعايشين اني وامي واخوتي سغار والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه وما معنا احد في هذا الدنيا يقف بجانبنا في هذا الضروف القاسيه وما معي اخوان كبار اني الكبيره في اخوتي ولاكن اني بنت لا اتسطيع مثلك ان اروح اشتغل بين الرجال واصرف علا اسرتي والله ثم والله يا اخي اننا قد لنا يومين محرومين من لقمت العيش ومعي اخوان صغار انظر كيف حالتهم اقسم بلله يا اخي انهم خرجوا من البيت للشارع وشافوا الجيران ياكلوا راحوا وقفوا عند بابهم لجل يعطوهم ولو خبزه يابسه يسدوبها جوعهم والله الذي له ملك السموات والارض انهم غلقوا الباب وطردوهم ورجعوا يبكوا ايموتوا من الجوع ما احد رحمهم وعطاهم لقمت عيش ولان لوما احد ساعدنا بحق كيلوا دقيق اقسم بلله اننا انموت من الجوع فيا اخي اني دخيله علا الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله واسالك بلله يا اخي لو انت مسلم وتحب الخير واتساعدني ولو ب500ريال يمني ان تطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولا. تتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيا اخي انت رجال اذا شفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكل ولاكن اني بنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك واخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدنا وانقذنا قبل ان يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع هذا رقمي واتساب 00967715650030الذي يريد مساعدتنا لوجه الله. يراسلني واتساب اني اقسم بلله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلا عمد وبسط الارض ومهد اني لا اكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ما طلبتك الا من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي احنا فيه اني واسرتي نسالك بلله يا اخي انك توقف معنا تذكروا قول الله سبحانه وتعالى( وفي اموالهم حق معلوم للسائل والمحروم صدق الله العظيم،)، ساعدنا الله يحفضكم ويحميكم

  16. Don't forget the hate crime in Las Vegas when a white girl refused to pay for manicure services and ran down and killed her manicurist, left her to die on the pavement and left the scene! On trial for murder now. Sad 😢

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