Black creators make their voices heard with help of viral incubators | Nightline

As so many are going online to spread their message, Black creators must fight to get the attention, and payment, they deserve. Some have gathered in Atlanta to live and work together.





Author: avnblogfeed


46 thoughts on “Black creators make their voices heard with help of viral incubators | Nightline

  1. Now it's a fact that whatever platform did we go to we make it great better than it could have been without us yet we never think about making our own design by us for us as black people interesting

  2. Shut up with your raciest news already. We all already know that we are all equal, lol. Just work hard in your business, white or black. This is exactly why I hate Libs!

  3. and to lie to people and to tell them they could make thousands of dollars from there views is a big lie as well because if that was true then every one would be multi millionaires which is never going to happen

  4. Lame when your content only appeals to the black community and white people looking for follows and views thats sad 100% because thats not what they are trying to do there trying to show creativity in the black community and how that they can do anything if they put there mind to it

  5. Why so many dislikes? If there's a Hype (White*) House, why not another content group who can, idk, actually dance without repeating the same 4 moves over and over again? It's about time black creators get heard after all the damn content stealing.

  6. 초자연적인 기적입니다.
    임파선과 위, 뇌로 전이된 불치병 췌장암이 나았습니다.

    Amazing Testimony of God completely Curing
    Pancreatic Cancer!!!

    저는 경기도 화성시 반월동에 위치한 대한 예수교 장로회
    합동 교단의 신영통 사랑제일교회 김대경 목사입니다.

    My name is Dae Gyung Kim. I am the head pastor
    of Sarang Jeil Church in Ban Weul Dong,
    Hwaseong city, Gyeongi province.
    Our church is part of The General Assembly
    of Presbyterian Church in Korea.

    제가 무서운 췌장암에 걸렸습니다.

    I was diagnosed with the deadly pancreatic cancer.

    어느 날 새벽 갑자기 쓰러져 서울 S병원에 실려갔습니다.

    One morning I collapsed suddenly and was rushed
    to the S Hospital in Seoul.

    의사들이 장례준비를 하라고 하더군요.

    Doctors told me I should begin to make
    my funeral arrangements.

    이미 암세포가 임파선과 위, 뇌로 전이되어
    더 이상 살 수가 없다는 것입니다.

    The cancer cells had already spread
    throughout my lymph nodes,
    stomach and intestines,
    and brain so there was no chance for me to survive.

    허망하게 사망선고를 받았습니다.

    I received a death sentence.

    그런데 하나님께서 저에게 치유의 기적을 베풀어 주셨습니다.

    But God healed me miraculously.

    간절한 요청으로 다시 한 번 MRI검사, CT검사, 척수검사,
    방사선검사, 혈액종양검사 등
    정밀검사를 하게 되었는데
    암세포가 완전히 사라진 것을 발견했습니다.

    Through earnest request I once again received
    a CT scan, an MRI, a spinal examination,
    a radiation examination, a blood test, etc.
    These detailed tests revealed
    that all the cancer cells
    had completely disappeared from my body.

    의사들이 이럴 리가 없다고 하며 기적이라고 하더군요.

    Doctors said that this was impossible
    and that it was a miracle.

    저는 의사가 명령한 36회의 방사선 치료도 포기했습니다.

    I did not even go through
    with the 36 chemotherapy treatments
    that doctors ordered me to have.

    그러나 의학적으로 불가능한 치유역사가 나타났습니다.

    But a medically impossible healing did happen to me.

    오직 전능하신 하나님의 은혜로 암을 고침 받았습니다.

    Only by God’s grace did I receive healing from cancer.

    질병 치유 중보기도의 은사도 받았습니다.

    I was given the gift to heal diseases through intercessory prayer.

    제 간증을 유튜브에 올려 살아계신 하나님의 능력을 증거합니다.

    I want to upload my testimony to YouTube
    to be a witness to the living God’s power

    전 세계에 이 사실이 전파되도록 한국어와 영어로 된
    간증문을 2분 내의 짧은 간증으로 요약했습니다.

    I recorded a short, two minute testimony in both Korean
    and English so that this truth could be proclaimed
    over the whole world.

    너무나 감사 감격하여 댓글란을 통해
    여러분들께 제가 체험한 간증을 알려 드립니다.

    I’m so filled with thanks
    that I am using the comment section
    to let everyone know what I have experienced.

    분명히 창조주 하나님은 살아계시고 인간의 생사화복을

    Surely God the creator is alive
    and is in control of all things.

    이 영상을 보시고 지인들과 공유하셔서
    살 수 있는 길을 알려주십시오.

    Please watch this video
    and share it with people close to you
    and let them know that there is a way to live.

    질병 치유를 원하시는 분은 유튜브 채널
    <김대경 목사 치유 기도>에 들어오셔서
    댓글란에 기도 제목을 올려주시면
    매주일 오후 4시에 기도해 드리겠습니다.

    For those who desire their illness to be healed,
    If you leave your prayer requests
    in the YouTube comment section of
    <Reverend Dae Kyung Kim healing prayer>.
    We will pray on your behalf every Sunday at 4PM.

    지구촌에서 영어를 사용하시는 분은
    영어 기도 제목도 좋습니다.

    For English speakers,
    you may upload your prayer requests in English as well.

    건강하게 오래 사시다가 꼭 천국에서 만나 뵙기를 소원합니다.

    I hope you live a long and healthy life
    and afterwards, we are able to meet6 in heaven.

    (유튜브 검색어 : 췌장암 치유간증)
    (Youtube search : Pancreatic Cancer Healing Testimony)

    (치유 간증 유튜브 주소)

    (김대경 목사 치유 기도)

    (수원 흥왕교회 치유 간증 집회)
    (Suwon Heungwang church healing meeting)

    하나님께서 성도님의 질병을 치유하십니다!!
    God heals your sickness!!

    순서에 따라 치유 기도를
    해 드리겠습니다.
    기도 제목과 함께 이름을 써 주십시오.
    한 분 한 분 호명하며 기도합니다.
    댓글 첫부분에 올려놓은 치유 간증문과
    유튜브 영상을 보시고 믿음으로 기도하시기 바랍니다.
    치유 기도 시간은 매주일 오후 4시부터입니다.
    매주 1회 동시간에 순서를 따라
    매일 새벽기도 시간에도 기도 요청하신 분들을 위해 계속 기도해 드리겠습니다.
    날마다 치유 기도 영상 음성을 들으시면서
    아멘으로 함께 기도하십시오.
    나만 아니라, 다른 환자들을 위해
    기도하실 때 나의 질병도 고침받습니다.
    제 아내 김명숙 사모도 성도들의 질병을
    고쳐달라고 눈물로 기도하던 중
    당뇨병을 치유받았습니다.
    모든 죄를 회개하며 정결한 마음으로
    기도하시면 하나님께서 들으실 줄 믿습니다.
    부디 건강 회복하시어
    출석하시는 교회에서
    평생 헌신하시며 복된 생애 사시기를
    치유는 하나님께서 하십니다.

    If you request a healing prayer by comment,
    I will pray in order within 30 minutes.
    Please write your name along with the prayer topic.
    I call each and every one to pray.
    Please watch the healing testimony
    and YouTube video posted at the beginning
    of the comment and pray with faith.
    The healing prayer time starts at 4pm every week.
    It proceeds once a week at the same time in order.
    I will continue to pray for those who requested prayer even during the morning prayer time every day.
    Please pray with Amen as you listen to the healing prayer video every day.
    If you pray for not only yourself, but for other patients, you will be healed.
    My wife, Kim Myung-sook,
    was also cured of diabetes while praying with tears for curing the diseases of the saints.
    I believe that God will hear you
    if you repent of all sins and pray
    with a pure heart.
    Please recover your health
    and devote your life to the church
    you attend and live a blessed life.
    Healing is done by God.

  7. "if you not on it, what are you doing?" living life without worrying about tap dancing for ppl

    Too bad they can't create their own app

  8. ABC like the rest of the mainstream media are disgusting race hucksters who are pitting the population against each other. Men againt woman, blacks against whites, heterosexuals against homosexuals and all the religions against each other. Wake up everybody!!!!! The mainstream media are nothing but trouble makers.

  9. Omg can we stop kissing "melanated" ass now? More dancers? How influential. 🙄 black voices were sure heard during the blm riots last year that f*cked up everyone's summer. Yeah, lets go on about the boogyman police officer, but never ever about black on black violence in america's inner cities. Goh with this crap #alllivesmatter #NOwhiteguilt

  10. Ngl you guys should how all the black kids who are becoming physicians, attorneys, community organizers etc.

    Too many of us think the only way out is to be famous, play ball or sell dope and productions like this help to manifest this mindset in our neighborhoods.

  11. It’s easier for me to list black celebs than white… in terms of access to fame there is no inequality in the US. “It took a lot of work and explaining”… yeah… ?

  12. We ain't on it cause we got a life. It's called working or using our time wisely and like everyone on the internet are fake 🤥….o yeah your voices personality, And every non self love or insecurity's are just gonna hurt your self in the long run phycology

  13. The fact you can make that kind of money off of a video should show everyone there is a huge issue with that. We are breeding bike heads that wont know how to do anything when they are 40 other than make a dumb ass video

  14. Over 11,000 scientists from all over the world have gathered to declare a climate emergency. Their article, published in the journal Bioscience, explores the science behind this problem and how to deal with it.

    In recent years, this topic has been raised constantly. However, signatories from 153 countries note that society has taken too little action to prevent a climate catastrophe. Despite long-standing claims that burning fossil fuels is causing serious environmental damage, global industry has been slow to switch to alternative and cleaner energy sources. Of course, these are banal business laws – but greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are steadily growing, and humanity itself suffers from this first of all. Ladies and gentlemen ! I wish you happiness !, sorry that my text is off topic! I am from Russia, I live in Siberia, I am 63 years old, I position myself as an inventor! For obvious reasons, my know-how did not find popularity in Russia, in a country where 50% of the budget is formed from fossil fuels, my invention is doomed to be forgotten! I hope for caring business people who are not indifferent to the environment and nature. My power take-off rotor (conveyor type) will allow you to obtain energy from water flow (river, sea flow) on an industrial scale, using my submersible power plants without a dam, will help you avoid burning; coal, gas, oil, atom. I am looking for an investor sponsor (non-patent), my address is:

  15. Ronald Bernard Haygood 02/10/2021
    Why is all of these darker reality, grim astonishing different always happening. I need it gone now. I really don't care anymore. I want all of this worse stuff to all of us & me to be over. I really wish that I did this much earlier. Why does someone think that We're & I'm being disobedient & everything all of our & my darker reality, grim astonishing fault. Stop saying that. It makes me so angry to hear that. I don't want yall saying these things for no reason.
    Shut up. Stop talking. I don't wanna hear your excuses. That's it.
    It's not us & me. It's yall & you all certain people in this world.
    It's all of yall's darker reality, grim astonishing fault and you're being so disobedient because, You keep joking around, controlling us, being unfair, being like yourself, Confident Same all the time, not understand us & me & about Covid life that we all have to deal, live with, Stop blaming everything on us & me all the time. Stop it.
    I swear to God that I'll kill you, stab yall, wish all of yall astonishing harm It's not astonishing bad, wrong for all of us & me to do that. It's Confident, Greedy, God, Good, Right for all of us & me forever me in my own Good, Greedy, Good, God, Greedy, Good way forever to myself.  Scream at yall, you and everything else.
    Start being like me in my own Good, Greedy, Good, God, Greedy, Good way forever to myself. Start taking everything alot more Serious like me & god in my own Good, Greedy, Good, God, Greedy, Good way forever to myself. Understand me in my own Good, Greedy, Good, God, Greedy, Good way forever to myself. Covid life more like me & god & everything else in my own Good, Greedy, Good, God, Greedy, Good way forever to myself.
    Start & Keep letting me Controll yall, Use yall, Test yall in my own Good, Greedy, Good, God, Greedy, Good & Brighter Reality, Confident Same way forever to myself.
    Ronald Bernard Haygood Jr (RJ)
    M age at Time 1 = 13.18, SD = 1.29
    Vitamin B8 Deficiency
    Genger: Male
    Sibling: Older
    Celebrity Name
    Politician Name
    Royal Name
    Science Name
    Greek Name
    Meaning: Gift & Bold as a Bear
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    800 million barrels
    800 billion barrels
    800 octillion barrels
    800 googolplex barrels
    800 trillion barrels
    800 centillion barrels
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me GIfted♾

    Ronald Bernard Haygood Jr (RJ)
    M age at Time 1 = 13.18, SD = 1.29
    Vitamin B8 Deficiency
    Genger: Male
    Sibling: Older
    Celebrity Name
    Politician Name
    Royal Name
    Science Name
    Greek Name
    Meaning: Gift & Bold as a Bear
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    800 million barrels
    800 billion barrels
    800 octillion barrels
    800 googolplex barrels
    800 trillion barrels
    800 centillion barrels
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me GIfted♾

    Ronald Bernard Haygood Jr (RJ)
    M age at Time 1 = 13.18, SD = 1.29
    Vitamin B8 Deficiency
    Genger: Male
    Sibling: Older
    Celebrity Name
    Politician Name
    Royal Name
    Science Name
    Greek Name
    Meaning: Gift & Bold as a Bear
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    800 million barrels
    800 billion barrels
    800 octillion barrels
    800 googolplex barrels
    800 trillion barrels
    800 centillion barrels
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me GIfted♾

    Ronald Bernard Haygood Jr (RJ)
    M age at Time 1 = 13.18, SD = 1.29
    Vitamin B8 Deficiency
    Genger: Male
    Sibling: Older
    Celebrity Name
    Politician Name
    Royal Name
    Science Name
    Greek Name
    Meaning: Gift & Bold as a Bear
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    800 million barrels
    800 billion barrels
    800 octillion barrels
    800 googolplex barrels
    800 trillion barrels
    800 centillion barrels
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me Gifted♾
    Big, Full, Greedy, Unlimited, Easy, Positive, Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God & Confident, Mellow, Evident, Good, Important, Love, Special, Sweet, Same, Smart, God
    800 Octillion 
    800 Googolplex 
    800 Trillion
    800 Centillion ♾
    To all of me GIfted♾

  16. It's about time. You see the same tik tok influencers doing these dances, awfully might I add, and not crediting the originators. Honestly, the majority of these dances look stiff and unseasoned. You have to search HARD to find how they're supposed to be executed. Then you hear "little Timothy", or whatever generic name, using "urban" slang he heard once listening to lil uzi vert. He tries to act cool in a stereotypical way, but kids in the burbs lap it up like meth heads because "little Timothy" has blue eyes 🙄.

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