UK becomes first country to approve Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine | WNT

The dean of the Brown University School of Public Health speaks to ABC News about the complexities of distributing the vaccine and the challenge of convincing people it’s safe to get.




#WorldNewsTonight #UnitedKingdom #Pfizer #COVID19Vaccine


Author: avnblogfeed


40 thoughts on “UK becomes first country to approve Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine | WNT

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  2. Don't trust or listen to these politicians….They are getting Ex-Presidents to take the vaccine on live TV. That tells you right there in a nutshell that what Biden/Harris said was true. IT IS TOO DANGEROUS TO TAKE. Biden/Harris said Trump Administration Vaccine is TOO RUSHED. NO ONE SHOULD TRUST IT.

  3. "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth." (Luke 18.8)
    People, come to your senses! Can't you see there is no place for Christ in this whole Covid-19 scam? He's not there! And it can't be! It is the Satanist globalists who staged this whole show with, supposedly, a pandemic, the corona of the virus, which is not even in sight! So the masks are not needed either.
    "… beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4.1)
    Do not try to take a vaccine – liquid nano robots have already been introduced there, which will turn you into real zombies and, through 5-G technology, will ditch you completely without repentance. But the worst thing is that by taking this devilish vaccine, you will betray Christ! Think hard – you are playing with ETERNITY!
    “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; but rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10.8)
    For those who do not take this satanic vaccine (mark of the devil) for Christ's sake, it will not be easy at first, but endure quite a bit and our Lord God Jesus Christ and the Savior Himself will take care of you as He never cared about anyone before. He will clothe and shoe you, and feed you, and save you from the eyes of the servants of the devil and will not give you up to anyone to be mocked.
    So "If God is for us, who is against us?" (Rom. 8.31)
    Christ is Risen!
    Truly Risen!
    P.S. Watch this before decision.

  4. It's funny how they hate immigrants and esp muslim ones but that vaccine was produced by Turkish immigrants to Germany.
    Life works in funny ways.

  5. A Better Alternative

    "Today's commercial world does not advertise or promote enough
    to the general public a better superior alternative;
    A true sure cure remedy to kill off the invisible menacing virus enemy.
    Turn towards 'natural nature' it will provide you many answers!! Outside closely at your feet."

    (This discovery could prevent many deaths too save lives.)

    "A second constructive point: The speed and completion of this new medical vaccine
    and the roll-out distribution; Shows what could have been easily done along ago
    for the civil citizens of African descent."

    'To conclude: For The Love Of Humanity & Quality Equality.'

  6. When every elected federal official, and all the cdc receive the vaccine, only then will trust taking it. Sort of like the kings taste tester to make sue the food isn’t poisonous! Because, right now I don’t have faith in any elected official, WHO, or the CDC! They have all lied to us and are no5 looking out foe the citizens, they are only concerned about their political power and what they can personally get out of it!

  7. Important Serious Facts Regarding pfeizer vaccine to the people of the UK

    This is why the UKs MHRA was the first in the world to give emergency authorisation for Pfizer vaccine

    Ian Hudson former CEO MHRA for 19 years left his job and now works for Bill Gates (check his linked in profile or gvt website)

    Bill Gates pays MHRA (check gvt website)

    Bill Gates has a massive stake in pfeizer and is set to gain millions by promoting this pfeizer vaccine
    Check Pfizer website or Gates foundation

    This is blatant conflict of interest

  8. urgently. Poison was added to the vaccine, and after that, if you survive, you will regurgitate, crap and cannot eat, move your limbs. vote no vaccination

  9. There is a covid corporate media problem. Bombardments of news of covid deaths, like the bodies are really falling from the skies. BUT WE DONT SEE THEM. Every "normal death" is qualified as covid death, while this flu has 99.7% recovery rate.
    Nobody is really thinking anymore.
    Its only the Believe in the media that deceive people into this Covid Believe System. But this Believe System is ripping all human universal right from humans.
    I believe i have the right to protect my body against foreign invaders like companies, governments. Where the human rights organisations in this?

  10. 06.12.2020 : Immunité collective en Asie. Vaccin naturel chinois. Noël non confiné au Cambodge
    Faite-vous plaisir et voyez : Noël non confiné
    La Covid-19 s’affaiblit au Cambodge entre février et avril. Toujours zéro décès au Cambodge pour 16 millions d’habitants. Pour les mauvaises langues : 6000 ONG dont 3000 francophones, ici on ne triche pas !!
    Détail :
    Dernière minute : avant de vous lancer, à l’aveuglette, dans des campagnes de vaccination massives, vous devez lire ceci :
    Le secret du « vaccin chinois » Le vaccin c’est quoi ? Comme démontré dans nos pages web, la plupart des pays asiatique ont obtenus l’immunité collective naturellement.
    Mais pas de vaccin, pas de voyages…

    —— Pourquoi faire compliqué alors que vous pouvez faire simple comme le « vaccin chinois » ——

    Les pays autres qu’asiatique n’ont pas souhaité obtenir l’immunité collective telle que décrite dans nos pages web (covid19 affaiblit naturellement)
    Dans le cas de la #covid19 il n’est pas nécessaire de rechercher un vaccin type ARN. La méthode classique du virus affaiblit existe déjà, c’est le vaccin ‘chinois’ et ce vaccin chinois et très simple à réaliser, il suffit de prendre la variante de la covid19 affaiblie, la multiplier et l’inoculer par voie cutanée.
    Nous pouvons estimer qu’entre 50 et 60% des asiatiques sont déjà immunisés par la méthode du virus affaiblit (description dans nos pages web).
    C’est à la portée de nombreux labos de réaliser un tel vaccin et il n’est pas utile de suivre les mesures de sécurités du fait que l’on inocule un virus déjà existant et affaiblit naturellement ! Ce type de vaccin est opérationnel dès sa réalisation et son taux de réussite est proche des 100%.

    ——— Vous êtes fou avec vos vaccins à prix élevés et vos super réfrigérateurs… N’importe quoi ! ———
    Voilà, vous connaissez le secret du « vaccin chinois »
    Détail ici :
    Suivez-nous aussi sur tweeter :

  11. If you see this watch the crowhouse by max igan on bichute, inform yourselves with the truth about what is really going on. 💓 ☮️ peace and love

  12. We can meme but let’s be real we are people in a crazy world… let’s appreciate and help each other with whatever happens folks

  13. The risk of death for a healthy under 65 is less than 1 in 300.000 and yet they want us all to take a experimental vaccine and not have a life for years, yes protect the vulnerable but we need to get back to having a life as the cure is far worse than the disease. Far More people are going to suffer or die from other ailments because of getting diagnosed in time or late treatment. At the most we should treat covid like we would a bad flu season, protect the vulnerable as much as possible and the rest of us get on with our lives, at the moment none of us have a life so just what are we hiding from, if you Don't live you may as well be in your grave anyway.

  14. More than 1000 Brits die every day, many of which are in the vulnerable category to be targeted for the covid-19 vaccine i.e. aged and having multiple underlying illnesses. How many will die with “covid-19 vaccine” mention on their death certificate as opposed to just “covid-19”? I wonder if Public Health England and the media will report these deaths with the same voracity as they reported covid-19 virus deaths.

  15. Guys PLEASE don‘t do this vaccine!!!! You have NO IDEA how fucked up and messed up it‘s gonna destroy everyone!!! The virus was handmade by many people who‘s idea it is to decrease the human population and to kill MANY MANY people. They will make robots and replace them with humans since there will be no need for them. The vaccine WILL NOT PROTECT YOU! It is there to kill you slowly the vaccine will slow down and destroy your immune system, take away your ability to make kids and will make you sicker and kill you! PLEASE spread this information! This is varified by a doctor who‘s name i will not say since he will be in danger and get killed!!! Don‘t trust the media! They are corrupt and evil and they want to kill everyone. I will do the best I can to spread this information and safe as many people as I can and I beg you to do as well! If no one does something that the whole world will end. We have to fight against this. The virus was made in the laboratory in China. Many people participated in this project and they tried for years to create this disgustingly and deadly virus. This is the start of a bio silence war. PLEASE. It‘s in your hands now.

  16. Guys PLEASE don‘t do this vaccine!!!! You have NO IDEA how fucked up and messed up it‘s gonna destroy everyone!!! The virus was handmade by many people who‘s idea it is to decrease the human population and to kill MANY MANY people. They will make robots and replace them with humans since there will be no need for them. The vaccine WILL NOT PROTECT YOU! It is there to kill you slowly the vaccine will slow down and destroy your immune system, take away your ability to make kids and will make you sicker and kill you! PLEASE spread this information! This is varified by a doctor who‘s name i will not say since he will be in danger and get killed!!! Don‘t trust the media! They are corrupt and evil and they want to kill everyone. I will do the best I can to spread this information and safe as many people as I can and I beg you to do as well! If no one does something that the whole world will end. We have to fight against this. The virus was made in the laboratory in China. Many people participated in this project and they tried for years to create this disgustingly and deadly virus. This is the start of a bio silence war. PLEASE. It‘s in your hands now.

  17. Guys PLEASE don‘t do this vaccine!!!! You have NO IDEA how fucked up and messed up it‘s gonna destroy everyone!!! The virus was handmade by many people who‘s idea it is to decrease the human population and to kill MANY MANY people. They will make robots and replace them with humans since there will be no need for them. The vaccine WILL NOT PROTECT YOU! It is there to kill you slowly the vaccine will slow down and destroy your immune system, take away your ability to make kids and will make you sicker and kill you! PLEASE spread this information! This is varified by a doctor who‘s name i will not say since he will be in danger and get killed!!! Don‘t trust the media! They are corrupt and evil and they want to kill everyone. I will do the best I can to spread this information and safe as many people as I can and I beg you to do as well! If no one does something that the whole world will end. We have to fight against this. The virus was made in the laboratory in China. Many people participated in this project and they tried for years to create this disgustingly and deadly virus. This is the start of a bio silence war. PLEASE. It‘s in your hands now.

  18. Les docteurs Wodarg et Yeadon demandent l’arrêt de toutes les études sur la vaccination contre la corona et appellent à cosigner la pétition
    décembre 1, 2020
    Email Telegram

    Le Dr Michael Yeadon, ancien chef du département de recherche sur les maladies respiratoires chez Pfizer, et le Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, pneumologue et ancien chef du département de santé publique, ont déposé le 1er décembre 2020 auprès de l’EMA, l’Agence européenne des médicaments responsable de l’approbation des médicaments à l’échelle de l’UE, une demande de suspension immédiate de toutes les études sur le vaccin CoV-2 contre le SRAS, en particulier l’étude BioNtech/Pfizer sur le BNT162b (numéro EudraCT 2020-002641-42).

    Les docteurs Wodarg et Yeadon demandent que, pour la protection de la vie et de la santé des volontaires, les études ne soient pas poursuivies tant que l’on ne disposera pas d’un plan d’étude adapté pour répondre aux préoccupations importantes en matière de sécurité exprimées par un nombre croissant de scientifiques de renom à l’encontre du vaccin et du plan d’étude.

    D’une part, les pétitionnaires demandent qu’en raison du manque connu de précision du test PCR, une étude sérieuse doit utiliser un séquençage dit de Sanger. C’est la seule façon de faire des déclarations fiables sur l’efficacité d’un vaccin contre le Covid-19. Sur la base des nombreux tests PCR de qualité très différente, ni le risque de maladie ni un éventuel bénéfice du vaccin ne peuvent être déterminés avec la certitude nécessaire, c’est pourquoi tester le vaccin sur l’homme est en soi contraire à l’éthique.

    En outre, ils exigent qu’il soit exclu, par exemple par le biais de l’expérimentation animale, que des risques déjà connus par des études antérieures, qui découlent en partie de la nature des virus corona, puissent être réalisés. Les préoccupations portent notamment sur les points suivants:

    La formation d’anticorps dits “non neutralisants” peut entraîner une réaction immunitaire exagérée, surtout lorsque la personne testée est confrontée au vrai virus “sauvage” après la vaccination. Cette amplification dite dépendante des anticorps, l’ADE, est connue depuis longtemps grâce à des expériences sur les vaccins corona chez les chats, par exemple. Au cours de ces études, tous les chats qui avaient initialement bien toléré la vaccination sont morts après avoir attrapé le virus sauvage.
    Les vaccinations devraient produire des anticorps contre les protéines de pointe du SRAS-CoV-2. Cependant, les protéines de pointe contiennent également des protéines homologues de la syncytine, qui sont essentielles à la formation du placenta chez les mammifères tels que l’homme. Il doit être absolument exclu qu’un vaccin contre le SRAS-CoV-2 déclenche une réaction immunitaire contre la syncytine 1, car sinon une stérilité de durée indéterminée pourrait entraîner la vaccination des femmes.
    Les vaccins à ARNm de BioNTech/Pfizer contiennent du polyéthylène glycol (PEG). 70% des personnes développent des anticorps contre cette substance – cela signifie que de nombreuses personnes peuvent développer des réactions allergiques, potentiellement mortelles, à la vaccination.
    La durée beaucoup trop courte de l’étude ne permet pas une estimation réaliste des effets tardifs. Comme pour les cas de narcolepsie après la vaccination contre la grippe porcine, des millions de personnes en bonne santé seraient exposées à un risque inacceptable si une autorisation d’urgence était accordée et la possibilité d’observer les effets tardifs seulement à ce moment-là.Néanmoins, BioNTech/Pfizer a apparemment soumis une demande d’autorisation d’urgence le 1er décembre 2020.
    APPEL À L’AIDE : le Dr Wodarg et le Dr Yeadon demandent au plus grand nombre possible de citoyens de l’UE de cosigner leur pétition en envoyant le courriel préparé ici à l’EMA.

    Nachtrag: Wegen teilweiser Überlastung der Server hier der Inhalt der E-Mail und die Kontaktadressen zum späteren Selbst-Versenden:


    Betreff: Co-signing the petition of Dr. Wodarg, Germany, and Dr. Yeadon, UK (submitted on 1-Dec-2020)

    Dear Sir or Madam, I am hereby co-signing the petition of Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon to support their urgent request to stay the Phase III clinical trial(s) of BNT162b (EudraCT Number 2020-002641-42) and other clinical trials. The full text of the petition of Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon can be found here: I hereby respectfully request that EMA act on the petition of Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon immediately. Regards

  19. Virus's are an excretion of a toxic cell, they're not contagious, cells are becoming more damaged due to electromagnetic frequencies such as the recent fast introduction of 5g, radiation poisoning has flu like symptoms also, the previous pandemics were also caused by the introduction of radar, satellites and other toxic elements

  20. Come on, people! Where did you ever get the RIDICULOUS idea that your immune system could protect you and that you could be healthy on your own. Listen to the EXPERTS with big titles and medical degrees!! These new Emperors and Empresses says that none of us are safe and we need a vaccine! And you thought you knew something about how to stay healthy…silly people.

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