US marks highest number of new COVID-19 cases in a 48-hour period

Hospitals in El Paso, Texas, are at capacity and the city is urging residents to stay home for two weeks to stop the spread of the virus as deaths climb in 27 states.


Author: avnblogfeed


46 thoughts on “US marks highest number of new COVID-19 cases in a 48-hour period

  1. I love these comments, it just shows that Americans are so brainwashed to think everything is fake. May i remind you that that kind of rhetoric is very naive and just gonna fuel more cases, wear a damn mask

  2. For those Trump supporters, don’t wear masks, shut down all mainstream media, don’t consult doctors when you sick. Just believe that’s a hoax and congregate whenever you can. Wait and see what happens.

  3. To believe that there a thing called herd immunity is a joke. 1 in order to have herd immunity the virus must be a type of virus where you get it once and your immune. Thats not the case here. There are plenty of people whom have been infected multiple times. So the herd immunity is out the window. Only way to kill this virus is with a vaccine and at this point there not even close to 1 that won't have problems. Unless your willing to roll the dice with a chance of neurological problems and in that case good luck.

  4. Kill virus as most as possible.
    Use ethanol clean up your own living area.
    Wash hands with soap during we can't control its spreading out.

  5. Only if president DUMP supporters held him accountable 🤦🏿I could only imagine it would not be this many Americans dead the blood is on yall 👐🏾

  6. Covid March- (minor mask wearing) cases skyrocket.

    Covid September- (major mask wearing) cases drop.

    Covid October- (major mask wearing) cases skyrocket?

    It isn't consistent, the people aren't dumb, please dont believe this media lie.

  7. covid is a joke. i worked all thru it as an essential worker. on the front lines dealing face to face with people from overseas and around every state in the nation. noone was ever sick. noone on our staff got sick and at one point our gm and his wife had it, they were fine in 1 to 2 days and mo biggie. Does anyone realize in 2017 550, 000 people in the U.S died from the flu. Did we shut down the whole nation? no……
    Did we force mask wearing? no….
    This virus is just a virus. nothing more nothing less. The people ive known who had it or tested positive are all alive and well and some were even over the age of 60 with underlying conditions
    Dont believe the lies and propoganda. live your lives and f……k what everyone else has to say about it

  8. This #No. Is still low and not 100% because of election and the want to be (Re) Elected. Sad that its numbers over life. If the truth was known ppl would've/woulda acted differently.

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  10. Daily Mail: "Globally, it is estimated that rates of flu may have plunged by 98% compared with the same time last year."
    Plenty of "covid" cases though. Is this obvious enough yet?

  11. Hey YOU imaginary god given greatest American Stable-Geniuses, Trump Republican TWITS are meant solely here, WHO of you oh so cognitive SUPERIOR Stable-Geniuses can now most accurately calculate the exact Predictability of the explosive rise in COVID 19 hospitalization-& deaths cases to, predictably, be mainly in the states and cities Trump had his Nazi "rallies"?
    Come on now show me your "Data" skills, Abe's Kiddos!


    Oh by the way all you pro-Trump propaganda-running trolls & BOTS: CHINA did IT! Yup! Here are the UNDENIABLE evidences:


    You cognitive Trump-degenerates are amusing MONGRELS!

    I would start THINKING about the Global Legal ramifications of above you Trump Republican TWITS, because it legally "Game Over!" for you assholes!  😊😷🤗😘

    Godless Best,
    Projectheureka LLC


    LOL! What else is NEWS, that this religious fanatic dumb-bred richest white supremacist degenerates-run Trumplandia is already totally overselling corrupt rightwing corporate "Herd Mentality" as it is overselling what it's criminal opioids-dealing fascistic snakes-oils-peddling Big Pharma-rushed COVID-19 vaccines can actually do?
    Who KNEW?! BS "God"?? 😂😂😷😘😍

    Godless Best,
    Projectheureka LLC;

  13. more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases [anyone see a pattern here?] new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases more tests new cases

    Did the Bible always seem logical and does it ever make sense? Can you actually understand when reading the Bible? “The Bible is a mystery," and "written in the tongue the language of the kingdom of heaven." The spiritual thoughts must be discerned with spiritual words by interpreting the Bible with the Bible. But all things that were instead taught with the teachings of men are destined to perish with use.

  15. Why listen to scientists (who have dedicated their lives to studying infectious diseases) and exercise discipline when you can politicize public health and whine about wanting the freedom to infect others with a deadly disease?

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