Teacher’s back-to-school COVID-19 fears

Two teachers discuss their concerns for safety as schools are set to re-open.


Author: avnblogfeed


25 thoughts on “Teacher’s back-to-school COVID-19 fears

  1. Dallas all get worried about the survival rate of 99.97% something to be terrified about I want this All Passes we can be scared to go do anything in case we're going to get in a car wreck that day so I can be the new reason to be terrified not leave our houses if you don't want to work it's America don't work I plan on losing your job you know like how most people do when they don't show up to work how irritating it is to watch so many people lose their jobs and be so desperate and upset and not knowing what to do and let's get real teachers just don't want to go back to work it once held high esteem because they taught our children now they're about right between lawyers and used used car salesman con men and con women just to be PC

  2. Too bad Biden doesn’t have enough courage to give teachers the same treatment as Reagan gave to air traffic controller’s.

  3. Again you signed up to be a teacher because you can’t equate to anything else in your life but making $50,000 like a loser that you are. I’m glad these teachers don’t feel safe, maybe it’ll Make some people stop being such Crybabies. COVID-19 is a joke and so are these people hence why they became teachers

  4. My sister works in the education system. She still lives with us. My mom already told her not to go back. So I guess if she walks out the door, then she is never coming back.

  5. Baby-sitters could be hired for the parents by the government to satisfy such a desire for parents and politicians but it would cost more money to legally pay a baby-sitter per student than a teacher makes by far. Covid 19 requirements of Teachers further oppresses that profession in our society.

  6. Not opening school, is Killing a lot more!!!! Suicide, unreported child sexual abuse, 62% decrease in reporting abuse, malnutrition. Mentally handicap children missing %80 of their treatment!!

  7. My wife is a teacher and she says it is too soon to send students back to school. She enjoys getting paid for staying home and just having to check online for a few minutes a day for her school work. We now get to travel all year instead of just the 3 months of paid vacation every year. She would also like another raise.

  8. If my 17-year-old can be considered an essential worker to go work at Publix you lazy fuckers can go back to work.. every other country is re-opening their schools you guys are a fucking joke!

  9. As a a parent IM HERE FOR THE TEACHERS!! I feel this way about parents who just want to kid they kids to school!!Be mothers & fathers first! They opened a lot but they never opened schools! My son will NOT BE THERE FIRST PHASE AS A GUINEY PIG AND BERGEN COUNTY ITS NOT FAIR TO PARENTS MENTAL WE HAVE STIPULATIONS IF WE KEEP THEM HOme? BASICALLY FORCING us!

  10. Lazy asses just don’t want to work. Stop using COVID as the boogeyman. Isn’t 6 months of taxpayer funded stay at home vacation enough? Science tells you that children are the least susceptible to Covid virus. Do you know of any otherwise healthy child dying of Covid? Stop the bullshit and work to earn a living, like the rest of us do.

  11. I am worried about how to manage class. Normally I use games/free time as incentive and incorporate movement into the day. I also usually have a cool down spot in the room for kids can take a break when they are upset or overwhelmed. This year we obviously have to keep them 6 feet apart so all my interactive things go out the window. And we are told kids chairs need to have their names on them so no one else sits where they sit. This means I can't have a chair in the cool down area. I could have them stand in the corner, but that just seems worse, and my class is not big enough for that 6 feet away. I should also mention that I have several special needs students included in my room including a few with violent behaviors. Normally there would be a second teacher assigned but since we are stretched thin, there isn't one available. I don't know how I am going to do classroom management this year!

  12. I think what is missing is how each student, parent, teacher, staff, and administrator can make that risk based decision on a return to school. I created https://www.VirusSafeSchools.com to help parents make that decision. For many sending their kids back to school outweighs the risk of a potential COVID-19 outbreak at home. For some, that is not the case. The decision needs to be informed and well considered – and based upon knowledge, facts, and science – not just hope.

  13. So do not return to work forfeit your salary for 2020 and 2021 parents will have to find other ways to teach there children but to expect to receive your salary ridiculous . You cant have it both ways my children received emails with work not once did any teacher contact them while teachers where still being paid. Virtual class room does not mean email…

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