Airports, roads less crowded this Memorial Day weekend | ABC News

TSA says it screened nearly 350,000 passengers on May 22, the highest number of screenings since March 22, 2020, but still down 88% from this time last year.

#memorialday #travel #abcnews


Author: avnblogfeed


23 thoughts on “Airports, roads less crowded this Memorial Day weekend | ABC News


    Circa 300 a.d. the first anomalous disturbance of imbalance stuck like tv static to the passage of time and has been there ever since. Much more static stuck and collected along the way. …the cause of this anomalous disturbance was the fall of the Karluks settlement of India in present day Iran. Its rulers implemented stolen ideas before falling.

    Next up: the falsely founded Dominion of Russia.

    After Egypt was conquered, the Dominion of Russia patterned its government after Egypt's final pattern, taking Egypt offline.

    An aboriginal settlement was the first to be disturbed when some of its practices were stolen and used by the Karluks circa 300 a.d.

    One of these practices were medicine.

    The moment that one place was sidelined on this planet, we were all sidelined. What we see today is the collective result of all of those imbalanced regions, a trail left behind the Dominion, pre-patterning and the advent of the underworld.

    Was the Royal Family at fault? We all suffered from the original sin: letting the Russians in at Fortress Schuangau, 10th century.

    But we are here now, doing what we can. 

    15th century Mongolia and 18th century Versailles mirror each other…in the opposite

    David Bowie, Donald Knorr and John Farrow wrote a report about the Khan family excursion to Australia from Mongolia in the 15th century.

    The architecture of John Casablancas as the base ID, of the Darwin Hotel built in 15th century Australia, which uses Desmond McCarthy design disguised by Mongolian Khan.

    Welcome to the upper crust of the Russian underworld's secret hide out! The Darwin hotel in Northern Australia.

    From here, Russia tracked an Australian inventor with focus on the rocket design.

    Named after Peter MacLeod, Sainted for heroism, a delightfully Scottish inspired Inn was one of the first built in the French Quarter of New Orleans in the 18th century.

    Mozart was in Vienna with Richard Dawson as a dad. Brad Knorr was acting "son" on this hotel project, as far as getting it built.

    Meanwhile, in Darwin which paralleled the Khan Caravan in Southern Australia, Marco Polo and Kuan Yin snuck away for romantic endeavors.

    Final draft false history of Darwin, is actually the framework against the Khan family, patterned after New Orleans.

    Marie Antoinette was the main planner of the French Quarter thus worked with Brad Knorr on the St. Pierre Inn. Rewind. Going back in time, Kuan Yin works with Marco Polo at the Darwin Hotel. Impressions of factual Southern romance factored in, Mozart and Marie Antoinette seem to live out unlived romance at St. Pierre.

  2. So why you think I go with a Airplane now for what for the economy for the Airlines that had a bailout I’m in 40 min on the beach what I care to travel now especially in this time and The Government bail every one from Corporations to small Business but not the worker I’m trying to figure out how I survive to final Year I have no idea how can I get back 2 months lost Money reduced paycheck when you don’t have Money how I fly is the Government pay me to fly like the Tourism saying go back to Vacation to Spain for what I have other worries will I have house or not and the Airlines worry about this screw them and I understand they have worker but have no idea they receive Money or not everyone has other reasons 2020 is gone looking for more Profit is out of touch now wait for 2021 so I do Memorial Day with my Family that make more sense in the Moment the Airlines will go trough a difficult times we every body else my health is first the Economy I don’t care doesn’t help me the Government help rich first Middle class is poorer and poor well they don’t exist in the USA especially for the Government so no moral here just real open the economy doesn’t mean I go back like in January 2020 are you kidding this will take Time and I don’t know how long when I’m back in balance you can talk about this but to not be out of touch what happen.

  3. Im filipeno it's heard before we must fight the evilness of the coronaviruse covid 19 the world will win this battle we will triumph over it we will send this message to the Trump administration through out the world kapmalia forever thank you also the world shall remain strong sincerely yours Jesus E. Labsan ( Jesse ) at 3976 waring road # 16 Oceanside CA 92056 ( 760 ) 216-6177 or 442-273-6569 💪🐻😭

  4. I hope this is a good sign and that maybe this pandemic is almost over. We need to continue social distancing and wear masks. I've seen some of the prettiest masks. Some folks really do make nice masks…considerable skill. Stay safe and well.

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