Death rewrites timeline of US COVID-19 outbreak | WNT

Patricia Dowd, 57, died in Santa Clara County, California, in February, three weeks before the first documented coronavirus death in the U.S.




#WorldNewsTonight #COVID19 #Coronavirus


Author: avnblogfeed


31 thoughts on “Death rewrites timeline of US COVID-19 outbreak | WNT

  1. The infection rate in the US is now 0.3%, Italy is 0.3%, Spain is 0.4%, if China was the origin of the virus outbreak, the infection rate should be more than these numbers, that means 4.2mn people as minimum caught the virus in China, which is obviously not possible.

  2. Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all man. For kings and for all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and reverence 1 Timothy 2 :1-2 📖🙏🇺🇸❤️

  3. But they don’t even really know if the donated plasma will actually work. That’s only if the person who recovered is actually effectively immune to the virus.

  4. The Asian cultural cult of face, where facing government or personal embarrassment is considered worse socially and politically than the problem. Tendency is to hide problem out of fear of looking bad personally and making boss look bad until it is no longer possible to hide.

  5. Yes i think it been here end feb sore thoat shortness breath low grade fever chest pain lost voice couldnt smell or taste anything went urgent said upper respiratory infection

  6. The Rothschild family conspiracy, wants to cripple the American economy with the covid 19 issue and wants to bring down Donlad trump. He controls the media

  7. Omg who Knew Donating Blood or plasma COULD HELP THE MEDICAL FIELD!?🤦‍♂️. People who work on Media are clearly 2face people. How can you not literally know that The Red Cross is basically a Donation facility that's been here before the Covid-19. Media time and time again have shown me how Ignorant my own Country men and women are. God bless our Country🤦‍♂️🙇‍♂️💀

  8. Join me in boycotting ABC News. Their reality shows put people in impossibly situations where they have to make impossinly cruel moral decisions and although there is often a "winner", others are cruelly tortured with impossible moral situations. Right now our government is doing enough of the same so that people don't need more of the same. Join me in standing up for always reaching for the moral high ground. Boycott ABC News!

  9. Information about Covid19 from “The Wonders” please share globally 👍
    The COVID-19 virus was a mutation of another virus that existed. All it did is it mutated and it didn't require interference from any other aspect. The World Health Organization seems to believe that because it was mostly reported in Wuhan and viewed there first in a very logical way, a very public way, that that's where it originated. But this particular virus had mutated all over the world anyways. It existed all over the world. It had just not expressed itself to the same degree as what it has; as a result of timing, as a result of movements of people etc etc. It became a little bit more virulent and as a result of that, is where it happened. You can argue that it came from bats to humans, and a lot of the coronaviruses do come from that perspective, but they don't begin there. Coronaviruses begin before then to infect the bats. So, the coronaviruses exist in the air, in the environment and again, in order for them to mutate, become virulent often times it requires interference or exposure to other aspects. The coronavirus, called COVID-19 was traveling all over the world long before it was discovered.
    Question from participant, "So then it's just been perspective that it came from the wet market in Wuhan." The Wonders, "Yes."
    Participant, "People are saying because Chinese people eat bats."
    The Wonders, "Well, again, there are many things that the Chinese people eat that is not of great benefit to themselves. There is a certain psychology within the Chinese people with regards to using all things as food sources. It has benefits, but it isn't always of the greatest benefit to the Chinese people themselves. So, it's not to be afraid of consuming bats but it is to realise that sometimes diseases do move from one species to another as a result of this. But as we said, in this particular case with COVID-19, it did exist throughout the world. It was moving in the air around the world for a long time prior to its actual manifestation." 
    Participants, "So, really people are catching it from the air rather than from eating bats?"
    The Wonders, "No, no, the ones in Wuhan caught them mainly from there, it began there. But there were also those that caught it from the environment as well."
    Participant, "So it is real that eating bats can cause or get the virus?"
    The Wonders, "Again, it depends on whether the virus is within the bats or not. As we said, there is many many things involved here. It is not to make an assumption. To make such an assumption is really to shortchange yourselves. Understand, a virus is easily transmittable through the air. So it isn't that a virus originates within a bat; you eat the bat, you get the virus. Yes, some do. But there are some individuals that literally did not eat bats but still got the virus. And it's not because they received it from another human; the transmittion of the virus occurred. It's difficult for society for humanity to find the source, the original source of everything. But they have to understand that this coronavirus was mutating for a long while, for many many many many years, and it is through those particular mutations that it began to then express itself as a more virulent, stronger virus. Over the last number of years, there's been attempts to create vaccines for certain flu viruses, all corona-based. But again even those particular viruses were mutating. When nobody within the medical establishment around the world was willing to acknowledge to themselves that there was a mutation that was taking place from year to year to year that would have by its nature therefore, created such a virus as what you have presently called COVID-19. This unwillingness to accept that things by their nature change; that humanity became arrogant in its perspectives and therefore created this perspective of epidemic that was not specifically necceasary but certainly was desired as an expression."
    Participant, "The virus will not go, it will just mutate and mutate for the next several years." The Wonders, "Very much."
    Participant, "So it's really just about humanity learning to co-exist with everything, including the virus."  
    The Wonders, "Exactly."

    COVID-19 specific effect is mainly to the lungs which of course for many individuals is about life, breathing; and if you think about it, how many individuals have used smoke, have used drugs, have used all kinds of things to eliminate, destroy their ability to survive? Well, now they are experiencing it. Even your normal flu is a coronavirus. (COVID-19 is related to SARS, swine flu etc) It is novel in the sense that it is a strain that has not been seen before in many places. It has been seen in other places, but not in many places. However having said that, it is simply a mutation. So, again, there's going to be others.This one is not the end, we assure you. Twelve years ago you were involved with SARS, now you're involved with COVID-19. You're going to have another one in about 10 to 15 years. So, really, dear friends, it's not a bad thing. Humanity must grow and must expand. However, think about in the grand picture, your world. Your world has been polluting your skies, it has been polluting your ability to breathe, it has been reducing your ability to breathe. Do you really think that COVID-19 would be as effective if you had strong healthy lungs? No. But your lungs are not unhealthy because they've been breathing particulate pollution for decades. Don't kid yourself, dear friend. Nothing occurs in a vacuum. This happened because circumstances were such that it was allowed to thrive, and then the circumstances were such that in the thriving it also was allowed to propagate, that's all. 
    Participant, "Personally I see right now we are going to get worse in terms of restrictions from our corporations and government."
    The Wonders, "For a time. They will be reversed in part, but never completely. Humanity being what it is, it will keep giving up its own freedoms. Ultimately you must empower yourself. Really, the whole point of this conversation for the last 20 some odd years that we've had with you is that it is been time to empower yourselves and how many people have chosen to do that and how many people have chosen not to? Again, this time has not ended; it's continuing. You must continue to empower yourselves. The more you empower yourselves the more you will be able to change the future of humanity. Don't, and humanity will be doomed to repeat the patterns of the past in which great deals of freedoms are given away for very little or nothing; and then eventually people have to fight their way back into that perspective of freedom and that takes a great long time." 
    Excerpts of The Wonders comments from "Exposing The Fear that is in the world today."

  10. Most of us had it in February…how come it hit sanctuary citys so hard? Progressive nazi policies maybe?

  11. I had it 4 years ago, they "diagnosed" with asthma, at 34… But everything these people are going through is exactly what I went through, from cough, fever, coma, to life support. They sent me home the first time said I had a cold, went back to the er a week later, collapsed there and ended up in a coma on life support. They said it was pneumonia, then an allergic reaction, then a combination, then the flu, then a combination of the two, somehow the settled with asthma. They had to wear mask to enter my room, I've never known staff to wear mask for an asthma patient. No asthma attacks, I'm not on inhalers, it's been 4 years, and 2016 was the year they said the most young healthy Americans died from the flu. The marathon runner was one of the bigger stories. I think we were test dummies, they had to figure out how to make it more contagious.

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