Ending analysis for Super Tuesday | ABC News

ABC News correspondents conclude projections and review calculated delegate counts so far in Maine, Texas and California.

FULL SUPER TUESDAY RESULTS COVERAGE HERE: https://abcnews.go.com/Elections

#ABCNews #SuperTuesday #PresidentialElection #Democrats #Primary #delegates #Politics #Coverage #2020Elections #JoeBiden #BernieSanders #ElizabethWarren #MikeBloomberg


Author: avnblogfeed


44 thoughts on “Ending analysis for Super Tuesday | ABC News

  1. You establish dips will be sorry for trying to sideline Bernie. If I saw this coming I would have voted for tRump and not Bernie. This from a life-long Dem. I hope ya'll get Orange for another 4.

  2. lol, such sore losers. There is no conspiracy from the boogie man democratic establishment; simply put, there are more people on one side than on the Berie Sanders side. It's not a small group but the actual majority who do NOT want nor like Bernie Sanders……Get over it broskies 😉

  3. Sanders Supporters: Let's mock every other candidate and bully their supporters
    Candidates drop out and doesn't endorse the candidate whose supporters mocked and bullied them
    Sanders Supporters: Surprised Pikachu Face

  4. Stopping trump is NOT everyones priority. Fighting republicans takes a backseat to saving America. Yes, Trump is yelling at the "hole in our boat", but Biden is only going to smile at it. Can you think of a plan he has proposed that is intended to do something other than return us to 2012?

    We independents outnumber democrats 2 to 1, and we have been working with you for decades. You have NOT been working with us. This is 2016 all over again.

  5. votes by computers are the biggest scam in the elections, that's why Sanders is behind, corporates are fighting hard to get Sanders out, just like 2016

  6. Translating Super Tuesday results (as of March 4th) into Electoral College votes, which is what this is all about, I offer the following…

    States that are most likely NOT going to vote for a Democrat for President:
    Biden =95 Electoral College votes (NC, SC, AL, TN, AK, OK, TX)
    Sanders = 6 Electoral College votes (Utah)

    States that ARE most likely to vote for a Democratic president:
    Biden = 38 (VA, MA, ME, MN)
    Sanders= 77 (CA, NV, CO, VT, NH)

    Mr. Biden won in states where 95 Electoral College votes will (historically) go to Mr. Trump anyway. Mr. Sanders, only 6.

    Mr. Sanders won in states where 77 Electoral College votes will go to the Democratic nominee (historically). Mr. Biden, only 38. (Post courtesy of Ross)

  7. Corona virus is a freemason con job as easily seen with all the occult numbers in the news. It is a plot to cover up the coming recession so the elites do not get the blame as well as to gain further control over the masses through fear.

  8. I would love to say "God bless Trump," but seeing as Trump IS God, does that make it Trump Bless Trump, or God Bless God?!?

  9. Im no Democrat but if you guys cant see Bernie is getting treated unfair and probably being supressed by corruption like Trump was into the run up to President you are friggin Blind. You get what you deserve!

  10. "Nothing in this race has been easy for him" – Stephanopoulos That is not true, Biden did not campaign in the Super Tuesday states. The only reason he won was because 3 candidates got out of the race and got most of the endorsements.

  11. biden has very few people at his rallies but so many votes. im thinking that software license he bought from hillery clintons election software that the dnc is using (even after she got caught stealing 2016s primary) cam in handy for him. im thinking he and the dnc are rigging the results. biden should be investigated for fraud and conspiracy after what we learned about his purchase of the dnc's voting software.

  12. I’m a republican but we recognize how Bernie keeps getting screwed over, wouldn’t surprise me if warren was paid off by the billionaires to keep running.

  13. Damn, guy just needs to go all the way bald 👨‍🦲 he lookin all types of crazy with that call-de-sac hairdo. He needs a good friend to tell him the truth.

  14. Mark my words — If Biden wins the nomination, it will unfortunately guarantee 4 more years of Donald J. Trump. The only two people strong enough intellectually and emotionally to take on Donald Trump is 1) Bernie Sanders and 2) Elizabeth Warren. Joe Biden cannot compete against Republican's, Donald Trump, and Trump supporters. Since the older establishment "Democrats" want to back archaic policies instead of true comprehensive change, they are willing to forgo ethics and common interest to surrender the election to Trump.

    Also, FYI — "Blue No Matter Who," is an incredibly toxic and revealing statement about the mindset of the majority of "Democrats". It stats that no matter who the candidate is, no matter what crimes they may have committed, who they had to bribe, what they had to do to get there, what their intellectual/emotional/physical capacity is, and no matter if the DNC even had to cheat to make them the front-runner; they believe that ANY person (even a complete idiot or psychopath) would better than re-electing Donald Trump. Thus, we should vote for them. Trading one evil for another ("lesser") evil. Sorry, but hard no. That's not how it works, and it shouldn't be like that. There are better ways forward. But if it takes "Democrats" losing another election to Donald Trump to finally freaking get that through their heads, then so be it. "Democrats" had the greatest golden opportunity of a century in their laps to do something worthwhile, but ignorantly decided to throw it all away in fear and misinformation. They did it for a more comfortable and safer pet that they could better manipulate and control. One who doesn't bark back at its masters and doesn't dream of a better life.

    I say Democrats in quotations because today's "Democrats" actually value many of the same things that their Republican counterparts do on the right of the political spectrum. Specifically, regarding religion, adherence to traditions, fear of change and the unknown, the urge for normality, and a complete disregard for the well-being of the populous, the country, and the environment as a whole. History WILL remember the rise of Donald J. Trump and the toxic state of the Republican party, as well as the failures of the Democratic party which allowed it to happen and to continue. Eventually, they will run out of people to point fingers at and blame. “We have nothing to lose but our chains.” #2020PresidentialElections #BlueNoMatterWho #Democracy #DNC

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