Supplies sell out at retailers amid coronavirus fears l ABC News

Big box stores across the country are facing long lines and more demand for products like hand sanitizer, bottled water, baby wipes and toilet paper.

Keep up with our latest on the developing novel coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19):

Coronavirus spurs Starbucks to temporarily suspend personal and ‘for here’ cups:
Hong Kong warns people not to kiss their pets after dog tests positive for COVID-19:

#GMA #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Hoarding #Pandemic


Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “Supplies sell out at retailers amid coronavirus fears l ABC News

  1. Sound is OFF and screen is FROZEN. walmart, the largest retailor in the US, is bending over for the democrats and biden with a fictitious shortage announcement. I say let walmart have it's glory and the smart shoppers that have planned this folly will shop other stores and continue to get their supplies.

    I predict that walmart will come to it's knees and beg shoppers to come back again. It too will be screwed by the democrats and biden.
    I received a reply from an obviously complete idiot and MORON who said that I was wrong and a moron. Sunday morning (yesterday, November 22) I did my shopping at Aldi, after my tour of Publix and Winn Dixie where I picked up the cleaning supplies that I needed. At Aldi I picked up my toilet paper and paper towels as well. NO SHORTAGE THERE. And NO SHORTAGE at Publix or Win Dixie either. I'm wondering, WHO"S THE MORON !!!!!!!

  2. a 2week supply? cant even get ome day supply thanks to all the A-Holes that are hoarding & panic buying. Shame on the stores too. they should have started a limit as soon as they saw people starting to do this. Who ever went out & stuffed their cart full of TP & especially started fighting over it when they already had a full cart & the person they were fighting with had none like i have seen videos of. To those people i hope all that TP somehow suddenly combust and your freaking house burns down. It would serve you right!!!!!!!

  3. To think we are now in april and this was late February which all or some panic buyers most likely had the virus already passing it onto workers/others, as well as touching shopping trolleys the virus stays on surfaces for some time. If the powers to keep everyone safe and alive were done sooner maybe more people could have survived. The Saddest first four months of 2020, staying at home is a blessing, thousands of people arent home and thousands of people have gone to sleep. Stay Safe and Stay with your blessings x

  4. Everyone complaining about hoarding… don't worry. COVID-19 doesn't make you eat 3 times as much food and go to the bathroom every five minutes. By now, people are having a hard time closing the door on their freezer, pantry and bathroom cabinets. There will be plenty of food rotting on the shelves at the store in the next few days.

  5. iam in the uk. ive just got over the conronavirus. you do not want it. I thought I was going to die. theres nothing you can do. just fight it. when you cant breath,its terrible. ppl just do as your not take this lightly stay home

  6. I saw something interesting last week a lady bought 18 bundles of toilet paper a man offered to help put it in her van took two bundles and ran it back in the store cause he was so mad this is happening

  7. People must be buying up face masks to resell, because you really don't see too many people out in public wearing them.

  8. I am not afraid of the virus, I'm just scared of the reaction. Everyone be stocking up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer, meanwhile we got people waiting in line for karen who called the manager over her 1 dollar discount on toilet paper. People can prevent the coronavirus and so can you. So here's some tips.
    Wash your hands, go to the doctor if you have caught a sickness that has the following symptoms; fever, coughing, and sneezing. If so you could have coronavirus, if you are sick, wear mask to cover your mouth. And also do not and I mean DO NOT wear mask if you are not sick. You will only be more likely to get sick and waste mask for people who do need it. Wash your hands and use handsanitiser when possible. And that is it, for more information go on the world Health organization website for more tips to stay clean.

  9. They should have restricted the amount of sales each customer could from the onset. They are just greedy merchants selling to greedy customers.

  10. People needs to thank about the elderly people that needs paper towels, tolet paper ECT. People needs to thank about the people like me that lives pay check to pay check that can't get what we need till we get paid.

  11. people and their meaningless lives…while most of us are going to take a big financial hit, looks like some are going to make a killing!

  12. People panicking, people fearing the unknown, people fearing for their lives, long lines, stores being sold out of essential items.
    Welcome to the chaos that we face in Florida every hurricane season, like the past 3 years where cat 5’s (Matthew, Irma, Dorian) have had Florida in their crosshairs. Did I leave the part out where people fear the total destruction of their homes as well.
    This virus is causing everyone to face the same fears, all we can do is buckle down, try to be as safe as possible and ride it out, hopefully things will settle down, I’m sure it’s quite a shock for people who have never experienced how people act when they go into survival mode and the impacts it has on everyday life like something as simple as going to the grocery store to see empty shelves.
    Be safe everyone.

  13. Watch China everything is covered. It started there. They even sprayed outside down w bleach n something else buildings streets etc be safe be kind

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