Trump continues to sweep Republican primaries and caucuses l ABC News

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie weighs in on President Donald Trump’s domination of the Republican Party since 2016.


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Author: avnblogfeed


26 thoughts on “Trump continues to sweep Republican primaries and caucuses l ABC News

  1. And Tweeter is busting its brains on how to censor #45. America MUST fight for its FREEDOM OF SPEECH – “hate speech is nothing but a tool- to destroy our Constitution”
    Say what you want, the choices are; walk away, ignore, agree to disagree, contradict, everything, etc. – except physical harm.
    The embryo of “hate speech” begun with ALL politicians appeasing the masses (for votes of course) with political correctness.
    The political correctness Champion Award goes to the Democrat’s Horse- Barack Obama.

    The real bad news is that the masses are already – too different levels – enamored with a one size fits all mentality.
    Hence- Inclusiveness or equality to a politically correct mind- will reject ultimate TRUTHS and will equate opened mindedness with acceptance. It’s Marxism with a twist of lemon making it easy to digest. It took generations to nearly destroy the American dream. It will take a revamp Constitutional Education curriculum on steroids to keep the American dream.
    By the way to an already secularized America that wants its freedoms without God- read our forefathers quotes on the end results if we exclude God.
    Eradicate the foundation, loose the building.
    The beginning of all wisdom – is the reverence of God.
    Why is Antifa burning churches & Bibles?
    They have the common sense of their foundation- they are not intellectualizing it. Why are we?

  2. yall are actually stupid if you vote donald trump. like ur actually dumb. im not saying biden is good either but he's 10x better than the fucking orange asshat. he's going to take away womans rights, lgbtq rights, and anyone who isnt white. he's fucked up. dont vote him please

  3. I never vote for a democrat in my life This NOVEMBER I will be voting for only DEMOCRATS. America is a mess and Trump asking us to give him for more years right now America is a disaster I will be voting for only DEMOCRATS this November

  4. I am an Australian watching all this, including the Republican convention. The Socialist Democrat convention was so negative with nothing positive to offer. Bidden has no stories of success to offer. I have been following President Trump before he was elected. He is so right when he says this is going to be the most important election ever for the USA. Get out spread the great story of success you have todate to proudly talk about. Make sure you all work hard to get everyone out to vote. Take your friends, relatives and anyone else along with you on election day to vote in person. Most importany vote in person! This election is more important than just for USA, it will be also so important fo the rest of the world as well. We are all depending on you. Vote Republican, vote Trump ….4 more years.

  5. America is waking up!

    Racism and election in USA.

    To demonstrate and say the slogan Black lives MATTER or NO JUSTICE NO PEACE is not enough.

    The Democratic Party, like the Republican Party, are on the same level in terms of foreign policy, particularly with regard to Palestine, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, China, Russia etc..
    Only the ways are different.
    Democrats, like Republicans, are subordinate to lobbyists and lobby groups.
    The Democratic Party only gives their appearance with make-up a better look, in terms of health policy, tax policy and the middle class.
    But in terms of warmongering and imperialism, they are close to the Republican Party.
    The United States needs real change without the Democratic and Republican Party.
    Without a fundamental reform of politics, laws, and elections in the United States, the demonstrations will not work.
    First of all, fundamental electoral reforms must be created in the USA.

    The electoral system in the United States is so complicated, and election day is Tuesday, which is a workday that prevents many voters from voting.

    Why can't you vote on a Sunday when everyone has free time with a simple identity card, as in many states, like Germany?
    Even the homeless and the lower classes have the right to vote and to vote for someone.
    What are the rich, powerful and lobby groups afraid of?
    People in the United States must take to the streets for real reforms and rights.

    The democratic and republican parties are like a coin with only two different sides.

    The structures in the USA are over 200 years old and outdated.
    Racism is a result of wrong politics and politics create politicians.
    US politicians are elected by outdated methods.
    Incorrect electoral laws deprive citizens of their rights in the United States.

    The US government spends over $ 600 billion a year on the military so that US soldiers can be deployed to Arab countries in the Persian Gulf, South Korea, Japan, European countries and Africa.
    If you prefer to invest those $ 600 billion in jobs, schools, education, infrastructure and the homeless, it's the best investment against racism.

    Over 90 percent of US history has seen war, destruction, and death.
    That means that both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are war-loving.
    The USA policy answers the just demands of its own population with oppression and violence.
    Externally, states that do not want to submit to US interests are either punished with sanctions, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Russia, China, etc., or punished with war and occupation, such as Grenada island, Yemen, Iraq or Afghanistan.
    Racism and injustice in the United States existed during the reign of Democrats and Republicans.
    So it makes no difference who currently has power in the United States.

    Republicans have the presidency today and decide politics, tomorrow the Democrats and the day after again the Republicans.
    Isn't it time for each of the current 50 states to go their own way and declare themselves independent and based on European standards?
    Centuries-old electoral laws, outdated jurisdiction, etc. cause racism and injustice in society.
    The American population has achieved a lot in the past few weeks and it would be a shame if the American people were to be appeased by some cosmetic promises by the government.
    It is the best chance for the people of the United States to demand far-reaching political reforms internally and externally.
    The oppression of peoples by the United States politics and disregard for human rights internally must stop for a better, just and peaceful future of the world.

  6. Donald Trump is God.. God can't loose.. He's going to win this election in a landslide. And win again in 2024…. I PREDICT WILL NEVER SEE ANOTHER DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT AGAIN… YOU HAVE MY WORD.

  7. What has trump done to anyone..This is my question…China crashed the economy around the world. Potus is trying his best to make it work for the people who hate him so much. Do u the American people really want Joe biden to be your president? Like honestly. Do u really want a man who is in bed with the great enemies of the world to be your president? Wow..Hatred for trump is real.

    Ask yourself, Democratic weapon of mass destruction was released,How was your country?

  8. Adios Amigos. And take Muhammad with you. The media wants Trump to stop Tweeting so the media can control what info gets out to the people. Also controlling the narrative. Remember how all media was telling people that it was a good thing to allow terrorists and Jihadist to immigrate to America. They lost control of the brainwashing.

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