President Trump arrives in UK for NATO summit | ABC News

The president will meet with the Queen and our allies as tensions run high over Brexit and a possible trade war between the U.S. and France.

#ABCNews #UnitedKingdom #France #Trump #Brexit #NATO


Author: avnblogfeed


44 thoughts on “President Trump arrives in UK for NATO summit | ABC News

  1. Royal family lie on their official website about Meghan Markle study! mm never did what is on your website! The only international thing she did was prostitution and porno movie on international scale ! The royal family are promoting untruth and promote a drug dealer , a prostitute and a porno start ! Shame on you royal family to lie on your website! Delete all and write there the truth if you want to be respect by people like me ! Write there : mm was a former drug dealer who distributed drugs for more than 100 , a prostitute and a porno movie starlete! This is the true about mm !


    Nyilvánvalóan köteles fellépni a NATO is, a kálium túladagolás vegyi fegyverként alkalmazói ellen!

    Köteles fellépni azok ellen, akik a kálium műtrágyákkal mérgezőre fokozzák a termőtalajok vízoldott káliumtartalmát, s ezzel az aszálykárt is.

    Köteles fellépni azok ellen, akik a kálium műtrágyákkal mérgezőre növelt káliumtartalmú élelmiszer növényekkel életveszélyesen betegítik és ivartalanítják is a gazdasági állatokat és embereket.

    Köteles fellépni azok ellen, akik a patkányméreg kálisóval, amit étkezési konyhasó nátrium-klorid helyett árusítanak (lásd: internetes VIVEGA és Star-K kosher BONSALT hirdetések!) mérgezőre növelt káliumtartalmú élelmiszerekkel, életrövidítik, ivartalanítják, kipusztítják a nyugati népeket.

    Kik és miért teszik? Azok teszik, akik a témához hozzá nem értésük miatt és vagy vallási és vagy üzleti okból, mint pl. népirtással kiürített olcsó ingatlanokat megszerzés és kiárusítás, érdekeltek a nemzeti ingatlan tulajdonosok pusztításában.

    Politikai okokból is tehetik: Azért, hogy a nyugati népek helyére keleti népeket telepíthessenek. Kína és az iszlám országok miért nem műtrágyáznak és miért nem sóznak mérgezően a káliummal! A kevés kálium műtrágya felhasználásukat lásd a a Nemzetközi Műtrágya Szövetség kiadványaiban!

    Nem lehet véletlen, az izraeli Haarec lap nyíltan valószínűsítette a nemzetközi nemzőképesség-csökkenési statisztikák menete alapján, hogy 2050-re teljesen nemzőképtelenek lesznek a nyugati férfiak! A kálium értékesítési üzleti háttér érdekeltséget a nemzetközi Potash cégnél lehet keresni!

    Közzétettem a honlapomnak a GTS-Antirandom, Videó, Email-könyvek és Intézkedéseink rovataiban, a káliummal mérgezően műtrágyázás aszálykár fokozó hatását közvetlenül megjelenítő, a nemzetközi kombinatorikus hatás kalibráló mérési szabadalmaim szerinti méréseinket eredményeit. Közzétettem a Ringer infúziós oldat víz: konyhasó: kálium dózisarányai szerintihez képes életveszélyesre csökkentett étkezési konyhasódózis és növelt étkezési káliumdózis magas vérnyomást is okozó, életrövidítő és ivartalanító hatásait patkányokon és embereken végzett dózisvariációs kísérletekkel bebizonyító, 1950-ben Nobel-díjat kapott mellékvesekéreg kutatók méréseit is. A hatások következményeit, nem hinni, hanem mérni kell!

    Annak idején egy OMFB-nél dolgozó NATO szakértőnek is elmondtam ezeket. Ő megígérte, hogy továbbítja a NATO-hoz. Utána viszont sajnos – ahogy több más segítőm is – „váratlanul meghalt”. Az ügyben benyújtott parlamenti interpellációt, a konkrét hatás mérési eredményeket, három hazai miniszter hazudta szembe! A konyhasó helyett kálisóval „sózást” a WHO-tól is szervezik. A jelenlegi miniszterek nem hajlandók helyreállítani a normális kálium- és konyhasó dózisokat. Sőt, a hazai kormányok milliárd forintokkal pénzelik a „Nemzeti Stop Só Programnak” nevezett szélhámosság reklámozását, és „Chip-adóval” büntetik a normálisan sózott élelmiszerek előállítóit.

    Magyarország, 2019. 12. 04.

    (nemes Sydo) Tejfalussy András (a kálisóval mérgezést korábban parlamenti szakértőként is vizsgáló mérnök, 1-420415-0215. an: Bartha Edit, néhai Bartha Béla rendőrfőkapitány és néhai Dr. Tejfalussy Béla táblabíró unokája), 2621 Verőce, Lugosi u. 71., Levelezési címek: 1036 Lajos u. 115.,III. 18., E-mail:, T.: +36-1 250 6064, +36 20 218 1408 .

    Code: NATO-BEJELENTES-191205

  3. Soooooo. Trump calls leaders out for not paying there way in nato , and they are slagging him of , der
    And the sky news pushing the narrative that trump is the one in the wrong ,
    trump is bang on the mark , the two faced B…..ds
    should pay their fair share in towards nato , I love a straight talking president

  4. If you think the demotwats are pissed now , just wait till trump is elected nother 4 year , u ain’t seen nothing yet ,the people in the country will judge not the swamp

  5. Shameless americans and us government and us politicians have passed the xinjiang bill of rights. Really disgusting, have americans and us government officials ever been to xinjiang?Do you know xinjiang?America is the most shameless country in the world.

  6. Take NATO to the woodshed Mr. President.
    Time they pay their fair share. Time to give American taxpayers a break.
    TRUMP 2020! Live free or die. 🇺🇸👍

  7. WE LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP…..HE STANDS FOR A BETTER WORLD. God Bless our President …..God Bless America.

  8. this men that have the preventive repertoire,and make him self very rude to European citizens,should first be very ashamed for weasel bluer on the British NHS business,thanks to the opposition of this trump pall that this particular business was uncovered,and thanks to the stupidities,that people can now fight for theirs on right to keep dirty hands off,..NHS IS NOT FOR SALE AND YES GOOGLE AND AMAZON ,EBAY ,MICROSOFT, FACEBOOK, SHOULD PAY TAXES ON EUROPE,..

  9. OMG did you hear the news, Shifty Claus is holding impeachment hearings on Rudolph, seems that Comet overheard Vixen talking to Donner and Prancer behind a Christmas tree that Cupid says that Blitzen said Rudolph bribed a reindeer in Ukraine for his red node. The Committee said all of this can be confirmed by a secret Whistle Blower they suspect might be a Elf on the shelf.

  10. I want that in the United States held a trial about the word "homophobia."

    This word was coined in US universities associated with the US Democratic Party and Obama. For the manipulation of society and the elimination of political competitors.

    Homophobia against any person is a libel from which many US citizens suffered.

    For the court: a phobia word is a diagnosis of mental disorder, for this reason it is illogical for people with mental disorders to be punished with fines or prison.

    With the help of political pressure and their influence, the democratic party achieved that in Brazil and Switzerland people are imprisoned for "homophobia", while we understand that any phobia is a disease. If phobia is a disease, how can prison help? Fight against dissent? !!

    All involved in the creation of a lie about "Homophobia" should be held criminally responsible as fraudsters. Americans suffered from the corrupt Obama, who served the Bilderberg club.

    And so respectable court, I will continue. Ladies and gentlemen jurors, you are all a bit shocked of course by the fact that the former US president, a member of the Bilderberg club, Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama who started the war in Syria and lost to the dictator Asad turned out to be a corrupt deceitful politician.

    Yes, it is, money rules the world, and Barack Obama turned out to be no exception.

    How to prove ?

    Let's ask defendant Barack Obama why he forgot about American homeless people, orphans, single mothers? Why do homosexuals matter?

    Because among homosexuals there are no unhappy people for a long time, among them there are millionaires and billionaires who pay money to corrupt politicians.

    Agree to the jurors, this is some sort of truth. Lobbying, lobbying, lobbying everything is well paid, party contributions, sponsors …

    What really is homosexuality? Everyone can answer this question for himself! Because there is a freedom of opinion, freedom of speech and democracy that allow you to do this. And here and now I am defending your rights to freedom of opinion, from cynical attackers.

    What is homophobia? This is a label that is hanged on a person, so that no one else will be noo friendly with them, that is, an attempt to provide an impression on a citizen through offensive labels on the scale of a state machine.

    How many of you can say that the Apostle Paul is "homophobic"?

    The apostle Paul tells us from the pages of the Bible that homosexuality is very bad.

    Do you believe the Apostle Paul ?

    Do you lay your hand on the Bible in court? The Apostle Paul speaks from the page of that very Bible to you. Read what is written there, it is written for you.

    Do you believe Barack Obama is getting money from the sponsors of their homosexual party ? What is to check, I ask the court to ask the defendant Barack Obama.

    How many homosexuals sponsor the US Democratic Party? What kind of sums in lobbying homosexuality ?

    And so we found that homophobia is a lie, a cynical lie. Let's see what Liberalism is.

    Communism Fascism Liberalism, I put in one row is not by chance.

    Liberalism promotes abortions among girls, liberalism defends the rights of a drug addict to drug use, liberalism deals with LGBT propaganda among young people. It is clear that liberalism is a crime against humanity.

    Defendant Barack Obama refused to answer all the questions posed.

    I am addressing these questions to Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, please invite them to the court to give testimony on the "homophobia" and all the senators of the US Democratic Party.

    I also want to ask them if they are considering a proposal for punitive medicine in the USA for all patients for "homophobia"? After all, any phobia is a clinical case.

    From the speech on the Internet

    Emperor Sergius (predicted by Iona of Odessa)

  11. LOVE our President TRUMP – AMERICA FIRST!!!!……..*Adam Schiff Hunter Biden Joe Biden And the whistleblower to testify Then neither should the president End the hoax*

  12. Trumplethinskin is back! Break out the Baby Trump Blimp…and the hire people to pick up the toys he will start throwing out his pram when someone says something he doesn't like 😫😫😫

  13. I hate to say it… But I agree with Trump. Why they over tax our companies, but don't wanna be taxed on theirs? I'm about EQUAL rights.

    How he delivered the message… I disagree

  14. he has the nerve to say very disrespectful!! when he has called other countries shitholes! does this person ever listens to himself? I think not , What a Fool Am I said the orange clown! vote Bernie Warren!😳😳😳😍😍😍😍😊

  15. STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH ABOUT THIS FOOL!! AND WHY DO YOU ALL ACT LIKE THE AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS THAT CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON!! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. YOU KEEP ASKING THE SAME QUESTIONS THAT YOU KNOW THE ANSWER TO,BUT YOU'RE GETTING PAID TO HELP PROMOTE ALL OF THE NONSENSE COMING OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE!! It must really suck to have to go to work every day and read someone else's thought off of a teleprompter but yet we're supposed to take you guys seriously. I really don't understand what's so hard about all of the reporters to push back when Republicans come on their shows lying to the American people. Most times they are allowed to continue to spread lies and disinformation without any pushback very little. Trump has been enabled by everybody including you the mainstream media.

  16. I just watched him talking to the French president. Trump is such a pussy he talked all that shit and then when macrone confronted him and gave him the facts he cowered down. I wish more of our politicians had the balls to stand up to an incompetent egotistic moron.

  17. Polls are turning against the dems as we speak.trump isnt going anywhere and will be reelected especially after barr gets to finish his investigation into dem corruption.its gonna be ugly in 2020 for the dimwitted dems

  18. Drumpf…the A**hole in chief strikes again.
    GOP…… the
    Government of Putin.
    Dump Trump
    VOTE BLUE 2020 !!!

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