Switched at Birth or Stolen? l 20/20 l PART 4

Twigg, Mays families sue hospital over switched-at-birth scandal: Part 4

Bob Mays resisted genetic testing on Kim Mays, but a judge ordered that it be done on the daughter he had been raising.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary


Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “Switched at Birth or Stolen? l 20/20 l PART 4

  1. Sorry for the off-comment, but Velma Coker is the spitting image of Sophia Petrillo from The Golden Girls. 🙂 I am definitely getting old…

  2. Again doctors and the Mays playing God at the expense of this young mother (Regina Twigg) and her bio child. No care by the Mays for their own bio baby because she wasn't expected to live more than a week or two. Regina and all of the Twiggs 'love' kept the little girl that wasn't theirs alive for nine years. What an awful bunch of people: The Mays, the Cokers, Dr. Black and the nurses who didn't speak up.

  3. Its evident the Mays and the doctors decided to play God in stealing Regina's baby. Horrible thing to do and the one nurse confessed it on her deathbed that this is what happened. The nurse was told to switch the identity bracklets and she refused but found it was 'done' when she returned to work the next day. She should have called the police but was afraid to lose her job and her own sick child's medical coverage. Still no excuse whatsoever.

  4. I am not happy with her husband. Why to called her crazy? One is expecting the best support from your other half, not that sort of actitud.

  5. This is a tiny hospital with only two newborns. Baby A has severe health problems while Baby B is totally healthy. The next day baby A is miraculously healed, whereas Baby B suddenly suffers symptoms that look eerly familiar. In a hospital that small, how come no one noticed this? Especially when the mom said on day one "I don't think this is my baby"? Plus, they had to do constant tests and procedures on the unhealthy child, no one saw that previous data didn't match up (weight, blood values, …) ? I know, hindsight is 20/20, but still this case seems strange.

  6. Almost 40 years past the horrific switch event, …the act of switching the girls
    was a selfish criminal act that ended up ruining two and more complete families.
    Never pays to cheat the Devil. Shame on the people who schemed and committed
    this atrocity.

  7. I can’t stand that Mayes man, he rubs me the wrong way. If that psychopaths and NOTHING to hide he would have readily agree to the test.

  8. Since the Mays family was well known and rich the hospital probably swapped the babies around because they Mays family paid them. They were trying for a child for a very long time and when they finally managed to get pregnant the baby was sick with a low chance of surviving. On the other hand the Twiggs family was less fortunate and already had a number of children..the doctors knew that one of their babies died from a heart defect so it would be easy to convince the Twiggs that its happening again. As lucky as Arlena was to be loved by the Twiggs so much, the Mays had the money that could have helped the poor girl live longer. R.I.P Arlena, at least your short life was filled with so much love ♡

  9. They never asked Bob Mays the one question I wanted answered. Didn't you ever question how when your baby was born the doctor said she had only one working heart chamber and wouldn't live very long and then suddenly three days later was perfectly healthy? Of course he did. He knew it. Barbara Mays came from a wealthy family and I think someone at the hospital was paid big money to switch the babies. Kimberly Mays would've had a much better life to this day if these people didn't decide getting money was worth it to play God in someone else's life. I remember when this story first came out, they made Regina Twigg out to be crazy and smothering towards Kimberly, but that poor woman went through hell. Truthfully she lost 3 children, her first child Vivia who died of a heart condition, then Arlene who died of a similar condition 13 years later, then she lost the mother/ daughter relationship she was entitled to have with Kimberly.

  10. People here in comments seem dumb. ''Oh he's guilty if not he would swich them back bla bla bla''. Yet it's speculation based on the fact that Arlene was sick. I get Bob. She was his child. Twiggs had every right to look up their child, but after seeing that she is in a stable home, they needed to stop! Not a moment spent thinking about her well being. They needed to just wait till she is older and reaches out herself.

  11. Attorneys are evil or at least this one is. He couldn’t let the dad cooperate because he could see dollars signs in his future. Why not allow the bio parents give the child love. She would have more love than most do from an entire family that have the same blood. Who on earth would not want the child you love receive more love. Just an extension of caring people to share and give her more joy. Selfish of dad not thinking of what’s best for the child.

  12. I don't understand something. Velma Coker, Barbara's mother, the one who died of cancer, said, "Kimberly's little girl', didn't she mean Barbara's littler girl? Also, was she saying she suspected that her daughter's baby was the one who was switched? Did she NOT know the date of birth of her own grandchild? Please, people, enlighten me! I am confused by Velma Coker's interview here, LOL!

  13. his reason for not taking the blood test was, "why should i?" how about to stop all this media frenzy? he knew the baby wasn't his

  14. I found out my dad wasn't my dad when I was 11 and it's caused me loads of problems, that might be becasuse he was a a great dad and I don't see him anymore but I can't imagine how this girl would feel.

  15. I think the nurse shoulda been charged. The mom knew that baby wasn’t hers, and no one knows her baby better then she did.. weather it was only for 1 day or 1 year, you just know.. and the nurse shouldn’t have just blew her off like that..

  16. Him denying the tests was extremely ignorant and annoying but I see where he’s coming from saying that she’ll always be his daughter because he raised her. But how he has the audacity to possibly switch the children so he may not have had to deal with the consequences of the sick child and I think it’s disgusting bc you should stand with and stand proud of your original child.

  17. If they wanted to take the baby from the dad then yeah I'd refuse a test too. But If they just wanted to know if she was theirs then nothing else then he should of done the test

  18. The tragedy of it arlena when look at it. She born 3 days before kim, so the hospital and mom aware of how ill she was. They probably not expected to live too long. Then comes a long regina twigg gives birth 3 days later to healthy kim then the nurses switch the baby. The moms did meet in the hospital at some point. Arlena the baby her parents did not want.The hospital or someone was aware she had lost a prevouis baby to a heart defect they played on that regina emotions like it is genetic so just take the baby home and here some meds. But it must have been the love of that big family looking out for her to keep her going. Kim suffered too the bio family still like strangers to her but still wants to know them.

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