Switched at Birth or Stolen? l 20/20 l PART 5

Regina Twigg describes life of abuse as an orphan, importance of family: Part 5

Twigg spoke about being separated from her siblings while growing up in an orphanage. She said that after she got married and had children, family became her “reason for living.”


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary


Author: avnblogfeed


48 thoughts on “Switched at Birth or Stolen? l 20/20 l PART 5

  1. That opening line really burned me for Regina. What do you mean why didn't she 'let it go'?! That baby was and will always be biologically hers! She did nothing wrong! She was robbed of her childhood, her baby, and was a great mother to her children ON TOP of losing a baby after only six weeks of having her. My heart breaks for Regina, her siblings, Arlena, and the Twigg family.

  2. What a heartbreaking story. Everyone just trying to be a good person (except someone that switched the babies).

  3. I am so glad they found their mother😭. Also as a mother I don't understand why on earth I have to explain to the world why I want my bloody baby back. It's mine and period.

  4. I read an update on Kimberly Mays and it is the saddest story I’ve read. The Twigg’s , Arlene and Kimberly suffered so much.

  5. This is why i NEVER let my babies out if my sight in the hospital. To me most babies do look alike. Im not the best at noticing peoples features so even though i do try to memorize my babies looks i still never let anyone take my babies to the nursery or to do hearing check or any other thing out if my sight. When my husband was with me he followed the baby. If he had gone out if the hospital i followed. And its always the night shift nurses trykng to do the hearing test and bath outside the room 🙄.

  6. Of course it was intentional. Someone at the hospital and most likely the Mays themselves dedided to play God and steal a child. The doctors prob. though the baby that was sick wouldn't live past the night but Arlena (beautiful little girl) lived to Age 9. At the funeral Regina is so devastated you see her fall down. The doctor and nurses at that hospital are criminals. One nurse evidently confessed on her deathbed that the babies were switched and she refused to participate in the switch.

  7. No wonder Regina was too scared to insist that she had fake Baby Twiggs. She was scared she would be hauled off to an institution like her mother.

  8. This happened to me when she started talking about the orphanage memories came back to me at about 48 years ago when my mom decided to put me in an orphanage to live with nuns back in islands of Azores Portugal.
    They always used to beat me and put me in the Attic sometimes for two days without eating the suffer and pain and the memories will never go away these days that I still think about that and when I watch videos like this it always comes back to haunt me.
    I always pray to the Lord to ease my heart a little bit and not to have so much anger and to wish bad upon these evil nuns but I cannot help it and I don't wish nothing good for them I know most of them already died or probably all of them only God can forgive them not me that's how much they damaged me
    I'll have to say thank the Lord that I never turned out to be anyone evil or hurt anyone I've always been a good person and try to move on with my life.

  9. Ok Why wouldn't the man just do the blood test? He had to know!! If I found out a couple had a child the same day/ hospital as I did and their baby didn't belong to them, I'd do the test JUST TO EASE THEIR MIND!! UNLESS I KNEW IT WASN'T MY CHILD AND I'D LOSE IT!! HE KNEW! I seen where a Dr ordered the babies swapped!! As if a nurse would confuse a 3 day old baby with one just born 🙄

  10. Did she switch her own baby because her last baby died from heart condition so she stole someone else's baby so she would get a healthy 1 but ended up getting a sick baby

  11. They always do this. They don’t post the last episode. You have to go to the network website and sit through a gazillion commercials to watch the last 10 minutes. They’ve fooled me for the last time.

  12. Do you think the mother found out about her cancer while pregnant, so she knew she was on a death sentence, and when she found out her baby daughter that was just born had a heart defect, she didn't want to put her husband through losing both of them, so she switched the baby's for the sake of her husband??

  13. Someone swapped out that baby. Just really sad all round that the baby they picked to take very well also could have had the same defect the little baby died from anyway. They essentially lost 3 children. The baby at 6 weeks old, the non bio daughter at 13 and their own bio child for most of her childhood.
    What hell this woman lived through. They gave that little girl the best life and even when they knew she wasn't genetically linked to them, they still grieved like she was while going on to fight for the other daughter.

  14. Mind blowing that you could have your wife committed to an institution just because you didn't want the responsibility anymore of being a parent.

  15. Who tf would let go of the fact that a hospital switched her child and now she’s the one who has to suffer wtf no sorry not sorry you better fight till

  16. Its strange how pple dont understand how adoption breaks family apart and how it seems ok to buy and sell nonwhite children like its a privilege to lose your own biological, historical and geographical coherence. Like it doesnt count if you re nonwhite.

  17. I cant believe she divorced them and had the audacity to move in w them a few months later and say that her biological mom wass smothering her.. All she did was try to love her .. she left 2 1/2 years later
    Worst part is that the dont even talk to this day

  18. Mrs Twigg was my 4th grade teacher in Orange City Fl . I remember going to a birthday party at her house for one of her daughters . She was the sweetest teacher and truly cared for kids

  19. I think the man knew that the baby wasnt his , he drive there , they knew their baby was born with a heart problem , its not fair is not his baby , soon she will be 18 an she will be looking for her real parents , you an your deceased wife knew from the start …

  20. Regina learned the girl is not her biological daughter just days before the little girl died. That confirmed every mother’s’ anxiety at the hospital of “what if they switch my baby?”. I would do the same, I would proceed and get back MY child! I would not give the rats behind, I would get my child back to where it belongs. Barbara knee the girl is not hers. She snitched her to her husband as his daughter. I understand the man also, I understand him being protective of girl but it’s his wife that knew all and hurt everyone! It’s his wife that ruined 2 families! She didn’t want to keep baby with heart disease? Oh well, Regina deserve to have her daughter back in every way. She is mother figure in every way and Barbara didn’t want to keep baby that she gave birth to. Disgusting, I wish she was alive.

  21. ABC does many stories about scams. Yet here they are putting up only parts of their program without telling people in advance and thus scamming people's time only to leave the viewers hanging….

  22. The fact that people saw nothing wrong with separating and then adopting off siblings separately is beyond disturbing.

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