Biden calls for impeachment of President Trump l ABC News

A new poll from Fox News shows 51% of Americans support removing President Trump from office as Trump and his allies push back against Joe Biden.

#ABCNews #Trump #Impeachment #FoxNews #Biden #Burisma


Author: avnblogfeed


50 thoughts on “Biden calls for impeachment of President Trump l ABC News

  1. “A new poll from Fox news shows that 51% of Americans favor impeachment”….uh, yeah right. I KNOW that’s fake news bullshit right there. Nice try George.

  2. Joe Biden want remove President. Because his family Corruption in Ukaine ,and his family can more money got from our tax payers to his family ,JOE BIDEN HAVE to CONFESS WITH AMERICAN ,I AM CORRUPTION IN UKRAINE. VERY GOOD FOR HIS POCKET

  3. Polls are total bs. Made and floated to see if they can be effective as a manipulator to lead a weak mind …. like all the polls that said that Hillary was crushing it …. only to meet the reality of REAL PEOPLE.

    And how Biden (and let’s go grab Obama and reel him back if we are going to be “fair”) is not on the hook for this and other abuses of power that they bragged about

  4. Joe Biden son has and I just heard still getting rich cause of his father
    Peaces of words to make up stories is lies
    (( Fake News ))

  5. Why would anyone pay attention to you! You need to shut your Trap. You are the one that has done things that you should have to pay for. You are a liar and your even admitted it on video! Jerk

  6. I'm the hood ( south central L.A ) and no one down here cares about impeachment of the president 😂😂 the only ones talking about impeachment is the media hahaha

  7. Trump 2020. Biden is a clown. He sunk his own ship blabbering on camera about how he blackmailed Ukraine. Moron.

  8. This deceptively worded poll is from a majority of DEMS polled. They try to make you think they only polled Republicans. That is a lie. MOST of those polled were Democrats. So of course they hate our President. ALL corporate network media tells us lies and refuse to tell us the truth. Late night shows, fake news media all saying the same thing with one voice. They LIE to us. This is why the people on all sides despise Network and their fake news. As always, someone needs to consistently stand in the middle and tell us the complete, objective and painful truth. I also notice the Fox personalities have been ordered by their Democrat executives at Disney to ignore this lie.

  9. It's imperative that Trump is impeached and removed from office. Otherwise, the Democrats will need to defeat Trump in a free election and that risks the American people re-electing him! That's no way to run a free and democratic country. Ridding Trump through the back door shenanigans of impeachment is the only way to protect democracy. It's not like there's an agenda to target Trump- Democrats only began discussing the possible impeachment of him shortly after the 2016 election.

  10. So there are people on Twitter getting petitions signed to impeach the president. This is a waste of time right? If half of the country or more vote for a presidential candidate and that person wins then the other side can petition and remove the winner? This seems to be the belief. So that idea is bogus and people need to stop wasting time on this. Impeachment is so complicated. They really don't have a smoking gun because both sides have whistle blowers, and evidence of quid pro quo. So if Trump goes down so should anyone else that did illegal activities to gain votes or to gain favors by threatening to withhold money or pay to play. This means that almost the entire government will be indicted. So if this is what people want this is what they will get. Everyone needs to stop becoming violent at rally's on both sides. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech. To block anyone whatever thier views to speak on public is thier right and stoping them is against the constitution. Meaning if what they have to say is not worth hearing nobody will show up. If you don't agree then do not go, and do not go to start trouble. If you do I believe you deserve to go to jail for obstructing free speech. Dont jeopardised free speech by being an asshole and or doing it to gain views on youtube to get paid. Some people think that stopping free speech is thier right to free speech. Negative. Anyways I hope we can find level ground soon. My head is spinning.

  11. Don’t let this make you forget that the only reason why Biden was a good VP is because he knew how to kiss obamas ass

  12. After an awesome double administration the ex president Gorge Busch Jr. was I feel not paid the honors him and the then now also ex Vice president Dick Cheney deseved,the dynamic duo managed after four wars during two administrations to keep the American international deficit at finish two under a six and a half trillion dollar deficit.On Feb.24 of 2008,the beloved ex president Barack Obama wad anagurated with the Vice Joe Biden both the president of the united states.The country ran smoother than ever.The problem is probably a miss commutation about the improvements of other countries money.It's here just a misunderstanding from administration to administration,for instance the sterling pound and the euro are both active in the world for the United kingdom,the. Chinese yaun and the Japanese yen are both chiller we can't forget today's Phillipeane Piso either.Geuss maybe the issue is our international financial nets down,were losing in the worlds financial race as one of the world's superpowers.We have to pay out the yang to make things for this country there move,and may have made an honest mistake and sued or something and have to pay for it.Only god knows how much that might have cost us as tax payers,No ones really to blame for a back wash or or any other style of treasonous act.It could have just been a big mistake. M.L.Dix

  13. Most of the problems current are probably from previous administrations. Sounds like the leftover push from the efforts to impeach the ex president Gorge Busch Jr.

  14. “A new poll from a newly acquired news outlet by criminal globalists says Trump should be impeached.” Yeah right. Screw you Paul Ryan.

  15. Biden is a patriot and Trump and his supporters are un-American. In American history we once called right-wing traitors wearing that red "red coats" .

  16. You can make these political polls show anything you want them to when you hand pick the people you poll. No one I know or I have been polled.

    Wait, I just took a poll of all the people in the room I am in. The results are in 100% that President Trump is doing a great job and needs to be left alone by the sad sorry left wing and their stoogies in the fake news outlets.

    The same poll shows the Clintons and the Obamas need to serve prison time.

  17. We'll see who will be laughing when we get to the impeachment itself and Trump's lies and corruptions will be exposed to the daylight. Republicans in Congress are already distancing themselves from him in a bid to save their own skins as the rats flee the sinking ship.

  18. Sick man Donald cannot face the fact that the American people do not like him. Rich man Donald is finding out that he is no longer able to buy the support of America's voters. Oh, poor sick man Donald.

  19. The reporter says, "…every substantive allegation has been confirmed by other sources.," but that is a lie. The whole "whistleblower" thing is a fictitious concoction of the Democrats/Media.

  20. Well,. Of course Biden wants Trump gone,,, Trump is exposing Biden and son for their corruption and ABC is defending the swamp creatures because they are part of the same bog .

  21. Behghazi – Obama, Biden and Hillary got American soldiers KILLED. That's why they had no choice but to Co operate in an investigation into what happened.

    Trump was informed about Biden, a sitting VICE President, and his embezzlement with a company where Hunter, his own son, was sitting on the board. There's no irony in regard to Gowdy being on team trump. In both situations it was BIDEN who was caught breaking the law!

    TF do these fake news media fucks get the balls to make shit up?? Calling for an investigation into a corrupt ex VP is NOT an impeachable offense. MSM FAKE NEWS CLOWN SHOW.

  22. 1:40 – Biden "to preserve our democracy…"

    America is not a democracy. It's a REPRESENTATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! The fact that Biden and the rest of the moron DNC don't get this simple fact shows how stupid they really are.

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