Department Of Justice Says 13 People Have Been Charged Following Pro-Trump Riot | NBC News NOW

NBC News’ Ken Dilanian and Tom Winter take an in-depth look at the fallout from the pro-Trump riot on Capitol Hill.
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Department Of Justice Says 13 People Have Been Charged Following Pro-Trump Riot | NBC News NOW


Author: avnblogfeed


40 thoughts on “Department Of Justice Says 13 People Have Been Charged Following Pro-Trump Riot | NBC News NOW

  1. I lost my job due to covid and a friend of mine recommended sir Luiz and ever since trading with his platform I have been benefiting a lot

  2. .მე აქ ვარ იმის დასამოწმებლად, თუ როგორ დამეხმარა დოქტორი ბროუ ჩემი ქმრის დაბრუნებაში, როდესაც ქალბატონმა ის წამიყვანა, რადგან მე არ შემეძლო მისთვის ბავშვის მიცემა და ჩემმა მეგობარმა გამაცნო დოქტორი ბრაუნი, რომელიც დამეხმარა მართლწერის ერთგულება და ერთი თვის შემდეგ მივესალმე ჩემი მეუღლე სახლში დაბრუნდა. მე ბევრჯერ ვცადე დოქტორი ბრაუნი მეგობრებთან და ოჯახის პრობლემებთან დაკავშირებით და ის ძალიან კარგად არის საქმეში, მას შეუძლია დაეხმაროს ამ ყველაფერში,
    * საქორწილო შელოცვა
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    * წარმატებები მართლწერის
    * დაწინაურების შელოცვა
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    Და მეტი

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  3. the article to impeach won't remove the power the x president had, but it will be one step closer to boycotting legally his ability to seek office again. due to the violations of trust and violation of his pledge of office mostly, that he would serve the people and not his own ambitions. but politicians are going to have to hurry… the lawsuits he had protection from when being an active president are now moving forward that he no longer has that protection. if they dawdle he may be in prison or much poorer than he is now before he's punished and blocked politically. sooner or later the lawsuit will also be filed by dominion against the x president, just like the one against his x lawyer/ adviser that is currently active.

  4. Why are the Justices Department not charging speakers? The speakers lit the fire that caused the Insurgent……. if they were black politician they will be in front of a Judge, " there is two America's one for blacks and one for whites"
    A change is coming!

  5. Thanks Allison Mlorris, Ken Delanian, Tom Miller, and Leigh Ann Caldwell.🙂 Run the Substandards like Cruise and Hawgins off?@
    "It would be really hard"… When it should be really easy? Easy Rules, easy consequenceseasy Schedule, easy status surging, easy money, easy life period. Life for the elected is as good as being aristocracy; what's the point? Royals are likely to be raised and educated well at least?🧐And they only have to deal with their motley and ignorant "managers" every few years? Pretty sweet for a largely barbarbic mob of look- good shysters, which Globally is what politicians are usually known as? Our system is a joke?!🤔

  6. Everyone ignores how our government fail to retain the best interest of its citizens, just concern of the aftermath and who's involved. Try rectifying two ideas! It's easy to fight things out

  7. The Capitol museum in Washington DC is a bloody deadly voter fraud crime scene and the Congress is Closed and anyone who has to do inauguration alone under armed Military guards could never be the leader of the free world 🇺🇸

  8. I have been going and attending to Trump rallies from day one and these are the most peaceful people loving people ministr teachers all types of family members they're all colors all race all backgrounds and it's so much love being around all of these people and they just Embrace everybody so these people that went inside the capital they had an agenda and whoever entice them to do what they did it was truly clearly seeing that that was done against President Trump and his supporters to make all of us look bad I am a black female American I've been a Democrat all my life and turn to Trump and his administration

  9. I sure have been enjoying watching all the news clips of these domestic terrorists and idiots being arrested. It was a heartbreaking day for me on January 6th – 39 years of me being in this country!

  10. Why NBC, CNN and other main stream Medfia call it like it is? what are they afraid of? Call the by their names.. !!! Antifa !! they are the instigators!

  11. The department of justice has been a joke every since the Obama administration allowed it to be corrupted. What happened at the Capitol was not illegal. In fact the constitution of the United States gives we the people exactly that power and the rights to carry it out.

    whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.'

  12. You idiots calling that a pro Trump riot. What kind of riots were they call all summer long. Oh yeah peaceful even tho people were killed.

  13. Convict him! Flat out the worst President of all time. Impeached two times! The last four years of President Pollution have been in two words, "An Embarrassment". He is evil too. He knew the COVID-19 virus is deadly to so many people, yet he continued to pack people in like sardines on all of his campaign rallies. Great numbers of people are suffering because of him. He should go to prison. See what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to say

  14. The capitol riot was worse than 9/11 because although I and many others believe the terrorist attacks were an inside job, we all know what happened at the Capitol building was an inside job…

    this was a direct attack on the power structure and the democracy of America in an effort to bring down the foundation of our government…

  15. You media guys must start conversing with each othet.There is an ex antifa guy who said these were antifa and BLMand another grou group ptesent .

  16. Too bad corrupt FBI agents are still walking free despite spying on the Trump campaign. If you're a conservative you get no justice. No one mentions the Air Force veteran who was unarmed and murdered. The country endured months of rioting by democrat black lives matter members and democrat inspired antifa. The double standard and hypocrisy from American media is sickening. No effort to arrest the people who attempted to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland Oregon. American media is dishonest and an enemy of the people

  17. We will always be disappointed, set-up and fall short if you and I fail to recognize and understand exactly what Evil is and how Evil works.

    Remember that there is nothing new under the sun and history will repeat itself.

    Evil knows no boundaries. Evil never wants containment. Evil just like Sin wants its own way. Evil will accuse you of what Evil is doing. Evil will use people and will use your goodness against you. Evil’s Operating System is DECEPTION. SO YOU MUST SEARCH OUT ALL MATTERS. Evil lies, plots(makes plans), and schemes in the dark, in the shadows, and through the night. Evil wants FULL CONTROL and will create and control the narrative. Evil will create False Flags to produce chaos and blame others. Evil is organized. More organized than you think. Evil has a chain of command. Evil creates the unexpected. The element of surprise gives a formative advantage. Evil never stops to achieve its goal. Evil will never cease, stop, or quit. Evil doesn't care about you and is incapable of love.

    But Evil cannot win, Evil must not win and we know that God one day will make sure Evil finally comes to an end.

    So with God's help, His intervention, we must now ALL decide to do our part.

    ”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke

    We all must be Militant Minded. ”Militant” means to be ENGAGED.

    So if you feel like Evil is winning then it’s time to be totally engaged. Use your Godly Goodness that He has instilled in you to combat Evil.

    No worries, God will reveal to you how and when to be an overcomer starting with You.

    So now put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD. Do all that you KNOW TO DO and STAND in confidence through CHRIST in a position of STRENGTH and FIGHT off the Evil. WE WIN!!!

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