Iran shoots down U.S. drone, Biden refuses to apologize, Ortiz wasn’t the intended target

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#Iran, # JoeBiden, #DavidOrtiz


Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “Iran shoots down U.S. drone, Biden refuses to apologize, Ortiz wasn’t the intended target

  1. The US is trying to start a war they can’t win the US sucks at war the US needs other country’s to help like Britain / France / Canada and more the only war the US fort on their own was the Vietnam war and the US got there ass kicked

  2. Yea the allí es of the u.s. shall try toattack the iranians as al the cowards they first provoke and then attack as the wolves as the cowards spying and then blame the other to justify their invasión with líes and cowardness. God protect us fr om débil i mean from trump and allí es who destroy mankind to steal an d colonize the weak

  3. ☆☆☆ President Trump you had better believe in UFO'S because they are real!!! I've seen one up close! I'm a Christian and I will swear it on a bible!

  4. Do you have to be a saint to win the presidency??? This nation has become so sensitive. Who knows what you all got hidden in your closet?

  5. California is a shit hole thanks to the Democrats robbing them blind and putting them LITERALLY out of house and home. Now they are stomping on your second amendment rights again. DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD GOD MAN. They are violating the constitution can't you see that?

  6. Trump should be applauded! Sure he's made verbal mistakes as it relates to information. But a bigger mistake would have been to strike Iran over a non man operated drone.🤔

  7. I guess if the story=line would be like that:

    "…feisty terrorist Iranian Revolutionary Guard squeezed a piece of soil under a harmless surveillance drone (operating strictly on a scientific project to fertilize Iranian soil in an act of humanitarian help) to justify the wholly war-criminal act of shooting down this peace-development-asset of the US Department of Agriculture.
    This act, among many others I may remind you, and the aggressive deployment of Iranian Military assets within and near their borders clearly shines unmasking light on their true plans of world conquest and domination…"

    some of the American public would still believe it !?

  8. Welcome to the campaining motives to use in politics .booker takes a hit .but oh no.biden comes back with a upper cut.this is. Gunna be a good bout folks .get your tickets at your local voting out let .lol

  9. Pelosi as president…

    The Democrats are the American enemies and domestic terrorists I have sworn as a soldier to fight on behalf of America. The leftist media are their cohorts in their attack to destroy America. I have even had a drink thrown at me and been called a number of derogatory names while shopping in public with my MAGA hat on. Democrats and leftists are the violent ones. Visit my Facebook page in the photos of my drawings of Pelosi as president. I am an old Captain America in tattered clothing. Pelosi is third in line to the Whitehouse. She just wants her chance to sit in Trumps presidential chair before she croaks. Search ‘Delmus R Ingle: Artist’

  10. Joe Biden is a f#cking establishment loser who only differentiates from Hillary Clinton on tired suit colors. The other night at a fundraiser Joe Biden was recorded saying to his rich donors “I need you very badly, I hope if I win this nomination I won’t let you down, I promise you.” Keep in mind, he’s speaking to his rich donors attending a fundraiser and attempting to buy our politicians with legal bribery. He then implies that the rich are in the same class as minorities and they are not “the others”. He’s attempting to make it seem as if progressives are against the rich when in reality we are just against the rich donors trying to buy our politicians and affect our political policies! He continues with this rhetoric and then says “no one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change if I’m elected.” He concedes with “don’t worry guys, I always do what I say.” He’s just promising them they will receive the same tax-cuts as they did under the Trump administration at the cost of the people. I am not afraid of another four years of Trump. I am however afraid of democracy disappearing in America forever! Until the party supports the people I will not support the party! I am still Bernie or Bust! In actuality at this point I am burn the establishment down!!!

  11. We need to bomb every major city in Iran. This is not exccepted. Trump needs to bring down these Terrorists. Nuke Iran. Do it!! They are not worth the done they destroyed. Trump sounds like a pussy. No time, space, guessing. This was a act of war.

  12. They don't want spies over their country. We don't like spying on us with any means they choose, from drones, sattelites, cell phones, internet, social media channels, Alexa, Seari America does too much damn SPYING.

  13. The headline should be “ US tried to get into Iran with a hideous looking spy drone and got caught and shoot down but US refused to say sorry instead they are blaming Iran.”

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