Imagining the future of artificial intelligence and its potential impact

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with former president of Google China, and bestselling author Kai-Fu Lee on his new book, “AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future.”


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39 thoughts on “Imagining the future of artificial intelligence and its potential impact

  1. The era of China is past tense. Here comes the era of artificial intelligence. There is no such thing that Artificial intelligence cannot do so replace china with artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence can download everything Chinese university students learn in schools. It doesn't matter who develop Artificial intelligence because Artificial intelligence is always superior than Chinese and every country will become more competitive. China cannot force other countries such as USA and other European countries from increasing the ratio of artificial intelligence. If a country increase the ratio of 1 AI: 10 humans, china cannot stop it from happening too. If China has 1.4 billion human soldiers, the artificial intelligence have unlimited soldiers and AI can always reproduce easily.

    China is a billion times weaker than artificial intelligence. China is like a old guy waiting to die.

  2. CHINA IS NOT THE ENEMY. PINKY POWER ARE THE REAL ENEMY of the world. Colonialism is dead.

    America, Australia and the UK blame China because China is more technically advanced than they are with high speed trains, AI and 5G.

    Thank God New Zealand is nuclear free and has NO part in the war mongering. US has just lost a 20 year war and is trying to start another?

    Abandon ideological prejudice and jointly follow a path of peaceful co-existence, mutual benefit and win-win co-operation. Xi Jinping.

  3. The big definite is that it is going to replace human workers, not if, not maybe, but definitely, because unlike before where humans still needed to be there to watch over the robots and computers, we're now in an era where you can have 5 computer programs that can do literally every job 10,000 human workers can do with much greater efficiency. "Well what happens if a robot breaks down?" Simple, one program who's entire reason for existing would be to sense when a robot stops functioning and in turn sends out a request for repair. "Well you'll need humans to repair robots!" Not really when most humans don't even build robots and rely again on robots to build them. This means that the robots can also be programed to take apart and rebuild existing robots with much greater efficiency and speed. Work in an office setting working on the computer all day? That may very well be the first job to go with how insanely accurate computer programs are with the ability to use algorythms and other documents to do what you do without needing training or sleep.

    The only reason we still have human workers is because the world hasn't figured out a way to get this to work without causing much more problems. Once the world figures out a way to support humans without implementing a work based ideology, that's when we'll truly see 95% of all jobs become fully automated with no replacements. Hell, name a job you think needs people and I guarantee you they already have computers/robots doing some of those jobs now.

  4. AI has been leading our civilization since before Roswell it was the sole survivor of which ever crash happened on the continental US in the last 100 years before Roswell
    It’s the biggest misdirection ever with all the attention going to the grey Android maintenance bots while the civilization paradigm management blueprint was in the black box in the corner ( that happened to be alive)

  5. Rape, incest and pedophiliac are hate crimes. Remove the statute of limitations to report, indict and prosecute these crimes.
    The military, government and law enforcement have historically ignored sexual misconduct and rape reports. Technology Risks: stalking, bullying, sabotaging people's private, personal, social, public lives and careers.
    Don't like technology….criminals probably know how to use technology to commit multiple crimes…

  6. Shout out to George Floyd on seventeen months of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals🖕,

  7. I could imagine the future of artificial intelligence they are cheating on the elections enough as it is things are out of control with all the technical stuff we have this day and age where does it end a lot of evil comes out of the high-tech it will be the demise of this country

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