President Biden answers press questions on Afghanistan l ABC News

“The bucks stops with me,” the president said Friday regarding the crisis in Afghanistan.

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Author: avnblogfeed


49 thoughts on “President Biden answers press questions on Afghanistan l ABC News

  1. Does anybody not want Biden out of office? None of his decisions or policy proposals have had 0 effects on me and I am in one of the worst situations as far as living entitlement goes. It's the way the system was constructed do to many (not just the one before) through manipulating the citizens around the country on there leadership decisions since the country was made and recognized by the world as a country. Don't blame the president for the country's faults. Blame him for only one thing if it hasn't already taken place, that's policy reform and of course major military decisions. Not military action unless directly first and specifically second, authorized or directly commanded.

  2. Kamala didn’t even show up with a mask. It was literally handed to her last minute. It’s a black medical mask and she put it on so fast it’s crooked on her face. 🥸

  3. Where's all the Biden supporters 🤔 i haven't heard nothing from yall since the start of all this .. but if this was Trump you all would be on here bashing him . Biden has been in politics for 45 years with nothing to show for it…. there's a reason he's been in that long and is just now president and he's showing everyone why. Dude don't have a clue what he is doing .

  4. USA invaded Afganistan to destroy chemical and weaspons of mass destruction aperently. MISSION ACOMPLISHED(no chemical weapon ever existed there)

  5. This is a thought… they have said the taliban wants their own country, must be why Biden and his cronies were welcoming the taliban to the world by giving them the gift of all our millions of dollars in equipment that taxpayers paid for so they can kill Americans and Afghans……what a joke, they're all so old up there on the hill that they are just making such stupid decisions…..they all need to go now, we need Trump back……they are corrupt, lying, evil 😈 morons who think they know how to run a country……

  6. I strongly believe that all sides agree…the withdrawal was mishandled greatly…even moving all forces to a single location makes the military so vulnerable.

    Any and every president takes ownership of previous issues. It’s how you handle it that requires a great leader. This is no different when an employee has an incompetent supervisor unable to lead.

  7. The idiot Biden left Americans there to die at the hands of the Taliban. Should have gotten every single American and our allies out before we pulled out of Afghanistan.

  8. This is 100% Biden fault!! No other way to put it!! He orders the military Leave in the middle of the night, leaving 600,000 rifles, 40 Blackhawk helicopters and 250+ armored vehicles,and God knows what other weapons and equipment to the Taliban and other enemies of this country!! Not to mention the Bargram Air Base 10, million dollars to build it and Joe just gave it to the Taliban!!
    He keeps blaming Trump , for making the deal to leave by May 1st. So why didn’t Biden leave by May 1st?? If he got out by May 1 and didn’t violate that agreement none of this would have happened!! Biden had at least 4 months to leave! The Taliban wouldn’t have had time to take control of the whole country!! Biden killed those US serviceman just the same as if he click the trigger on the bomb or pulled the trigger on the rifles himself!! Oh wonder if any of those weapons are part of the ones he ordered left behind!!!!!

  9. So the latest narrative in the trump media was Joe cant answer any questions , he lost it . When he answerers questions , its now all scripted he has cards etc. Good god . Just upset when the latest conspiracy theory falls apart . Keep crying. I only wished he did what kayleigh mcenan did and literally read from book when answering questions , but that was ok doke . STFU really

  10. So if taliban uses those carelessly left behind major weapons for more terror attacks could this placed president be tried for negligent homicide or manslaughter on a major scale? He had plenty of time to plan operation weapon obliderate

  11. low quality leader like Joe lier biden who have never fought a war should be careful about criticizing those who have.
    We cannot abandon the brave afghans to their destiny, they are our last line of  defence

  12. The nation is ruled by a president who seems to be in the terminal stages of galloping dementia. His potential replacement resembles a cackling witch with the intelligence of a feral child.

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