After the assassination of Haiti’s president, a nation in turmoil and a doctor jailed | Nightline

A Haitian doctor living in Miami was jailed in Haiti in connection to the killing of President Jovenal Moïse, whose death has further stoked an existing crisis in Haiti and created a power vacuum.





Author: avnblogfeed


23 thoughts on “After the assassination of Haiti’s president, a nation in turmoil and a doctor jailed | Nightline

  1. For a country to move forward, it must have a stable economy? exporting and importing must be the top priorities, right? Now let me tell you why Haiti had to pay my stupid CROSANT CONTRY.

    Immediately after Haiti's independence, they regained economic control and had one of the greatest military defenses in the caribbeans. Therefore trade with their neighboring countries is a must for the country's growth. But hellooooo this a country ‘’frêche’’ out of slaverie. So no trades with a French colony in America. So as not to return to ass whooping. They had 2 choices : to fight a second time with the largest/best army in the world (at the time) or pay.
    They paid……

    from a 13 year old whit French kid who was adopted by a rich ''Haitien'' family .

  2. « What is valid for the citizen is worth even more for the governors, who must resist the temptation to make prevail their particular interests on those of the collectivity for which they are responsible » Machiavelli, the prince, p. 68.

  3. Peuple haïtien « Vous connaîtrez la vérité et la vérité vous affranchira» Lorsque quelqu'un refuse d'admettre la vérité, il finira par sombrer dans le mensonge jusqu'à sa mort. Comme c’est le cas de Ariel Henry, il refuse de reconnaître qu’il est coupable de crime de haute trahison. Mais il finira par en payer le prix !!!

    Haitian people "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" When someone refuses to admit the truth, he will eventually sink into a lie until his death. Like Ariel Henry, he refuses to admit he is guilty of the crime of high treason. But he will end up paying the price !!!

  4. When we know that President Jovenel Moise was ready to cede 95% of his power to these country merchants who are his opponents and that they killed him for the 5% he had left. These people are truly notorious criminals who were to be executed at the posts. These people who think about money and power, these people who have sold their souls for money and who are domesticated by corrupt oligarchs like them, as the saying goes: "Tell me who you hang out and I'll tell you who you are »Where do you think you are going with your rotten money? Simply in hell because your soul is damned. You think money is worth more than a person's life. If a person's life has no value in your eyes, but in the eyes of God, human life is very valuable; for it is the precious blood of the Son of God that was shed for each of us.

  5. « Est-ce donc en vous taisant que vous rendez la justice? Est-ce ainsi que vous jugez avec droiture, fils de l'homme? (58:3) Loin de là! Dans le coeur, vous consommez des iniquités; Dans le pays, c'est la violence de vos mains que vous placez sur la balance. (58:4) Les méchants sont pervertis dès le sein maternel, Les menteurs s'égarent au sortir du ventre de leur mère »
    Psaumes 58:1-3

    "So is it by remaining silent that you do justice?" Is this how you judge righteously, son of man? (58: ​​3) Far from it! In the heart you consume iniquities; In the country, it is the violence of your hands that you place on the scale. (58: ​​4) The wicked are perverted from the womb, Liars go astray when they come out of their mother's womb ”
    Psalm 58: 1-3

  6. USA font diversions pour ne pas donner justice à Jovenel Moise et sa famille. Ils pensent nous humilier, mais ils s’humilient eux-mêmes en donnant une mauvaise image de la démocratie et de son immigration. Dieu a raison de dire : « Malheur à l’homme qui se confie en l’homme, heureux l’homme qui se confie en Dieu »
    Est-ce que les USA sont des amis de Haïti ? A eux de répondre à cette question non par des paroles en l’air, mais par des gestes concrets. Car la bible a dit : « Si quelqu'un possède les biens du monde, et que, voyant son frère dans le besoin, il lui ferme ses entrailles, comment l'amour de Dieu demeure-t-il en lui ? Petits enfants, n'aimons pas en paroles et avec la langue, mais en actions et avec vérité »
    1 Jean 3:17-18

    USA are making diversions not to give justice to Jovenel Moise and his family. They think they are humiliating us, but they are humiliating themselves by giving a bad image of democracy and its immigration. God is right to say: "Woe to the man who trusts in man, happy the man who trusts in God"
    Is the USA friends of Haiti? It is up to them to answer this question not with empty words, but with concrete actions. For the Bible said: "If a man possesses the goods of the world, and seeing his brother in need, he shuts his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love in words and with the tongue, but in deeds and in truth »
    1 John 3: 17-18

  7. « On ne peut pas faire confiance à quelqu’un qui ne respecte pas la justice et surtout quand il prétend rendre justice » Tel est le cas de Ariel Henry qui a peur parce qu’il sait pertinemment ce qu’il a semé avec son copain Joseph Félix Badio qui a assassiné le président Jovenel Moise en plein pouvoir et qui est libre de ses mouvements parce qu’il est protégé par son copain premier ministre Ariel Henry à qui il a rendu beaucoup de services qu’il devait raconter auprès du juge qui a le dossier de Jovenel Moise. Vous pensez que vous allez en sortir sans la moindre égratignure parce que vous êtes protégés par vos patrons, tels que : les USA, les oligarques corrompus, les groupes des opposants assassins ou par la France. Il y a un Dieu qui voit tout, qui sait tout, qui agit, qui venge le sang des innocents et qui entend le cri des malheureux que vous avez étouffés et maltraités. Attendez de récolter tout ce que vous avez semé pour les récolter au multiple. Même si cela tarde à venir, il viendra quand même : le jour de la vengeance de l’Eternel où il rendra à chacun selon qu’est son œuvre.

    "You cannot trust someone who does not respect justice and especially when he claims to do justice" Such is the case of Ariel Henry who is afraid because he knows very well what he sowed with his boyfriend Joseph Félix Badio who assassinated President Jovenel Moise in full power and who is free to move about because he is protected by his friend Prime Minister Ariel Henry to whom he rendered a lot of services that he had to tell the judge who has the file of Jovenel Moise. You think you are going to come out of it without the slightest scratch because you are protected by your bosses, such as: the USA, the corrupt oligarchs, the groups of murderous opponents or by France. There is a God who sees everything, who knows everything, who acts, who avenges the blood of the innocent and who hears the cry of the unfortunate people whom you have stifled and mistreated. Wait until you reap all that you have sown to reap them multiple times. Even if it is slow in coming, it will still come: the day of the Lord's vengeance when he will render to each according to his work.

  8. There are people who have gifts to legitimize unhealthy things. Such as: Reginald Boulos, Dimitri Vorbe, Dimitri Hérard, André Michel, Michel Martelly, youri Latortue, Joseph Félix Badio, Ariel Henry, the police chief and their assassin associates. Hearing them makes you want to vomit, they are so obnoxious and hypocritical. Shame on them and let them go to hell forever. They are traitors, enemies of the Haitian people, they are homeland vendors, they are notorious criminals, drug dealers, gangsters and leeches. They must be arrested, judged and sentenced to life. They are squandering the state coffers by getting richer to the detriment of the poor and the nation, they have loaned money into the state coffers, they have contracts that they did not have. not honored. As a result, they have to reimburse the state for all its money. If this is not the case, the state will be obliged to make seizures (seize their property) for it to be reimbursed. " To great ills, great remedies ".
    These people think they are untouchable, only God is untouchable. No man in whose nostrils there is a breath is untouchable. Look for their Achilles heel and touch them where it hurts. Game is over for you !!! It's over for you because you are all unmasked, because the people are no longer fooled.
    NB: Jean Félix Badio is in Haiti covered by the protection of defacto Prime Minister Ariel Henry and the protection of the police.
    Currently Ariel Henry, André Michel and Jean Félix Badio are engineering plots to assassinate the man who protects the presidential palace: Yonel Valbrun
    The proof is in this video !!!

  9. Il y a des gens qui ont des dons pour légitimer des choses malsaines. Tels que : Reginald Boulos, Dimitri Vorbe, Dimitri Hérard, André Michel, Michel Martelly, youri Latortue, Joseph Félix Badio, Ariel Henry, le chef de la police et leurs associés assassins. A les entendre donne envie de vomir, ils sont tellement odieux et hypocrites. Honte à eux et qu’ils aillent en enfer pour toujours. Ce sont des traîtres, des ennemis du peuple haïtien, ce sont des vendeurs de patrie, ce sont des criminels notoires, des dealers de drogue, des gangsters et des sangsues. Il faut les arrêter, les juger et les condamner à vie. Ils sont en train de dilapider les caisses de l’Etat en s’enrichissant au détriment des pauvres et de la nation, ils ont prêté de l’argent dans la caisse de l’Etat, ils ont des contrats qu’ils n’ont pas honorés. De ce fait, ils doivent rembourser à l’Etat tout son argent. Si ce n’est pas le cas, l’Etat sera bien obligé d’effectuer des saisies (saisir leurs biens) pour qu’il soit remboursé. « Aux grands maux, les grands remèdes ».
    Ces gens pensent qu’ils sont intouchables, il y a que Dieu qui soit intouchable. Aucun homme dans les narines duquel il y a un souffle n’est intouchable. Il faut chercher leur talon d’Achille et les toucher là où ça fait mal. Game is over for you !!! C’est fini pour vous parce que vous êtes tous démasqués, car le peuple n’est plus dupe.
    NB : Jean Félix Badio est en Haïti couvert par la protection de Premier ministre défacto Ariel Henry et la protection de la police.
    Actuellement Ariel Henry, André Michel et Jean Félix Badio machinent des complots pour assassiner l’homme qui protège le palais présidentiel : Yonel Valbrun
    La preuve est dans cette vidéo !!!

  10. Il y a des gens qui ont des dons pour légitimer des choses malsaines. Tels que : Reginald Boulos, Dimitri Vorbe, Dimitri Hérard, André Michel, Michel Martelly, youri Latortue, Joseph Félix Badio, Ariel Henry, le chef de la police et leurs associés assassins. A les entendre donne envie de vomir, ils sont tellement odieux et hypocrites. Honte à eux et qu’ils aillent en enfer pour toujours. Ce sont des traîtres, des ennemis du peuple haïtien, ce sont des vendeurs de patrie, ce sont des criminels notoires, des dealers de drogue, des gangsters et des sangsues. Il faut les arrêter, les juger et les condamner à vie. Ils sont en train de dilapider les caisses de l’Etat en s’enrichissant au détriment des pauvres et de la nation, ils ont prêté de l’argent dans la caisse de l’Etat, ils ont des contrats qu’ils n’ont pas honorés. De ce fait, ils doivent rembourser à l’Etat tout son argent. Si ce n’est pas le cas, l’Etat sera bien obligé d’effectuer des saisies (saisir leurs biens) pour qu’il soit remboursé. « Aux grands maux, les grands remèdes ».
    Ces gens pensent qu’ils sont intouchables, il y a que Dieu qui soit intouchable. Aucun homme dans les narines duquel il y a un souffle n’est intouchable. Il faut chercher leur talon d’Achille et les toucher là où ça fait mal. Game is over for you !!! C’est fini pour vous parce que vous êtes tous démasqués, car le peuple n’est plus dupe.
    NB : Jean Félix Badio est en Haïti couvert par la protection de Premier ministre défacto Ariel Henry et la protection de la police.
    Actuellement Ariel Henry, André Michel et Jean Félix Badio machinent des complots pour assassiner l’homme qui protège le palais présidentiel : Yonel Valbrun
    La preuve est dans cette vidéo !!!

  11. When we know that President Jovenel Moise was ready to cede 95% of his power to these country merchants who are his opponents and that they killed him for the 5% he had left. These people are truly notorious criminals who were to be executed at the posts. These people who think about money and power, these people who have sold their souls for money and who are domesticated by corrupt oligarchs like them, as the saying goes: "Tell me who you hang out and I'll tell you who you are »Where do you think you are going with your rotten money? Simply in hell because your soul is damned. You think money is worth more than a person's life. If a person's life has no value in your eyes, but in the eyes of God, human life is very valuable; for it is the precious blood of the Son of God that was shed for each of us.

  12. Currently in Haiti it is the assassins, the drug dealers, the mercenaries, the corrupt, the perverts, the sellers of countries, the traitors, the executioners, the sadists, the dishonest, the liars, the tongues of vipers, the thieves who squander the state coffers, the corrupt at all levels who run Haiti and as long as they are in power there will be no justice and consequently: "No justice, no peace"

  13. Dr Ariel Henry,
    No one knows better than you that you are always afraid of what you have sown. God said peremptorily: “We don't laugh at God, we laugh at ourselves. What a man sows he will reap "I know you know the Boomerang effect !!! But I want to remind you in case you have forgotten it as you forgot the two or perhaps several phone calls from Joseph Félix Badio, your murderous colleague of Jovenel Moise. When you cast a Boomerang, it always returns to whoever threw it. Jesus said as your father taught you well: "There is nothing to hide that should not be revealed" And we will end up knowing the truth and this truth will condemn you in the eyes of all and in the eyes of the members of your family. Remember what the word of God said: "The heart of man has many plans, but it is the Lord's plan that succeeds" God will revive Haiti from its ashes because it is he who has the last word and it is he who controls all things. "And we will all appear before the tribunal of God to account for all that we have done, either right or wrong"

  14. Dr Ariel Henry,
    No one knows better than you that you are always afraid of what you have sown. God said peremptorily: “We don't laugh at God, we laugh at ourselves. What a man sows he will reap "I know you know the Boomerang effect !!! But I want to remind you in case you have forgotten it as you forgot the two or perhaps several phone calls from Joseph Félix Badio, your murderous colleague of Jovenel Moise. When you cast a Boomerang, it always returns to whoever threw it. Jesus said as your father taught you well: "There is nothing to hide that should not be revealed" And we will end up knowing the truth and this truth will condemn you in the eyes of all and in the eyes of the members of your family. Remember what the word of God said: "The heart of man has many plans, but it is the Lord's plan that succeeds" God will revive Haiti from its ashes because it is he who has the last word and it is he who controls all things. "And we will all appear before the tribunal of God to account for all that we have done, either right or wrong"

  15. Bill Clinton's his a Hallary Rodham Clinton foundation puppit they're behind our president jonovel Moise murder , right now The Clinton in Dominican republic planning to occupy Haiti but we're are Haitians we're will let the dragon Lady test her medicine 💊

  16. I guarantee you the doc Is a proxy they have no idea who killed the president and don’t really care they’re just going to arrest him continue doing what they were doing and go along with whatever the hell the plan is

  17. I wonder if the earthquake has anything to do with Presidents death? Some religions warn, not to curse the ruler. I am sad for this news, wish peace for Haiti.🍃🌼🍃

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