The Accused l 20/20 l PART 3

Investigation into Riley Fox’s death begins, her brother is interviewed: Part 3

Riley was found bound, gagged and sexually assaulted. Will County investigators found sneakers with the letters “EBY” written on them. Tyler Fox cried during questioning with a forensic interviewer.

#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary

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Author: avnblogfeed


36 thoughts on “The Accused l 20/20 l PART 3

  1. 😲 😡 What in the actual F . . . where the hell did that so-called "Child Forensic Interviewer" get her training and certification?

    The ENTIRE PURPOSE of designing the job of a "Child Forensic Interviewer" was because back in the 80's and before that, when children were interviewed, they were being coerced or lead into saying things that were untrue by being asked suggestive questions about specific people. So that job was created so these interviewers could be trained and certified to use specialized techniques that would remove the potential for the interviewer to use suggestive or leading questions that may call the child’s statements into question.

    This woman here did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she was supposed to be trained to do. The ENTIRE INTERVIEW was slam-full of her asking "leading and suggestive" questions about his dad. They are never supposed to bring up specific people's names when asking their questions.

    She should have only asked open-ended questions like, "Did you see who took Riley?", or "Can you tell me who carried Riley out of the house?".

    She should never have asked him "Did you see Dad carry Riley out of the house?" or however that was that she phrased it. She was putting ideas in his head!

    I sure hope that idiot woman lost her job, because she was absolutely TERRIBLE at it.

  2. This poor baby. Not many of these cases make me ill but this one is doing just that. To imagine how scared she must have been. I hope she’s okay now ❤️

  3. People outraged over the interrogation on a child, she was treating him like she would anybody else, you ask and ask and ask until they crack and say something accidental and they don't use the 300 no's as evidence, they just that just 1 yes to close the case.

  4. This is disgusting. This poor boy was made to sit through that bs. The ppl involved should all be fired and prosecuted. Putting this poor baby through that hell after he's said NO multiple times. That woman said it was a disaster and I'm thinking surely it couldn't be that bad. Nope, I'm wrong it is a disaster. Its sick and disturbing to say the least. I been ok up until now…If I was this boys parents I would be LIVID and every god damn body would hear me.

  5. This Creature interviewing should be FIRED! I'm DISGUSTED right now!!!!! Pisses me off too!!! Sweet little boy just experienced a nightmare!!! But yet they send a cold blooded person with no emotions whatsoever to interview a victim!!!! 🤨 This is why parents should be allowed in the interview room with their children, if not in the actual room then behind the mirror with the other cops!!! No child should be left alone! This MONSTER proves what can happen! 🤨

  6. Literally disgusted at the woman asking the brother questions 168 TIMES HE SAID NO!! That mean she had to ask him some form of the question if his dad did it!!! Disgusting, to the point that he’s sobbing!!! UGH like my stomach literally hurts. His parents should have been able to put a stop to this. Poor kid!! 💙💙

  7. Every time I see another child murdered in our society, I wonder where is this dark path heading to! When we cannot find it in your heart and Minds A system that protects them at most and the elderly. This deadly youth culture, this soulless state our country is in now. We opened up a small can of worms and you see where it is heading. What's next bestiality, oh yeah that's been around for a while. It's just that YouTube shows just how low and the depravity. We have become. Please those that can and want to repent! All shall be judged as it has been written and coming to pass right before eyes! Protect our babies why do you think God is going to come down and stop everything now we are not protecting his most precious creations our babies, or should I say his babies! This is why he's going to hit Mankind in the head hard! Our refusal to allow him back in charge not our EGO!!! The devil laughs at us we think we are in charge of ourselves! It is part of his deception, are you FOOLED! All for the sake of living in sin we resist to follow the righteous one, then we have the nerve to blame him for our bad luck! Haha the jokes been on us Satan really has blinded us with ego Pride money sex xcetera.

  8. I wanna PUNCH 🤜that woman "interrogator"!!!
    Her demeanor!!!!!😡😡
    Omg I am NOT nor have I EVER been a violent type of person. But watch that woman interrogate poor Tylor that way! The poor kid!!!!!

  9. That child interogator questioning Tyler is literally the worst I have ever seen. What is wrong with that woman she should definitely find a different profession.

  10. So sad to think had the father laid her in her bed or a different room things may have been different. Apparently this person was breaking into houses close also to steal things and his house was one of them but when that person broke in and seen his daughter laying there sleeping this obvious psycho path then decided to do even worse. So crazy this had she not been sleeping in the couch maybe she wouldn't have been abducted and killed. It's just saddening. So sad.

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