5-year-old mauled by a pitbull at Portland airport

The girl’s mother has now filed a $1.1 million lawsuit against the owner of the pitbull and Alaskan Airlines for allowing the dog on the plane.




Author: avnblogfeed


43 thoughts on “5-year-old mauled by a pitbull at Portland airport

  1. Wow. What a surprise. Just shitbulls doing what they were bred to do.. killing and attacking babies… hell hounds that should be made extinct!

  2. Dogs have no business in certain areas. Planes, restaurants, or anywhere that is confined or where they may create a danger. Support animals is being taken advantage of by people who have an abnormal attachment to a pet. Seeing eye dogs are the only exception. I was at a Carmel Ca outdoor bar and a woman had a support pony at a table near by. Couldn't believe it.

  3. I'm sorry, but if you're disabled & have a service animal, I think you should by law have to provide a card, paperwork or some sort of documentation proving you're legally allowed to not only have the dog in your possession but the dog is trained & safe for travel & doesn't prove to be a risk or danger to other passengers or patrons. It isn't fair to those around to be nervous or in fear that the dog will attack. The ADA needs to change the whole you don't have to show proof or paperwork for support animals. People take advantage of the fact that the law doesn't require proof. So people do is pass off any dog as a support animal. Companies & business are not to refuse someone who is disabled nor are they allowed to ask for proof of disability to anyone who has a support animal. So when companies do, these people pull out their damn cameras & start recording then resorting to threats towards the company. Crying & screaming discrimination & throwing out threats to file lawsuits. Fake service dogs are a huge problem & it needs to be rectified. The laws needs to be changed so it isn't as easy to just walk up with a damn dog & claim it to be a service dog then bully your way through. The only animals recognized by the ADA are dogs & miniature horses "Weird but okay" The fact of the matter is, Pits are a dangerous breed & should NEVER be considered to be a service animal. There are more people out there who are trying to pass off an everyday animal as a service dog because they want either a discount, free pass or some sort of perk that comes with being disabled. An example of these people needs to be made.

  4. As a person who has raised pitbulls, known responsible pitbull owners, and have been attacked by a pitbull. This is my view on the subject! Most owners know that their pits need certain rulership over them, it takes someone who can watch for pitbull mannerisms. Each pit, has it's own personality, and their own preference on who they will protect, or attack. Some act out, because you're not spoiling them. Some act out due to eyesight, or sickness. Some act out, because they are provoked by owner to be so called watch dog. I have seen many reasons for attacks, including just being in the wrong place while a female was in heat! I think pitbulls are a magnificent creation, but need someone with trained skills, and is willing to certain documentation. How I think this could be resolved, is that you are not able to own a pitbull, unless you go through extensive training on how to own one, and you sign a legal contract that states "If your pitbull hurts, or kills someone, owner is fully responsible for all medical, and legal expenses". Also pass a law that states that, if you are checked by any authority, and found to be without training, or signed legal document, will have pitbull removed from their custody, and serve 5 years prison time. Life in prison, if someone gets killed!

  5. This makes me so upset and angry! Why are service animals that are dangerous even allowed! Hell force the people with dangerous animals to drive instead of going on a plane! Also a pitbull seriously! I feel so bad for the child and the child's family! Animals shouldn't be allowed on planes unless it is a harmless animal like a fish. I'm sorry asshole but your emotional support issues aren't as important as a child getting mauled! Pitbulls are such evil dogs. Honestly I hate pitbulls and other dangerous dogs. All of you pitbull lovers shitty excuses won't ever change my mind.

  6. they didnt even show the dog. I guarantee you its not even a pitbull. 90% of the attacks shown are not even pitbull, just giving the breed a bad name. Do your research people, what a damn shame.

  7. have a muzzle on the dog…we all know children get into shit…I got bit in the face by my dog when I was a kid cuz I was in its face…both are at fault

  8. I don't know the whole story to this. It's sad the girl was bitten . My thought on the other hand of the subject is yes I agree that people need to stop abusing the pet service . Now I can't even travel with my mix pit that is a trained service animal. My other thought is I'm sure you would not of heard about this if it was some other type of breed unless it's a pit due to the pit all ready has a bad reputation . (BLAME THE OWNER OF THE DOG ) NOT THE DOG . what a fucking damn ass for bringing a agressive (pet) see how I use that word pet I did not say breed . Because any breed of dog can be agressive . It's all upond the owner as the trainer.

  9. It's time we as a society demand harsher punishment for someone who has a fighting breed that mauls and kills someone .
    Yes, any dog can bite, but they will not put you in ICU or the morgue like this breed usually does.
    It's a absolute joke that they are used as " emotional support " animals.
    Keep this up and watch them get BANNED outright, as they should be.

  10. Can I bring my pet tiger on board the plane too? It's my emotional support animal. Oh…if it eats anyone it's not the breed its because a little girl tried playing with it..and btw..that is not my fault…jeez…Who is the bonehead that thought it would be a good idea to bring a pitbull to airport which has lots of people (including little kids) running around???

  11. You have to be an emotional weak POS to need an animal for "emotional support" . Sorry but your parents failed you, if you had any.

  12. I’m sure since it’s the news we’re missing some sort of details but it’s sad that people abuse the rules and laws about service animals. I’ve worked at two different places where we were told if someone comes in with a dog don’t even ask if it’s a service animal just let them have there dog inside. I questioned this each time and each time was told the company didn’t want a lawsuit or the publicity that could come from even just asking if the customers dog was a service
    Animal…. that’s just crazy

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