Monica Lewinsky opening up about her affair with President Bill Clinton

Lewinsky revealed what led her to confide in Linda Tripp about her affair with President Clinton.


Author: avnblogfeed


40 thoughts on “Monica Lewinsky opening up about her affair with President Bill Clinton

  1. Well done Monica it’s time you have your side represented..if a 49 year old man of ANY level of power had an affair with my 22 year old daughter much less potus he absolutely would be the one with the more power in the situation…thank goodness for #metoo!!!! Attractive women are not the only players in affairs omg time for men especially powerful men to take responsibility too! Wishing her all the best in her life

  2. الصحراء الغربية المقدسة وعاصمة العالم قوة ودار فهم وشرح القران قد قال الله في القران وَمَا مَنَعَ ٱلنَّاسَ أَن يُؤْمِنُوٓاْ إِذْ جَآءَهُمُ ٱلْهُدَىٰ وَيَسْتَغْفِرُواْ رَبَّهُمْ إِلَّآ أَن تَأْتِيَهُمْ سنة الاولين او العذاب ان القران واضح من هو الهدى هو المهدي المنتظر المنتقم العالم والقائد الاعلى للعالم اخر الرسل وسر القران الذي اتى بسنن الاولين وقرر فيكم العذاب وانتم فيه طبقا للقران والان اوروبا غرق وتحت الماء مع امريكا وال سعود اليهود

  3. Why she was insane to have a married man because she can be rich and famous instantly …… These men also likes to give attention more rather than taking care of their own wife and child . How mean ?

  4. FRF fotbal la vii ortocsii țiparilor astrologi nehunisti poporal FRF ajuta la liga politica ortodocși la vii biserica a munca mea din două părți pe calculator la aghiazma la patriot părintele Dincă Viorel Baraoltului biserica Sf Paraschiva și cei trei ierarhi cu Moldova Ardealul și țara românească care ajuta la divorțuri lumea de peste tot din starea de alertă 24,ore la notari k divorțuri fara zgomot muzica nu zgomot romantic fm FRF hai meciul corect p

  5. Google: Hillary Clinton interference in the 2016 presidential election:

    Lindsay Graham: "There's something else coming more damning than this believe it or not ". Well, Lindsay, there is plenty of damning evidence against the corrupt Obama-appointed FBI/DOJ officials who plotted the coup against Trump by their illicitly conspiring to rig the 2016 election and subverting the Trump presidency – yet no indictments after the "truth" has been known for years.

    Yes, the same corrupt FBI/DOJ officials who illicitly cleared Hillary Clinton of obstruction of justice, destroying evidence, perjury, and violating the Espionage Act, were the ones who illicitly conspired to frame Donald Trump and his associates via a series of bogus witch hunt investigations with the support of the Democrat Party and the liberal media. Justice will be served when there are indictments and convictions of the coup plotters.

    Google: FISA Report Reveals Clinton Meddled In 2016 Election

    When Hillary read both investigative reports, I imagine she reacted similarly to how a demon reacts when doused with holy water.

    Google: Obama Explains Why Hillary Lost The Election

    Google: Shocked Clinton Supporters Shed Tears

    Was Hillary Clinton Indicted by the House Democrats, prosecuted and convicted of interfering with the 2106 presidential election?


    Pelosi smiled and winked when she said, “No one is ABOVE the law.”

  6. 1.Clearly we still do not understand how workplace harassment works and what "taking advantage of your position and power" means. Young intern spending some unchecked time in close proximity with the president, by then a known cheater and womanizer. She was young, naive and wasn't aware of the potential repercussions of the whole thing.
    2. People who call Monica a "home wrecker", FYI, people IN the marriage wreck their own marriages, not third parties. How do we know Bill and Hilary's marriage was not already over before Monica even came into the picture? How do we know Bill did not make it seem like his marriage was an open marriage to Monica? Its sad that the world convinced her to apologise to Hilary…Monica did not need to apologise to ANYONE.
    3. Monica Lewinsky was made to sign contracts to not share her side of the story for a decade which was basically Clinton's abuse of power, denied jobs in her field everywhere in USA…shamed for her entire life, bullied, harassed, trashed, eventually she moved to London and studied social psychology at LSE to understand what happened to her..she tried to share her story now to help others who have been victim of shaming and bullying survive the pain.

  7. Ümünü sıkıp da mal varlığına konacak da……
    Bobo yapıyor diye…….

    Bir Türlü beceremiyor………

    Takip ve Liste……
    Kim Kimi şapmış…….
    Liste hazırlanılmış takip ederekden…….
    Şahsi bilgiler…..
    Mal Varlığı bilgileri……
    Birisinin yönettiği
    Şahsi bilgilerin toplanılması
    Şahsi bilgilerin pazarlanılması

    Şahsi bilgileri satan
    Şahsi bilgileri satın alan

    Satın alıcı medya olduğuna göre…..
    1500/2020 Şahsi bilgiler pazarı……?

  8. I mean she consented was over the age of consent and explicitly explained how she kept the dress with well with the guys special brew on it. But on the other hand Bill Clintion seems like a typical manipulator always comes off as charming but in reality he is a perverted man that thinks he is invincible.

  9. Bir işim olsaydı……
    Monica Lewinsky le……

    Onu da Fişviklemeye gider di…….

    Satın Alanı medya……
    Ödeme usulünü bilmiyorum…….


    Kimleri Fişviklediyse…….
    Kimleri Yönettiyse…..
    Kimleri Çalıştırdıysa…..
    Kimleri Koşturduysa……

    Marshal Planını da geri vermeye gitmesin….?
    Saldırıyorlar Soyuyorlar…….
    Baskın Yapıyor…..

    Ne Üreteceği belli olmaz…..
    1500/2020 Hisse Senetleriyle 500 yıl…..?

  10. more violations against America — FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON’S FIRST INAUGURAL ADDRESS, APRIL 30, 1789
    I behold the surest pledges, that as on one side no local prejudices, or attachments—no separate views, no party animosities, will misdirect the comprehensive and equal eye which ought to watch over this great assemblage of communities and interests; so, on the other, that the foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality; and the pre-eminence of free government, be exemplified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens, and command the respect of the world—I dwell on this prospect with every satisfaction which an ardent love of my country can inspire. Since there is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists in the œconomy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage, between genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy, and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity. Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained. And since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.

    « Ratification of the US Constitution in New York, 1788

  11. Here is one of the men most corrupt in the world: Bill Clinton. When governor in Arkansas, his brother worked with the drug mafia from Medellin, Colombia, and he, Bill, participated in business related with drug dealers. Then, when he became president, he turned the FBI as the police department in Arkansas, completely corrupt. And this took very high levels of corruption when he, with his family, created the famous "Clinton Foundation". With this institution, he and his wife stole hundreds of millions of dollars from our pockets. Just learn the crimes that Hillary committed when she was secretary of state; of course, all this crime with the help of another liar, Barack Obama. This man is a liar, together with his wife, Hillary. All this information is public knowledge. So we may ask, if this is true, why is this man, Bill Clinton, a free man and not in jail? That is a hot question. The only justification to this situation is that the FBI and CIA, the main agencies that protect our freedom, are also corrupt, just like the Obamas, etc. But all this is really funny: What will Bill do when he dies? He looks so decrepit that he probably dies any time.

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