24 thoughts on “George W. Bush tribute to John McCain

  1. Oh, how I wish George W. would have been the president the last 4 years. I didn't always agree with him, but he was so much better than what we have had the last 4 years.

  2. John McCain an American Hero and a Leader. And today our great nation is desperately looking for a Leader with similar attributes as John McCain and by the grace of God we do have a Leader among us. A man of honor. A man who will treat everyone with kindness respect and compassion. #VOTEJOEBIDEN2020

  3. Trump isn't a true republican, only hiding behind the name. Republicans have honor, decency, respect, and are truthful.

  4. SO SO happy that donny boy trump wasn't invited there and he wouldn't have come anyways after all the NASTY things he would say about Mr. McCain….America has a ignorant, vile creature in their white house………..

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