Asia Argento accuser Jimmy Bennett speaks out

Jimmy Bennett, who initially sought to settle the matter privately, said he was “ashamed and afraid to be part of the public narrative” after an alleged underage sexual encounter.


Author: avnblogfeed


48 thoughts on “Asia Argento accuser Jimmy Bennett speaks out

  1. After seeing the note he left her and the texts, it's quite obvious he's looking for a hand out. He hasn't worked since he was a kid and is desperate for money.

  2. yes if it was a girl I would be angry but personally as a guy at the age of 17 I would never consider myself to be a victim it would make me very happy

  3. not to be rude, but I don’t think she would be attracted to him. (he looks infantile. )& men are the pursuers in sex. she should have gotten out of there but 🤷🏻‍♀️he seems extremely manipulative and probably misogynistic. maybe he thought she would leave her partner & sought revenge over his hurt ego when she didn’t

  4. Pore Anthony. No wonder he committed suicide. He knew the truth was going to come. And is reputation was going to ruin after he paid all that money. To keep her out of prison

  5. There is no way the guy was traumatized by choosing to have sex with a beautiful woman. He just wanted to abuse the system and get money

  6. He was a victim…..a victim with a Boner!

    I'm sorry this guy just SUCKS…..not only did he have sex with her…..which should include some "lovers discrestion"?

    then he got 380k?

    and he still sold her out? I don't know……I don't like this guy….in any sense

  7. Do pictures of him not show him running around with tampons in his mouth and his face practically buried in an older woman's breast. Pure extortionist

  8. Not to be a dick but that dude should have just counted that as a win cause that dweeb getting a woman like that is a once in a lifetime thing. Kinda freaky that she played his mom in a movie though but that I guess is a thing. This was probably not even a concern of his till he found it as an opportunity to try to claw his way back into fame for 5 minutes . Not saying what she did was Right but the dude is so full of shit that he’s traumatized

  9. Soo he has sexual encounters with her. Takes nude photos seeming more then happy.
    I think maybe they hatched a plan to scam money out of anthony.

    After receiving over 500.00 thsnd plus 10.000 a month now you wanna go public?

    Whatever 😒

  10. This wasn't a double standard thing with this kid. Some of y'all just don't have a good eye for spotting a little dweeb who wanted some #metoo attention and of course some money. Well, he did, and he deserves it because at the end of the day..he was underage. Is anyone gonna convince me it was a traumatic assault though? No…not with this kid. Has very little to do with the smiling pic, and more just based on his interviews and statements. Won't explain myself. I just go with my intuition which is usually quite spot on.

  11. Does he look tormented and victimized in the follow-up pics? NO!
    Did he cash in 10, 000 a month to leave them /her and her boyfriend / in peace? YES!

  12. Not condoning this but um he looked pretty happy in that photo something fishy here does he want more money out of her since he has no career these days

  13. Is this guy gay? He gets Asia Argento and 380k and is still complaining, he should have to give the money back. Look at the pics did he look like he was being abused or against his will. And now he is using the new liberal word of the week "misparentment" on his parents…liberal snowflake.

  14. I Don't give a fuck it is rape or not But man this Jimmy Bennett Guy Got Lucky As fuck to have one of the most hot women in the world in his fucking bed holy shit

    Hey Asia if you are reading This Can You please "rape" #MeToo

  15. She Should not have slept with him no matter what! It IS her fault… but to say he's a victim, seriously? Assaulted him? The selfie they took afterwards says it all… That being said, it is her fault.

  16. THE ONLY VICTIM IN THIS SITUATION IS ANTHONY! The kid got laid by a milf and earned a third of a million dollars for it. Asia got pounded by a young man who she obviously had some strange/sick infatuation for. Anthony got his heart broken and paid a third of a million to cover for asia. It's sad that most of the time it's the people with a heart of gold who suffer. It seems like many are just incapable of guilt. I can't believe instead of just letting the story die down by itself she had to get in front of a camera to bash a man that took his own life, who treated her like gold.

  17. It's interesting. First she denied it. Then she finally admitted it. Now she is saying that Jimmy raped her. That's why I don't believe in the terrorist organization known as the metoo movement. It's a power play. "You piss me off in any way or don't give me what I want and I'll accuse you of rape." I'm almost willing to bet half the rape allegations in Hollywood, and around the country are made as a power play, or a revenge tactic. I had a friend who's ex/baby mama had a couple of her under age friends accuse him of sleeping with to keep him from fighting for joint custody. Since there was proof that she said she would get them to lie and the judge fefused to allow it, and had the transcripts completely sealed so his impropriety illegal rulings, he was forced to take a plea deal. They will be dealt with. They say the statistic is only 3% of rape allegations are fake. That is a lie, it's at least half, or more. The problem is, even when it's proven that the women is lying, most of the time, they rarely, if ever face charges, and they're still pitied and sympathized with while the guy falsely accused is still harassed and vilified and his life is ruined, and are lucky if they only have to move 3 states away, as their names have been dragged through the mud, and their reputations ruined. Since these liars never see justice, or only get a slap on the wrist with a feather type sentence, then it's time for the public dispence real justice.

  18. Argento is from a wealthy Luciferian bloodline. Since this was transmitted Anthony Bourdain, her recently acquired partner, was 'suicided' a matter of weeks later. I wonder what Anthony discovered and learnt before his death?

  19. In case of murder, 20 years later with 100 new witnesses, the cases normally open again, and the juries often sentence "guilty". Why is this not possible with violence against women? In addition, comparing sex with a 17-year-old person to serial employers who abuse thousands of women that are potential employees is just weird. Asia Argento does not assault hundreds of underage men, neither is comparable with the culture of forced submission that society has built against women during 2000 years. Moreover, a person who does not go to the court (and this guy had the chance), but who first asks for 3 million dollars for his silence (and accepts a payment done by someone else ) and then goes to newspapers, makes me think to an organized fraud. (Why Dove and her girlfriend did not give the fresh new messages (not 20 years old) to the Police to help against child-violence? ) "Me too" women did not ask for money before going out on newspapers. A real child-victim who does it for psychological harm, would have gone to Court and the judge would have maybe sentenced Asia to pay 380,000 dollars. It seems to me that this guy wants also to "play" on the age limit and on the place where the photographs were taken.

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