Biden to speak to Putin over rising tensions in Ukraine l GMA

ABC News’ Senior Foreign Correspondent Ian Pannell reports from Avdiivka, as fears of a possible Russian invasion against Ukraine continue to mount.

#ABCNews #Russia #Ukraine #Biden #Putin #BeijingWinterOlympic #Beijing2022


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41 thoughts on “Biden to speak to Putin over rising tensions in Ukraine l GMA

  1. nato can pile up on the border but russia gets "tough talk" for having their own troops inside their own country on their own border.

    on the bright side the u.s. debt ceiling has been increased for the umpteenth time!!!!! woo hoo… party!!!

  2. "And though the forest was shrinking, the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that since his handle was made of wood, he was one of them."

  3. I'm sure they are laughing in Russia after they showed the video to their people. Resident Biden couldn't even turn microphone on. He is a joke world wide.

  4. Can you imagine Putin’s response, “look Joe, you are facade, a pretentious puppet, your brand of leftist ideology is the failed Leninistic bent moving towards Stalinistic lunacy as you fuc* your own people in favor of the crazies… the Badies if you will; now you turn to me in some kind of a pretentious endeavor? Who want a man who takes the ring off his hand and then turns around and says he’ll be true, sorry Joe, FUC* YOU!”

  5. Biden est un personnage à double face. Recto: Biden affirme ne pas vouloir la guerre froide avec la Chine. Verso: Biden la fait très activement. Jugez Biden sur les faits. Biden a retiré ses troupes de l'Afghanistan et celles-ci sont redéployées en Asie Pacifique face à la Chine. Biden a renforcé ses activités de provocations à la Chine en jouant la carte de Taiwan. Les parlementaires et les militaires américains se sont rendus deux fois de suite à Taiwan en un mois. Les F-16V sont livrés à Taiwan. Biden a placé ses troupes à Taiwan. Par ailleurs Biden a envoyé ses trois meilleurs sous marins nucléaires d'attaque (de la classe Sea Wolf) très proches des côtes de la Chine. En surface trois groupes de combat à base de porte-avions sont dans les eaux territoriales de la Chine. Dans les airs Biden a augmenté les fréquences des vols d'espionnage proches des côtes de la Chine. Biden a formé l'alliance AUKUS contre la Chine. En outre Biden a formé l'Alliance QUAD contre la Chine. Biden a envoyé ses alliés proches (Japon, Australie et Canada) faire des exercices militaires proches de la Chine. En outre Biden a envoyé ses alliés européens (Royaume Uni, France, Allemagne et Dutch) faire des exercices militaires proches de la Chine. La Traversée de la Mer de Chine Méridionale (notamment celle du détroit de Taiwan) est devenue le symbole des provocations à la Chine. Depuis 2019 l'économie américaine est très sérieusement touchée par la pandémie et l'Amérique est réduite à la planche à billets pour survivre, provoquant ainsi la chute du Dollar US face à la monnaie chinoise. En novembre l'Etat Fédéral américain a connu l'arrêt de ses activités (le SHUTDOWN une fois par an). Cependant cela ne l'empêche pas d'allouer un budget important pour sa propaganda contre la Chine. Les tissus de mensonge sur les Ouïghours en sont les exemples.

    Biden is a two-sided character. Front: Biden says he doesn't want the Cold War with China. Verso: Biden is doing it very actively. Judge Biden on the facts. Biden has withdrawn his troops from Afghanistan and they are being redeployed to the Asia Pacific against China. Biden has stepped up his provocative activities pending China by playing the Taiwan card. U.S. lawmakers and the military have visited Taiwan twice in a row in a month. The F-16Vs are delivered to Taiwan. Biden has placed his troops in Taiwan. In addition, Biden sent his three best nuclear attack submarines (of the Sea Wolf class) very close to the coast of China. On the surface three carrier-based combat groups are in China's territorial waters. In the air Biden has increased the frequency of spy flights near the coast of China. Biden formed the AUKUS alliance against China. In addition, Biden formed the QUAD Alliance against China. Biden sent his close allies (Japan, Australia and Canada) to do military exercises close to China. In addition, Biden sent his European allies (United Kingdom, France, Germany and Dutch) to do military exercises close to China. The crossing of the South China Sea (especially that of the Taiwan Strait) has become the symbol of provocations to China. Since 2019 the US economy has been very seriously affected by the pandemic and America is being reduced to printing money to survive, causing the US Dollar to fall against the Chinese currency. In November the US Federal State experienced the cessation of its activities (the SHUTDOWN once a year). However, this does not prevent him from allocating a large budget for his propaganda against China. The tissus of lies about the Uyghurs are examples of this.!

  6. Joe Biden and the demoncratic party are hypocrited. They accused president Trump of collision with Russia but on reality, Obama and Joe Biden allow Russia expansion.
    Russian invaded Ukraine and took over Crimear from Ukraine. Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine and incompetent Biden will not able to take any action because Biden administration doesn't not have any plans except for the lock down and unforce the vaccinated mandate.
    Next crisis will be the Chinese communist government take over Taiwan.
    God help us.

  7. Putin is obviously trying to intimidate and destabilise the Ukraine government. If he is bonkers enough, he may invade, but that would be a very big risk for him. If he intends to invade, he needs to carefully consider the cost and the reaction from the Ukraine people, the reaction from the EU and the US, and not least, the reaction from the Russian people themselves, because it is they who will have to suffer and bear the cost.

  8. Biden is such a dufus. He wants to provoke Putin. Well, lets see here. He is begging Russia to produce more oil. Oh so we dont have enough to keep our own machine running. China is not producing computer chips and they also are holding the chemicals that we produce our medications with. Yup lets go to war when we have no access to meds or oil or computer chips to run our military machine. No chips for tanks, military vehicles, military aircraft and ships and tanks. Yep that ought to work out well ya think. We would loose a war in a matter of days. May I suggest everyone brush up on their Russian and Chinese language skills. Biden is out of his mind.LITERALLY!!!!

  9. US companies send billions dollars of business to china every year and they ship us junk that falls apart, and rusts from the inside out because it’s manufactured with garbage steel. they hide the fact that they spread a virus to the world and won’t take responsibility, and china has the guts to call the US selfish.
    HAH that’s a good one.
    how about i’m sorry about the virus, we will pay for correcting it, and thank you for all the business, and will start delivering quality products and we will start buying american products for the next 1000 years.
    try saying, thank you when you open your eyes in the morning.

  10. President Putin is probably shaking in his shoes about biden confronting him over Ukraine. Meanwhile over at the White House, biden is asking his staff if he's still in Ohio

  11. Brandon vs Putin
    After Afghanistan no one is in Brandon’s Corner for support
    He left other countries to retrieve their citizens on their on
    Now No European country will support Brandon against Putin for Ukraine

  12. War in Europe and with Russia would trigger an economic domino effect disaster. Even sanctioning i.e. Russian gas or payments for gas would send Europe into a blackout and then an economic crash.

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