Pence calls for Roe v. Wade to be overturned ahead of abortion ruling | ABC News

Former Vice President Mike Pence is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade ahead of oral arguments on abortion rights to be held on Wednesday.

#ABCNews #MikePence #RoeVWade #AbortionRuling


Author: avnblogfeed


31 thoughts on “Pence calls for Roe v. Wade to be overturned ahead of abortion ruling | ABC News

  1. They care more about the unborn than they do about the mothers who can't afford basic healthcare, food, and housing. One of the major factors that women consider before they have an abortion is whether or not they can financially support a child, so if you want women to have less abortions, start by rebuilding the middle class so that everyone isn't struggling to survive.

  2. I'm pro life and pro choice, just not pro death, abortion is a procedure that should only be used to protect the mother in some rare scenarios. It should not be used to killed the child in the mother's womb for the choices the mother and father made, or not understanding the consequences of their action. Ending a life is not a quick fix, it's evil and murder should be illegal in a society. These men/women can instead go and have an operation which will make them infertile and have all the sex that they want. I won't stop them. Though I would suggest otherwise cause it's unwise. But it's okay, you can always adopt and its just clump of cells! What? You don't want an irreversible procedure on your body ? I don't want an irreversible procedure that ends babies life's!

  3. Let's not look at this in the immediate sense, as someone who has grown up with abortion being a "menu option" in modern society, a society which has made it a matter of practicality and individualistic superficiality, life style choices etc. Pregnancy and abortion is about the baby, it's about sex between men and women, it is about our human off spring first, from the social significance of it. That's just plain critical logic, as opposed to "civil ideological creativity". A woman's pregnancy was never a matter of individual human rights. It has always been a matter of both parents right to protect their child, thus putting their child first. Throughout the whole world for all of history that has been the simple to see truth. This is where our society is very mistaken, and sadly unable to see how we have disfigured our understanding of our own species, as well as misleading other nations with this flawed reasoning.

    I'm not saying we can forbid abortions, we no longer should. We should however see it as a sad and tragic last resort. Not some form of after the fact contraception, mostly for the sake of forming the right cultural personality character about our sexual behavior. Especially regarding men. If we are going to be more responsible and mature about our human sexuality so that we make less mistakes that would lead to undesired pregnancies, we must think of it in terms of honing our future cultural personality and social character by learning better criteria and having the guidance of different more "socially organic" laws. American's need to face that we have lead the West to become exceedingly immature and spoiled as well as some-what dysfunctional about our sexuality. This is no different to not wanting a society that raises its kids on candy bars and junk food but instead wanting a society that eats clean healthy and smart about their bodies. To achieve those results, what I'm trying to get across and which would make it much easier simple and natural to become healthier and more responsible about our sexuality, which means of course many less undesired pregnancies, is to start thinking of men differently, with more accountability logic, treating them differently in the Law regarding pregnancy and regarding responsibility and rights to the baby, in order to achieve equal rights to the baby as the woman has. Right now what we have as as a social/cultural form is un acceptable degree of irrelevancy and inconsequentiality towards men regarding, sex, pregnancy and child rearing. What I believe is that this flaw is the unseen source of many of our problems in society.

  4. If all life should be the sanctity of American law, then so should: health care, pharmaceutical care, dental care, and vision care for all citizens. Right?

  5. Choke on it you libs… we have been watching the ladies of this land murder their God given babies by the tens of millions.. Now you can learn your lesson… Keep your knees together!!!

  6. So who gets to decide if a woman who’s uterus is full of blood and tumors🩸 and possibly a dead baby…who decides if that procedure can be done… Catholics deny those procedures because they are the same procedure as an abortion…. I know of a woman who had a rotten baby in her and the woman became very ill… the hospital and dr refused to remove the dead baby because it was against the hospital “moral” issues 🤨 then she passed the baby and needed a D&C to clean out the gunk in her uterus… they also refused her that… the woman suffered her mental illness the rest of her life.. she is in her 50’s now. She was only able to have one healthy child possibly because they fucked up her uterus 😡

  7. A woman's right and responsibility regarding pregnancy and "her body" STARTS WHEN SHE HAS SEX WITH A MALE, because abortion is not about her alone EVER. Abortion equally involves the right of the human being being formed and the father of that child.

    The critical logic behind abortion today is erroneously based on a liberal individualist and entirely selfish premise. It simply does not pan out and thus why it is completely unstable, countries cultures and societies are always in a state of "should we change our minds about this?". The reason is because the logic the United States and Britain pushed onto the West regarding abortion is inherently flawed because of these aforementioned miss applied ideologies.

  8. We don’t need abortion to be illegal. What we need is a few things to greatly reduce abortions…
    • We need a national standard for sex education—NOT abstinence-only non-education. People need to know how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and STIs.
    • We need to make contraceptives more widely available and accessible to all people.
    • We need some way of preventing repeat-abortions; nobody should be getting more than one or two in a lifetime unless their life is at risk. Contraceptives don’t fail often enough to justify much more than that.

  9. I would predict a fairly hefty brain drain over time of states that have made abortion illegal if RVW were to be overturned. But in the short term it would rally immense support for more liberal candidates in those states possibly packing the house for the Democrats.

  10. Father, You formed us in our mother’s womb, weaving us into the person You wanted and needed. You chose our purpose, and while we were being formed wove into us the gifts and abilities we would need to accomplish that purpose (Galatians 1:15). You filled John with Your Spirit while he was still in the womb (Luke 1:15). He leaped for joy in his mother’s womb when Mary, pregnant with Christ, entered the room (Luke 1:41). Fetuses that are not yet human beings are not filled with Your Spirit and don’t leap for joy. John was obviously already a person. Paul’s destiny and identity were shaped while still in his mother’s womb (Galatians 1:15).
    Forgive America, Father, for killing our children. Today, we join with the blood of 60 million babies, crying out to You for justice. Please end America’s covenant with death (Isaiah 28:15-18). Help us this day, Father, end the shedding of innocent blood in our land.
    Move on enough Supreme Court Justices to give life a victory today. [5 of the 9, a simple majority, must vote for life.] Peel back any veil blinding them to truth. Enable them to see through the maze of twisted and tangled legal arguments, the layers of what-ifs and wherefores. Show the insidiousness and lunacy of finding the right to kill babies in the word “privacy.” How simple this decision should be! The framers of the Constitution would be shocked and horrified at what we have done with their words. Awaken the conscience of our nation, and start with 5 Justices.

    I humbly pray Father, God also has highly exalted the Anointed Savior’s, name, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; praying God’s will be done! With thanksgiving to our Lord our Righteousness Father God! So be it! 🙏Amen!🙏 🙏Amen!🙏🙏Amen!🙏

  11. That’s righty Mikey poo. Keep the public distracted so they’ll never figure out you’re a closet queen.

    Btw didn’t this guy almost get hung by the same nut jobs he’s advocating for?

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