Supreme Court set to hear arguments on the biggest challenge to Roe v. Wade in decades

Mississippi is asking the Supreme Court to abolish the 24-to-26-week standard of fetal viability and give individual states the power to set their own abortion mandates.


Author: avnblogfeed


38 thoughts on “Supreme Court set to hear arguments on the biggest challenge to Roe v. Wade in decades

  1. I'm guessing reporters like Jim Acosta thinks that no one remembers former Senate Majority Leader Harry Ried from Neveda, who was the first to break historical Senate decorum and abolish the filibuster in order to appoint liberal leftist judges. You shall reap what you sew, and you leftist got what you deserved and now we have a conservative majority on SCOTUS!

  2. I find it amazing that a reporter cannot distinguish between a person saying women should have the right to abort vs a person saying Roe was correctly decided. One is a question of what the law should be the other is a question of upholding the laws as written.

  3. The Father, Son and Holy are at work!

    God will NOT BE STOPPED.

    Praise God!

    "The wicked will see it and be grieved, He will gnash his teeth and melt away; The desire of the wicked will perish." Psalms 112:10

    God always wins in His Time and His Way!

  4. God created America as a Christian Nation.  Therefore Christians have a God-given mandate to impose Christian control over political, social, and cultural institutions.     ~ Dominion Theology

  5. I should be there holding a sign saying "You need to fear FRED" or "Trust the Flying Spaghetti Monster," because there is no reason other than historical accident that my religion (the Church of FSM) is any less valid than Christianity, or Islam, or Buddhism (which is much more tolerable than the first two). Prove to me that your invisible sky-wizard exists, and I'll immediately change my mind. At the moment, the best I have heard are abstract philosophical arguments that have essentially been knocked down decades ago by great thinkers like Bertrand Russell. The whole debate is theater at this point; it's quite clear (thanks to science and archeological evidence) which side has won. These people protesting with a sign demanding that you should "fear god" and thinking it will actually change any minds on abortion are straight-up delusional. 🤦‍♂️

  6. it was federal overreach, according to the constitution. it should have always been up to the individual states… america is not the only country with limitations for abortions… some countries ban them completely. remember that only in america do we have the right to protest and change laws… right by birth or naturalization.

  7. A child is formed as early as to 4 weeks after conception or 6 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. for me, that's the date a child sits in and lives in the womb and its murder…

  8. Pro-life just means anti-woman. The fact that something that isn’t even fully functioning with no autonomy, self-awareness, or cognitive abilities is more important to them than a living , breathing woman is all you really need to know 🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. The ability of Abortion is being overly-abused by irresponsible women who do not take precautions to sexual encounters. The baby should not be harmed because the women is careless.

    This does not give her the right to terminate because she cannot financially afford to raise a child.

    Abortion should be for emergency situations only, such as life endangerment, rape, etc.

    Financial and ease of life reasons IS NOT ACCEPTABLE REASONS.

    If you’re caught abusing this ability, you should be brought up on legal and criminal charges.

  10. The same people screaming for abortion “rights “ because it is “their body “ are the ones screaming at you to be forced into getting a needle full of phony vaccine injected into your body!??

  11. The fact that people are fighting to force there personal beliefs on others and make them have babies they don’t want. only a women can get pregnant and bring life into this world it should be her choice and the people talking about men should have a say yes if they are married I completely agree if your not then they need to find someone who wants to have a baby with them it’s not like it’s your last sperm

  12. Pro-lifers tend to be merely pro-birthers who do not care about the well being of children after they are born. They tend to vote heavily to cut the taxes that pay for programs that help poor families. I guess this is what passes for conservative "family values."

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