‘Rust’ assistant director breaks silence after deadly on-set shooting l GMA

Dave Hall’s attorney challenged eyewitness accounts in sworn affidavits during a tense exchange on Fox News.

#ABCNews #Rust #DaveHall #AlecBaldwin #HalynaHutchinson


Author: avnblogfeed


43 thoughts on “‘Rust’ assistant director breaks silence after deadly on-set shooting l GMA

  1. “Whether Dave Halls handed Mr. Baldwin the gun or not doesn’t matter. He didn’t load it.” What!? What what what WHAT?!!
    Lawyers smh.

  2. He got money but he won't see a day of jail time so in that end he's blessed but everybody knows that everybody on that set had a working iPhone and they're in the film industry we don't know none of their names or none of their accounts. He should just go on over to Mel's Gibson's house with Michael Richards and join Bill Cosby and Giuliani for sad happy hour and make bets what time Dave Chappelle going to show up.

  3. At the end of the day the aromourer is paid to secure and check the weapons at all times, she should be the only one checking it immediately after it comes out of secure storage, loading it and before it is passed directly to the person needing it on set, no go betweens, no leaving it lying around , no third party handlers, she screwed up totally and left a working firearm on set and outwith her sight and control, end of !

  4. Where is the necessity for anyone to be standing in front of any gun shot, blank or not. The footage could have been taken with the actor firing directly into a free standing secured camera. There are a multiplicity of ways this piece of footage could have been captured, without people standing infront of a gun.

  5. none of this matters there is absolutely no reason any one should be pointing a gun of any kind at anyone while making a film the camera's view is 2 dimensional and they werent trying to shoot the shooter and the target in one shot it makes no sense at all

  6. Baldwin should be arrested. Ultimately he pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. It was his responsibility to check that the gun was safe. This is criminally negligent homicide at a minimum. The AD and armorer may also have some culpability.

  7. It's baffling to me that the lawyer is trying to make whether or not the assistant director handed Alec Baldwin the gun as "irrelevant". Of course it's relevant, and there is one truth of how things happened. This lawyer is trying to gaslight people. All the people responsible for this is going to be lying.

  8. Not to be crude, but in Harrisburg PA, last week an innocent 27 year old was killed in a lovers quarrel between two partners in a club. These partners were not associated with the birthday party where this 27 year old mother of 4 was murdered. This happens everyday and is repulsive. Of course the gunman SISSIED up and ran like a roach. SO WHO REALLY CARES ABOUT THE STUPID STUFF IN HOLLYWOOD. We haven't heard anything about this innocent bystander in Harrisburg. Alec Baldwin is no one special. WHO CARES

  9. 🤔 the Armour knows she's probably put bullet in there maybe she's didn't like the movie or maybe that person was jealous Someone had to put bullet in an Empty prop Gun it didn't just magically appear like what Really Happened soon the FBI Cops will Find out who put Bullet in prop Gun During a Movie I'm Sure Armour knows more then what she's telling us

  10. This story reminds me of an old friend I had in Texas who had just bought a gun, was showing it off at a party, pulled it to a friends’ head, and shot thinking it wasn’t loaded. The one in the chamber killed his friend. At first the family forgave him but ultimately their grief got ahold of them and they decided to pursue prison time, which they won. He spent more than 15 years for negligent homicide. Someone’s head will roll in this case too. Sad all around.

  11. Of course no one will admit fault and spend 20 hrs to life in prison. Everyone is going to want to blame everyone else in this matter. It’s going to turn into a game of murder mystery.

  12. It's better he does not speak . You have a trial and this could do alot of damage to your part of this trial. Not smart . In the end the person who took life amo to this set and the people responsable for the guns are in realy big trouble than the person who used the gun could get a bit of this but i doubt this. Again not smart this is going to hound you.

  13. Need to correct Erin Thor. 500 rounds found in all. Which was a mix of blanks, dummy rounds and some live. Still waiting on FBI ballistics report for an accounting of how many are actually live.

  14. Dave Halls admitted to not checking the gun more thoroughly before handing the gun to Baldwin. Why is the legal team taking back what he admitted to?

  15. How long and how many actors are going to cover this up ??? It’s on film , the cold blooded Murder …….the perp, single handedly shot two people by aiming a real gun and shooting a bullet . This is a false flag , performed by the libtards Golden boy who is anti gun. So see through…. Stefanapoulos is a joke also …. Clinton’s advisor- gives us the news 😂😆😂😂😂. Nothing to see here 😂.cant wait for justice , let’s go Brandon !

  16. I think David Hall is the one who put the "LIVE" round into the gun when he went and got it off the cart !!! It's only a matter of time before the Homicide
    Detectives find the connection between Hall & Reed …and the motive !!!

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