Parents with children under 5 feel like it’s still 2020

ABC News’ Karen Travers reports on the families with children under 5 years old, who are aren’t yet eligible for a COVID vaccine. Many say they still feel left behind


Author: avnblogfeed


38 thoughts on “Parents with children under 5 feel like it’s still 2020

  1. Women need to stop having kids because clearly nobody cares about women and these kids. In 2022 women need to face a harsh reality that America isn’t for us and it’s never been in our favor. We literally are doormats for men


    Sun: "Hotter"
    Sugar: "Sweeter"
    Joonie: "Cooler"
    Yoongi: "Butter"

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos
    , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente


    Megan: "Hotter"
    Hopi: "Sweeter"
    Joonie: "Cooler"
    Yoongi: "Butter"

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos
    , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente.

  4. Pretty sure ALL parents feel that way. Some very privileged people have been less effected but single parents were forced to quit their jobs 2 yrs ago when schools and daycares closed. Mine are all above age 5. Do these people think kids can stay home alone at age 5? If you try that cps will keep them permanently.

  5. I love how American people think everything is about them. You people in America aren’t the only country that suffered so get over yourselves. Stop blaming your politicians and blame yourselves.

  6. No they don’t, they were told for 1 1/2 years that’s kids don’t get it the same as adults and by following the science that’s true.
    If you’re a parent worrying about a healthy kid <18 you’re a crazy person.

  7. I’m a single mother and I remember when Covid hit I got fired because I had nowhere to put my children little did I know that everybody in the United States was eligible for unemployment. I went and I applied for another job at another nursing facility because I’m a certified nursing assistant I was hired on the spot a week later everything went crazy and it I was struggling to put my children with the babysitter and I work night shift 7 PM to 7 AM. I can’t complete my nursing school because I just spent all my money on childcare just to work out with the schools being closed and shut down. I’m still recovering. I now work at a different job which I absolutely hate and I just wanna work part time and go to school and just take care of my children. The only days off I get her Monday and Wednesdays I have to work every single weekend. The pay is not bad it’s $15 an hour but for the amount of work that I have to do they should be paying me more with my experience. I think child care should be free in the United States for every working parent.

  8. I think it feels like 2020 to a lot of people. Time has stopped for sure. Everyday feels the same. I never know what day it is. Time is moving slow and fast at the same time.

  9. Beware of these daycares. I don’t understand why parents have so much faith in them. Most of the people working there are either on the edge of retirement or younger women with their own kids.

    The majority of my co-workers left due to health complications, work retail, or to take care of their OWN sick kids.

  10. My baby girl was born on May the 1st 2020… and I am now pregnant with her brother and he will be born in February 2022.. my second child and my second pandemic baby.. also my last child due to heart issues that covid caused me to have because I had covid in March before I was pregnant with my second baby. I am now fully vaccinated

  11. People should be allowed to make their own decision when it comes to vaccinations its not right to force chemicals on people.

  12. What's so safe about getting the vaccine? All the vaccine does is prevent you from showing symptoms.. you can still get COVID, people are still dying after getting vaccinated.. to me that's like playing with people's lives cause of u get exposed to COVID, people won't know because they are not showing any symptoms and to me that's not right.. not getting any symptom that can help u know that u aren't well to have the opportunity to catch it on time, but doctors think it's ok to one day die out of nowhere.. it's not 100% fact that the vaccine is a resolution for this situation so why put something in your body that you ain't sure it's really gonna keep u alive and safe and not knowing exactly what's in that doze you are putting in your body that haves you drowsy and numb for hrs?

  13. Everybody please don't let this moment pass please make the best decision of your life right now by allowing our God in heaven to come into your life by you praying to God everyday for his help in every decision of your life everyday and in every situation of your life everyday for I guarantee if you do this everyday then your life will get better, you will have more peace, you will be more successful, you will have more happiness, and all your dreams will come true that’s because when you pray to God then God will make all good things possible for you and you must not forget to read the “Holy Bible” everyday and a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way


    America is only 63% (209M of 333M) vaccinated.

    New Zealand is 94% (4.7M out of 5M) vaccinated.

    Covid deaths US 910,104 vs China 4,636 vs New Zealand 53.

  15. China had 3 cases of Covid and shut down a city of 14 million. America had 1 case and turned it into 1.4 million per day.

    Covid deaths US 910,104 vs China 4,636 vs New Zealand 53. Remember when Trump said it would just go away.

    US parents protest at school meetings about? A: 185 school shootings in 10 years B: Masks.

    The USA, where you used to be able to own people but now suddenly wearing a mask is having your freedom taken away. H.Franklin

  16. None of these kids belong in school they can't even learn anything cause either they catch it or someone in their class do and they have to stay home so what's the point of them being in school?

  17. There is so much money to be made…it will never end. My son is 10 not vaccinated and has Omicron rn. He has a freaking runny nose, that's it! I am vaccinated and felt flu like symptoms for a couple days. It's substantially weaker and I truly don't see healthy kids needing a Vaccine that isn't even made for the current strain. He had to miss 5 days of school for a runny nose.

  18. Ummm…you def can not “step outside and scream”.
    That is very bad advice. My gosh.
    Don’t do that. You will freak your neighbors out & someone will prob call the police.

    (I’m aware this comment was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but it seemed dismissive of the struggles of the parents they exclusively covered in this news blip. Like, wtf.)

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