US-Russia summit proposal

President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to hold a summit “in principle” on the condition that Russia does not invade Ukraine. ABC News’ Faith Abubey has more.


Author: avnblogfeed


38 thoughts on “US-Russia summit proposal

  1. Lies all lies the media is full of crap deeper than the Mariana Trench. Russia has been fighting terrorism directly from Ukrainian sense the 70’ when the U.S. funded the Ukrainian rebels. So we can control the government. It’s a part of Russia not the U.S.

  2. I don't know why america and russia are making so a big thing of this. they don't know how many countries could die from this. They only think of themselves. Russia is cooperating with China, which are the two most powerful countries out there. America is the most powerful after that but America can do nothing compared to those two countries together. America is not thinking and Russia is freaking out. Anyway, this has got to stop. this is abnormal.

    i am young i am just 17 years, but i have a sister who is almost two years old. that is very bad. They don't think to other babies and kids. Also to all the other people.

    This is what i wanted to say and i hope these two countries will think and change their mind a little bit.

  3. Jen Psaki said in a statement Sunday night that President Biden had “accepted in principle” a meeting with the Russian strongman.
    Russia stated Monday morning no such meeting was requested.

  4. I am against this summit. Fake US President Biden is not a legitimate US representative. As a result of a fake, illegal election, Biden carried out a coup d'état. All laws and decrees of this impostor are illegal. All the sanctions that this old and inadequate person announces against Russia are illegal.

  5. You won't do a thing, Biden!!! Remember, you sold America out to Russia!!! Putin, how much did you give Biden for America? Americans would like to know!

  6. You won't do a thing, Biden!!! Remember, you sold America out to Russia!!! Putin, how much did you give Biden for America? Americans would like to know!

  7. Biden, crush Russia, how, effective ASAP, double all drilling and exploration for oil, double our oil and natural gas production ASAP, as soon as we can, start work on existing pipelines, and double them, messaging alone will cause a drop in oil cost in one day.
    Do your job Biden, crawl out from the basement, understand how you can impact Russia, and lower fuel cost, which will reduce cost of transportation, which reduces cost of products to end consumers "inflation" reduce it with lower energy cost…need to leave the Green Beans on the bench and lead – lead at home and on the world stage, do your job, get over to Europe, face to face with Putin, this is not Kamala's job.
    $40.00 a barrel for Oil – devastation for the Russian Economy – flood the market with oil..

  8. What about the trump Russian collusion story… You guys were like 24 hours a day calling trump a Russian spy…. Looks like u got that all wrong and it was Biden Obama and Hillary that were the Russian spies….

  9. Fake News media can scream invasion til their face is blue wont make it a fact….the provinces are willingly joining Russia. Reality is the 2014 obiden-soros war criminal kiev coup caused this mess…..x

  10. I hope nothing happens between and they don’t reach a peace deal and actually start a world war and China takes Taiwan and I get drafted to the army I wanna be in us special forces and trump becomes president again

  11. This was a brilliant chess move against the Deep State rats playing checkers and trying to drum up a war with their BS narratives on Invasion and False Flags. Like we don’t see through that weak ass foreign policy. Even the President of Ukraine just said the Biden Admin were the ones blowing things out of proportion. That was Checkmate by Putin.

  12. Gotta love liberals, the last two times Putin invaded a country a liberal was president. But somehow its Trumps fault. I mean libs are braindead. Here is how they negotiate.

    Mr Putin- I will concede to you Ukraine, and then I will impose sanctions on you after the fact when it is intrinsically useless to teach you a lesson.

    You honestly think Ukraine is the last Country Russia will try to invade with Biden in office? Dude controls the Druhzba and Nordstream, and has the EU by the balls, you honestly think he fears sanctions? Hed just cut off Oil and Gas to the EU and America making the cost of living un maintainable.

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