Refugee crisis in Ukraine intensifies

Many families are traveling with only a small suitcase and the clothes on their back, with nowhere to go.




#WorldNewsTonight #Refugees #Ukraine #Russia #CrisisInUkraine


Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “Refugee crisis in Ukraine intensifies

  1. bloody hell it is 60 kilometers to polish border if You a man you can easliy walk in one day instead of waiting 3 days for bloody train.

  2. The illigal migrants come now in the wave of ukraine refugees into
    the eu through poland, hungary , slowakia and romania border. They are not refugees same the ukrain people because they go through many safe countries before they come there.
    The Ukrainian safe their familys and men go fighting other kind than the far east and african migrants who left their familys in the war to fight .

  3. This is heartbreaking. Some fleeing just to try and stay safe. Some unable to flee. As well being banned what if they were single father or guardian. What if they were weak and incapable? What will happen to the children that only have a male parent, guardian. As well as what if they were the only male in the family. And with fleeing it does still get hard because where do most who can’t afford or like … how or what happens to them? Homeless… no where to stay or sleep? I hope those fleeing to wherever have safe shelters for them to eat and sleep.

  4. The universe is made up of mathematical patterns! Can order be created from chaos? Ie…Can one drop a bunch of steel, aluminum and plastic from the sky onto one part of the ground below and expect a car to be created? Darwin renounced his theory on his deathbed. Why aren't ALL apes human by now anyway if we truly evolved? Apes and tadpoles still exist separate from us do they not? Why don't we see tadpoles evolving into human beings today?

    The Divine #3: 3 Primary colors (to create from). Sun: 3 diff rays. 3 Kingdoms: plant, animal, mineral. Matter: gas, liquid, solid. Forces of Nature: gravity, light, electricity. Atom: neutron, proton, electron. Matter cannot even exist without 3! For such "creation," I believe there is a creator: Father, Son, (Jesus = God in the flesh) Spirit.

    From Google Search:
    Everyone's skin grows in a slightly different environment. That's why it's so unlikely anyone has the same fingerprints as you – about a 1 in 64 billion chance. –

    4 different seasons; night and day, sun during the day, moon and stars at night. We have the ability to heal, reproduce, have emotions. No two fingerprints are alike. Creatures can breathe underwater. Most birds can fly. From the tiniest ant to the tallest mountain, things are made. It takes more faith to prove God doesn’t exist than there is to prove he doesn’t. Burden of proof is on the former. He is a Creator w/ order.

    So, He is real. What must happen? He sent His Son on earth nearly 2,000 years ago.
    Follow His teachings (New Testament Bible) and receive eternal life. Acts 2:38 (Repent and be baptized for forgiveness of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.) Jesus was seen by 500 witnesses walking around ALIVE AFTER he died! He showed himself for 40 days before rising up to heaven. I hope you follow Him too. Go go to heaven my friend.
    BTW only 5.6% of the population in the us is “Gay etc…” Why promote “pride?” It doesn’t make sense, dishonors the creator and dishonors the 94.4%. Makes sense to me…what do you think? Perhaps He will relent of these plagues (Covid, drought, severe weather) and WW3. Plagues affect food, gas, and water prices. Killing His creation in the womb has dire consequences too. I mean, don't you want to live life without war?
    Why not bring HIM back into public schools and offices because since 1962, society has gone down as a result of removing Him from it. That also makes sense to me…what do you think?

  5. Why NATO sent air fighters and guided missiles to bombard Serbia during Serbia and Kosovo conflicts in 1999…..and now in 2022 not sending any air fighters or guided missiles to bombard Russia during this Russia and Ukraine conflicts….is it USA and the NATO fear of Russia……now NATO acting like cowards …….just paying lip service to show support and just let Ukraine fight alone….Then how can USA back up Taiwan when similar conflicts happen ……..or just bullshit all the time….like a paper tiger….without teeth….

    All mess are made up by usa and the NATO from the west since 2014…..when the west helped ukraine to establish a new pro west ukraine president and regime by replacing ….the previously elected president who already escaped to russia the west just let ukraine fight alone and only lip service support is provided……ukraine and other pro west countries are just chess of usa…….when trouble comes ….wont get any help at all…..including taiwan and Afghanistan…

  6. YES❤
    Мы стали чужими во время войны!
    Чужими для власти и для страны!
    Кто был против мира?!
    Тот рот не открыл!
    Про мирных с Донбасса погибших забыл!❤
    Тысячи из них 200 детей!

  7. Soon we will run away from them. Why is nobody showing the truth?
    Only women with children are shown.
    After all, a lot of people, for example from Belarus, came to Poland, exactly the same people who stood on the border not long ago and threw stones at our border guards. Maybe 15% are really in need. Why do they not show ciapatych etc? Everyone who wanted it, no matter where they legally got to our country, and they never intend to come back. 300,000 in a few days. There are only sad children in the videos. There are plenty of crooks from all over the world. All races. If we don't do anything about it, they will arrive soon ….
    Remember yourselves !!!
    The truth is different than in this type of film. It is full of bandits, it is not even known from what country.
    They say men from 18 to 60 stay, and in fact, 60% of men are there.

  8. Much of the Western mainstream media coverage of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine has displayed once again the blatant white supremacism that is still present in the Euro-American outlook onto the rest of the world.
    Selective empathy for ‘civilized’ people

    As many Ukrainians are forced to flee their homes as a result of the Russian intervention in Ukraine, the political and media discourse around refugees has at times been inherently racist. Numerous white Western journalists and media personalities could not hold back their outburst of orientalism and white supremacy when reporting on the situation in Ukraine.

    The idea that a war could happen in “civilized” Europe surprised many pundits. Of course, Europe, which has caused both World Wars, has waged its many colonial and imperialist wars mostly in the Third World. Besides the fact that war in Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014 and that an actual genocide took place in the 1990s in the cruel wars in Yugoslavia, the underlying assumption now was that because of Europe’s alleged supremacy, the idea of war was only imaginable elsewhere – in the “uncivilized” parts of the world.

    In fact, some of the current media coverage reproduces the orientalist contrast between the “civilized” white, Christian West and the “uncivilized” rest.

    The UK newspaper “Daily Telegraph” published an article by Daniel Hannan, in which the author referred to Russia’s actions as “an attack on civilization itself.” “They”, the author argued, referring to Ukrainians, “seem so like us. This is what makes it so shocking.” Stating that “Ukraine is a European country”, the author opposes its people who “watch Netflix and have Instagram accounts” to “impoverished and remote populations.” Reporting from Kiev, CBS correspondent Charlie D’Agata, claims Ukraine is not “a place with all due respect like Iraq or Afghanistan” but rather “relatively civilized, relatively European.” Speaking to the BBC, Ukraine’s former deputy general prosecutor David Sakvarelidze said, “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blonde hair and blue eyes being killed every day with Putin’s missiles and his helicopters and his rockets.” His remark remained unchallenged by the broadcaster.

    These are but examples of the double standard and racist creation of difference. The rhetoric is based on the assumption that war is a natural circumstance outside of the allegedly superior Euro-American sphere and that non-white people, i.e. the vast majority of the world’s population, engage in wars because they are not “civilized” – not because of colonial and imperialist wars. This perspective also reveals how comfortably unaffected these media personalities must have been by all the wars launched against people in the Third World.

    White supremacy is the fundament of Euro-American “civilization”. The orientalist division of human beings into desirable and undesirable people has been structurally inscribed in dominant media discourse.

    The discourse around “civilization” not only reinforces Europe’s violent racial hierarchies, but also explicitly normalizes warfare against people who do not look like the white, blue-eyed, blond-haired European.

    Heroes versus Terrorists

    The double standard has also been apparent in the compassionate support that some mainstream media outlets have extended to Ukrainians who took arms to fight against Russian troops.

    Sky News showed live on air how Ukrainians were manufacturing Molotov cocktails. The New York Post celebrated a Ukrainian soldier who blew himself up to prevent a Russian advance as “heroic.” Some Ukrainians have posted pictures online of themselves carrying weapons, like member of parliament Kira Rudik. Their actions were widely praised.

    White victims are given moral and ideological support. Their militancy is glorified. Muslims and people of color who have organized in armed resistance are unlikely to be met with such praise. In fact, victims of US imperialist violence are themselves blamed and their words and actions are policed. Palestinians, who choose to resist the brutal decades-long Israeli occupation are regularly condemned as “militants” and “terrorists” in the mainstream media. In fact, Palestinians do not even have to resist as they are often by default depicted as the threat to Western civilization. Genocidal violence against them is presented as “Israeli defense.” The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah is not shown as patriotic heroes but regularly demonized as an armed terrorist organization by the same outlets that glorify white people taking up arms.

    The visible hypocrisy shows the staunch perseverance of white supremacism in mainstream media discourse.

    Beyond the media

    While the media creates powerful images and narratives, it also reflects societal dynamics. The double standard in reacting to war has been manifest in the continuous discrepancy between the rhetoric on freedom and democracy and the selective outrage.

    As Central and Eastern European governments have opened their borders for Ukrainian refugees, the racialization of people fleeing their homes continues. Poland allows white Ukrainians to cross the border, but there have been numerous reports of Black people being denied entry, many of which remained stuck at the Ukrainian side of the border. This adds to the continuous mistreatment of refugees at the EU’s and NATO’s eastern frontier. The Bulgarian prime minister said that Ukrainian refugees were European, “educated” and “intelligent” people, unlike previous refugees who might have been “terrorists.”

    The climate for the current discourse has been present for years. Long before Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, anti-Russian fear-mongering has been part and parcel of Western narratives of the “common enemy.” The outspoken condemnation against Russia has swiftly entailed new sanctions and boycotts, with Russian media being banned and Russians being excluded from participating in sports events. Meanwhile, calls for boycott of the Israeli regime by Palestinians and human rights supporters around the world have vehemently been condemned by the EU elites for years and oftentimes smeared as being “antisemitic.” The current dynamics reveal the unfortunate continuation of Orientalist and white supremacist structures.

  9. Whats hurts me is seeing healthy africans and indians and other foreigners that av chosen to live in Ukraine are fleeing why are these men fleeing they want to live there but dont want to stay and fight when this horrible war is over Ukraine should not take these people back im from england and i would love to go fight for Ukraine people god bless to the true Ukrainians

  10. ผมขอรถโดยสารและเคียรทางให้ชาวบ้านอพยพไปอยุ่ประเทศที่ผมเป็นเจ้าข

  11. the harsh reality of life …. you may suffer intolerable pains despite apparently no fault of yours if you are unlucky by fate.

  12. Man, I hope Europe are willing to take in refugees cause they didn’t have a good refugee management or rules/record of taking in refugees in the past, and currently too.

  13. Watch Oliver Stones Ukraine on Fire. On TUBI. The US democrats are not without blame. George Soros….the architect of treason. Terrifying

  14. To these man with DOPE hat with their unreasonable complaints – Why Poland should welcome dope supporters? To have more problems? Second rule in civilized countries for escape in times of danger- WOMEN and CHILDREN FIRST.

  15. (I Share with you the way of Life and Truth and i share it like a Gift you can take it, or throw it away)
    When something continues to happen for more than one generation, the new generation considers the norm and they start thinking this is how its supposed to be, this is why Islam is teaching you, to question your faith, when you know that there is something wrong here, you feel there is something wrong, you question it in order to find the answer that is correct, this is how people come on the right path So dont be afraid Islam has the answers.

    ( The belief, Islam In short form)
    The belief in One God, One Creator, Allah = The only one worthy of whorship, allone and there is nothing like Him.
    This Creator send us guidens, In form of Prophets like, Abraham/Ibrahim, Moses/Musa,Jesus/Isa , Muhammad ﷺ and many more, peace be upon all of them.
    The belief in all Angels and Books like the Original Zabur/Psalms, Tora/Tawrat, the Gospel/Injil and the Quran.
    The belief in the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter.
    To believe in all of them and that Muhammad ﷺ Is the last and final Prophet and the Quran the last and final revelation from Allah, until Judgement Day.
    By following and believing in all of these, you are a Muslim = The one who submits to the will of the Creator.

    The evidance for this belief are the Quran and the Hadith, you can check both and study it and listen to those who done it, to understand this
    believe better and to learn more about it.

    Maybe you have a bad picture about Muslims and Islam from things that you heard or seen in the media, but isn't it better to make your own picture, before judge about something ? I'm sure you will discover a new side of Islam, a side of beauty and peace, kindness and compassion, you just have to allow it <3. / Medina as Non Muslim – Solo Travel in Saudi Arabia

    May Allah guide you Insha´Allah.
    Quran 17:15 – Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.

    Here are a few links that might interest you. Just think about it, if you keep your eyes closed and ask me where the sun is, I can show you 100 suns and you'll never see them and live a life of darkness, but if you're willing to open your eyes, you will be able to see and even the tiniest ray of light will appear.

    1. / Proof Islam is the Truth

    2. / The Purpose of Life – Jeffrey Lang

    3. / Quran: 79. Surat An-Naziat (Those Who Drag Forth)

    4. / (Conversation Between Prophet Jesus/Isa And Allah )Surah Al Ma'idah

    5. / Lawrence Krauss vs Hamza Tzortzi | Islam vs Atheism Debate

    6. / 9 Shocking Facts From the Quran

    More Information, Videos, Links about Islam on my Channel,(Playlists)

    Quran 2:210 – "Are they staring, waiting for God to come and appear to them in the shadows of the clouds, and the angels too?
    If that happened, the matter (test) would have already been finished. And to Allah/God returns all matters (for decision)"

    Quran 57:25 – "So Allah/God will know who of you supported Allah and his Messengers, whilst He is unseen.
    No doubt, Allah is strong and powerful."

    If you believe there is one Creator, but you have issues in your life, pray for guidens and you will be guidet Insha´Allah.
    The most reciting Quran surah, when Muslims pray is:
    Surah al Fatiah (English) translation.

    In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.
    All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds,
    the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
    Master of the Day of Judgment.
    You ˹alone˺ we worship and You ˹alone˺ we ask for help.
    Guide us along the Straight Path,
    the Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray.

  16. I also feel bad for the immigrant populations in Ukraine (Africans, Indians, etc). They went to Ukraine for studies and jobs, and now have to escape.

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