What is a ‘no fly’ zone?

What Americans should know about ‘no-fly’ zones.

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Author: avnblogfeed


23 thoughts on “What is a ‘no fly’ zone?

  1. Pure failure to explain what’s a no fly zone, on important issue you only use 45 seconds what a joke of a news organization you have become

  2. NATOs only concern is that if it gets involved directly the rockets
    flying above Ukraine might become nuclear. And that will make the
    situation for Ukraine from catastrophic to apocalyptic. Certainly not
    just for Ukraine! One more point, Mr. Zelenskiy is trying to save his
    country , while risking the whole planet possibly being destroyed
    cmpletely!! Extremly irresponsible!!

  3. Telling Russia they can't enter air space, is like asking them to not invade, shoot, and kill civilians, offer up and pass up a cease fire all within a half hour. Then tell the world dont get involved or I'll nuke you. Fucking madness

  4. No fly zone on Ukraine 'could' (not must) trigger Cold War 2.0 or WW3, but Russia & China don't want that as much as we do.

    So, if "Air Force One" fly over Ukraine for diplomatic reason for peace talks (no different if visiting a nation under normal circumstances), no sides dare to shoot creating a "temporary no air combat corridor" . Therefore POTUS can keep flying over Ukraine back and forth for peace sake, if POTUS willing to take chances over his own life.

  5. Is this how Budapest memorandum works? Ukraine gave up 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world in the exchange for the security guarantees from UK and USA. NO SECURITY GUARANTEES FROM UK and USA. This is the reason North Korea still has nuclear weapons.

  6. Today the Russian occupants fired grenades at the territory of the National Research Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology". (NSC KHPI).

    The NSC KIPTI hosts a research nuclear facility "Neutron Source", which has 37 fuel cells in its active zone.

    The destruction of the nuclear facility and the storage of nuclear materials could lead to a large-scale environmental catastrophe.

    Please help Ukrainian people close the sky in Ukraine, otherwise it will never end!

  7. In case of WW3 started due to No Fly Zone, Putin definitvely will win because he does not have to worry about reelections, like Biden. So he will give a damn about attacking.

  8. Just as it was easy to deceive the whole world that China is to blame for the coronovirus and turn the whole world against China, it also turned out to be easy to deceive the whole world that Russia is to blame for this situation with Ukraine.
    The 2 big enemies of America and Great Britain have always been Russia and China.
    it is not difficult to guess who benefits from it and who sponsored it.
    By the way, it was the military bases of America and Great Britain that were located in Ukraine.. actually from what it all started.
    At the same time, the big question is, where does the President of Ukraine get the extra $3 billion in his account? who gave him this money? Was that really the price of all these consequences? So he is the last person on earth who cares about the fate of the Ukrainian people.
    Do people really believe that Putin could not have calculated what the economic consequences would be for Russia and what the pressure would be from around the world? Of course, he knew, knew and spoke about it himself , but it means "something" turned out to be more important than all the consequences of the world, and this is the security of Russia as a state.

  9. Face à Poutine l'OTAN a perdu ses couilles et ses têtes nucléaires. Quand Poutine met la main à la valise nucléaire, BIDEN fait pipi dans sa culotte. Cependant seule une tête nucléaire sur la tête de Poutine permet d'arrêter Poutine. L'OTAN doit instaurer une zone d'exclusion aérienne au-dessus de l'Ukraine dans les prochaines heures. Les pilotes de l'OTAN peuvent combattre sous la bannière de l'Ukraine, des Nations Unies ou de la Légion Volontaire Etrangère. Faute de quoi l'Ukraine sera bien annexée par la Russie dans une semaine (ou deux). En effet Poutine prépare un assaut final sur KIEV et ensuite Installe un gouvernement pro Russe.

    In the face of Putin, NATO has lost its balls and nuclear warheads. When Putin gets his hands on the nuclear suitcase, BIDEN pees in his panties. However, only a nuclear warhead on Putin's head can stop Putin. NATO must establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine in the coming hours. NATO pilots can fight under the banner of Ukraine, the United Nations or the Foreign Volunteer Legion. Otherwise, Ukraine will be annexed by Russia in a week (or two). Indeed Putin prepares a final assault on KIEV and then installs a pro-Russian government.

  10. NATO exists for a reason, it represents a red line. If Russia attacks one of the Baltic countries or Poland or Romania were going to war with Russia and its ww3, but risking ww3 and nuclear annihilation for a non- NATO member, whether that be Ukraine or Finland or Georgia is ABSOLUTE MADNESS.

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