Russia & Ukraine met virtually for a 4th round of talks as Moscow continues its war on Ukraine

Russia and Ukraine met virtually for a fourth round of talks as Moscow continues its war on Ukraine.

Plus, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline is now $4.32, according to

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Author: avnblogfeed


44 thoughts on “Russia & Ukraine met virtually for a 4th round of talks as Moscow continues its war on Ukraine

  1. I want to recommend you all to Dr osaba on YouTube who cured my help fibroid disease and he also cured my friend from HIV disease you can reach out to him through his YouTube channel.

  2. Ukraine has to try with the talks ,But I have serious doubts about the Russians effort for any settlement. Putin had great respect as a Statesman in recent years as the US went anti gobal during trumps term .Now he lost as credibility around the world and ranks as one of the most despised Dictators on the planet.


    $US1.7 Trillion was spent on the multiple failed F-35 fighter jets. That is enough to house ALL the US homeless 29 times over.

    2021 a F-35 was downed due to failure. 2022 a F-35 failed to land on a big US carrier and fell off into the South China sea.

    Just imagine if Americans could walk down the street without having to walk around makeshift homeless shelters…

  4. Protest outside oil executive houses and send them and their family members threats.

    Protest Oil company and Supermarket executives like they are Vote officials and Fauci.

    Poland, the land of Auschwitz Birkenau and Krakow Plaszow death camps helps Ukraine.

    Auction oligarch yachts, place multiple bounties on Putin and then help black students escape this pinkies-only war…

  5. Great War reporting…🇺🇦⭐️ but extremely difficult and brave to see the Ukrainian people rescuing others in a war zone. They are just struggling. 🙏Holy smokes! It’s just heartbreaking! From southern Colorado. Prayers to Ukraine for strength and courage. May peace come soon! 🙏💜☮️🇺🇸🇺🇦⭐️

  6. Why can't we just nuke Russia and China or send someone like Agent 47 or Jason Bourne? No country likes them and we would be doing the world the biggest favor! We have nuclear missiles and we would win this war in five minutes without sending any ground, sea, and air troops. We can then make Russia and China a 51st and 52nd state or make them our territories. The Russian and Chinese people would be evacuated first to Poland, Germany, England, Finland, Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, etc. or even we can take the refugees into our country until we can help them get situated to their new life without oppression.

  7. All of this is based on US and Ukrainian military sources. You really need to watch the Indian news to get some of other other side of the story.

  8. Until when will Japan catch whales?
    The seeds of whales are drying up due to Japanese random whale hunting. Even if Australia files a complaint with the International Court of Justice, Japan ignores it and says it is a Japanese tradition to eat whale meat.
    How far is Japan's endless atrocities by secretly releasing Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea and secretly releasing Japan's nuclear pollution water, attacking Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, invading nearby countries, and committing murder?

  9. Time to start seizing ccp property in Western Countries, just imagine all the money Canada could make just from all the houses the ccp bought in Vancouver from their fentanyl sales to mexican drug cartels , china isn't even ambivalent about putin's war , they'd love nothing more than to see russia fight NATO, it's how they got in power after WWII by running away and making long marches to avoid fighting the Japanese and by hiding away all the weapons the United States of American was giving them for the war effort so that they could use them to kill chinese citizens after the war to put war criminals like mao in power and then he killed more people than hitler and stalin put together. The Country Of Taiwan needs our support now more than ever.

  10. “The highest form of warfare is to attack strategy itself. The next, to attack alliances; the next to attack armies. The lowest form of war is attack cities. Siege warfare is the last resort“… Sun Tzu The Art of War

    Even with one of the world’s largest armies, the Russian army might win some battles, but Putin knows that he is losing the war.

  11. Any changes? No help from 🇺🇸 Americans still scared & Nato🔹️ damn… and Ukraine 🇺🇦 is destroyed everyone is dead how sad strong Ukrainians fighting WW3 real heros americans & nato soft

  12. Вы не можете быть участником этой войны, где гибнут невинные и дети. Но некоторые определения должны быть правильными. Почему разразилась эта война? Во-первых, думая, что она будет стоять за НАТО во главе с капиталистической Америкой, Украина бросила вызов такому сверхгосударству, как Россия. Он был распущен в составе СССР в 1990 году вместе с Варшавским договором. Таким образом, был ли до тех пор враг у НАТО, показавшего явным врагом СССР? Так почему же не распустили НАТО? Продолжается ли пакт НАТО об опасностях из космоса? Америка польстила Украине тем, что Украина будет включена в НАТО. Россия напала на Украину против него, сославшись на проблемы с безопасностью. когда зеленский осознает свою ошибку и поднимет руки и извинится перед братом путином, эта война закончится и дети не умрут. Все социалистические народы, мы должны стоять вместе с Россией против этой вероломной Америки. Каждый раз, когда Америка отправлялась в часть мира с НАТО, это приносило кровь и слезы. теперь он утопился в крови и слезах, прежде чем ушел на укрсыну. Убийца Америка, убери свои грязные кровавые руки от народов мира. Ты причина этой войны, о убийца Америка

    You cannot be a party to this war where innocent and children die. But some determinations need to be correct. Why did this war break out? First of all, thinking that it would be behind NATO, led by the capitalist America, Ukraine challenged a super state like Russia. It was dissolved in the USSR in 1990 with the Warsaw Pact. Thus, until then, was there an enemy for NATO, which had shown the USSR as the clear enemy? So why wasn't NATO dissolved? Is the nato pact being continued for the dangers from space? America flattered ukraine that ukraine will be included in nato. Russia attacked Ukraine against it, citing security problems. when zelensky realizes his mistake and raises his hands and apologizes to his brother putin, this war will end and the children will not die. All socialist peoples, we must stand with Russia against this treacherous America. Every time America went to a part of the world with NATO, it brought blood and tears. now he drowned himself in blood and tears before he went to ukrsyna. murderer america, take your filthy bloody hands off the peoples of the world. You are the reason for this war, O murderer America……..f

  13. Internet trolls: What about Palestine、Yemen、Syria and Afghanistan?
    Everyone: This is Russo-Ukrainian war news dude.
    Internet trolls: You underestimate my troll power.
    Internet trolls: spams "whataboutism" in every Ukrainian war news comment

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