Deadly day at the beach

A teenager was killed after digging a hole in the sand on the New Jersey shore. ABC News’ Andrea Fujii reports.


Author: avnblogfeed


48 thoughts on “Deadly day at the beach

  1. Bringing in heavy equipment for this is disgusting the dozen people standing around should be on their hands and knees digging by hand like you would see in any third world country . The rescuers are lazy pigs

  2. Moronic generation coming up. Check out their hair; first American generation of males who don’t know how to use a comb. They don’t even attempt to style their mop, it just looks like a giant wild weed sitting on their head.

  3. Who the hell digs a hole that deep and goes into the hole??? Its freakin sand. We seriously need population control Covid wasnt enough. Idiots are breeding by the second. The worlds going to need more rescue workers and less idiots

  4. I like the sort of retro film noir soft camera lens on Andrea Fujii….and the use of shiny lipstick adds to it. It's an interesting look for a news story.

  5. If we banned guns then maybe the sand would stop being so racist and killing people as well. I hate racist sand more than any other kind of racist. Joy reed will definitely agree with me on this. So all you transphobic racist bigots who think the sand is not racist it’s people like you who are the problem. If it wasn’t for sand and people like you supporting this patriarchy then we could all be happy and get along.

  6. omg this vidoe piss me off so much!! bc i hate sand sooo damn much .- I been warming people of to the dangers of sand ,but they will never listen but I say to them “donot go near sand, EVER its is fuckig insane

  7. That is heart breaking. My condolences to the family.

    Be careful at the beach. The coast near me has its own dangers and claims many lives each year with just "sneaker waves". We have a "never turn your back on the ocean" creed here. Riptides are bad here as well….plus, the water is 50-55F in the Summer here. Air is high 60s. Brrr. I dont swim in the pacific.

  8. I don't understand the allure of digging deep hole into the sand. I could think of better things to do at the beach.

  9. Sad all around but I wonder if they thought the sand was more “sturdy” BECAUSE it was closer to the water, being wet and heavier wouldn’t shift to fall. I would think it would be more likely to do so as well as heavier to get off you if it was to collapse on you. RIP

  10. Everyone we need to hire some scientists the facts research and everyone for man and woman we need to listen to them very seriously seriously

  11. I Told You So everyone nobody cares about the environment nobody wanted to listen for scientists for men and women try to warn them off for Mayors and governors but they just don't listen because the doors is closing for scientists and experts so how did this happen nobody knows I don't know what's going on right now because we still is divided funny research and experts and the fact is always that come together is foretelling of this was going to happen if future this was going to be that I was going to happen next and even people that are not spending that money that are hiring that over this is going to happen next in the future but they don't care about it anyway but I do care something about it that everywhere from dry lake river deserts including below over well you're going to know this Florida is like the highest whenever but Florida is not the only one there some few States as well 50 of them and there's only that matter in time will tell the next of collapse of the tunnel is going to be happening

  12. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

    -John 3:16

    God gave us his only son Jesus Christ who Lived a sinless Life then died on the cross to endure our punishment, he rose again on the 3rd day and is currently seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

    We have all sinned against the Perfect and Holy God that gave us Life, we all deserve the Punishment of Hell for our sin/rebellion against him.

    We have all Broken the Moral Law in our Hearts, even if you don't believe in Jesus, or have never heard of him or the Law of Moses or the Bible, you are still sinful and on your way to Hell. But the GOOD News is that Jesus Christ took our sin upon himself by being Crucified and shed his Blood as payment for our Sins.

    He took our Punishment and gave us his reward of Eternal Life in Heaven

    Jesus is returning to Judge the world soon my Friends

    Please Repent and believe in his sacrifice and Love for you, believe in him as your Lord and Saviour, and you shall be saved.

    May God Bless you all.

  13. We are going to become left extremists with no common sense or ability. When Jordan Peterson says the human race will die out in adult diapers, he’s not wrong.

  14. In Construction when you dig in California anything passed 5ft deep needs proper shoring so walls won’t cave in on workers. The sand at the beach is much softer and much easier for it to collapse on you. 😨

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