Report: Southern Baptist Convention leaders mishandled sexual abuse allegations l GMA

Leaders from the nation’s largest Protestant denomination have released a large-scale third party investigation, finding that top clergy ignored, minimized and even vilified sex abuse survivors.

#ABCNews #SouthernBaptistConvention #SexualAbuse #Religion


Author: avnblogfeed


43 thoughts on “Report: Southern Baptist Convention leaders mishandled sexual abuse allegations l GMA

  1. Sickening. I would've thought this would be less prevalent in the SBC. Looks like I was wrong. It's bringing untold reproach on the Gospel

  2. Wow, they mention the world is watching and finding out so we have to make changes now that the world is being informed. That statement shows they don’t even believe in their own god who is always watching. Shows how corrupt this religion is. Absolutely disgusting. I feel sorry for all the young ones brainwashed into trust. Most religions is just an abuse of power. They obviously don’t believe their own words. Yet people still follow, smh

  3. When the leaders have unlimited power, and the gods won't intervene when abuse happened, the reasonable thing is to report the leaders to the police, and to stop supporting the church. If this news doesn't make people leave that church in droves, no other revelations will.

  4. This is why they support Trump. It is only about power and money. Finally exposed. So much for the evangelical doctrine and practice.

  5. Who can be surprised by this? There are no true Christians in America. "Prosperity gospel" , support of Trump, and this cover up, which is par for the course. All Hypocrites, all the time. Rapists, molesters, incest, anyone who grew up in the "Christian" South knows in their hearts it's all true. Godless racist bastards who worship money and self glory. Look at any "Mega Church$" …Christ would weep….

  6. Churches are a scam. Religion in general is the largest mass psychosis in the history of this planet. How more people don't realize that it's all a crock is beyond me. Fear keeps them in line, I guess.

  7. Why would Liberal Democrats be in favor of women's rights to abortion procedures if they really want more children to abuse and eat?

  8. Remember this Repubtards when you're accusing us Democrats and liberals. You Repubtards are 🤢 sick, sex with your own children. YUCK!! SICK BASTARDS.

  9. When will this scam called church stop being a front for nefarious behaviors by so-called religious leaders??? BURN THE WHOLE CHURCH SYSTEM DOWN TO THE GROUND.

  10. Woah, Woah, Woah! Hold on everybody! You're telling me that there was sexual abuse in…. a church of all places!? 😯 Nooooo……..

  11. Funny how church leadership does not practice what they preach. The church is only about exercising theocratic control over their congregation based on ancient fables and fairyales. The Church defends their leadership and destroys their victims. The Church leadership is why I am atheist. I was once Christian but absolutely lost any faith in anything a church preaches. It's not that i hate god, i hate the concept of god. A manmade concept. It all just lies and the leadership knows it. Why should I waste my time believing what the don't believe.

  12. Churches actively tell members not to report to the police if there is abuse.. they say to come to them but you can’t do an investigation on yourself that right there is corrupt in and of itself. The church is the worst child sexual abuse predator but no one wants to talk about that.

  13. Southern Baptists are the BIGGEST group of hypocrites on the entire planet earth. Unfortunately, i grew up in this cult, but eventually left.

  14. Just like the Catholic church, these deviants want to control a women's right to bodily autonomy… while they abuse women, kids and young men. They are nothing but hypocrites.

  15. Why is anyone surprised in the least that these corrupt, criminal church leaders committed these horrible acts? These are some really, really bad people…just like the child-rapist catholic priests. The big surprise is that people trust clergy any more than they'd trust a stranger on the street. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing us he doesn't exist. The greatest trick clergy ever pulled is convincing enough people that they're moral and trustworthy.

  16. A few points.

    One: all parties are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

    Two: All Churches must immediately report all allegations to the authorities. NO EXCEPTIONS. (I personally don’t even believe Catholics should have the right to confess to heinous sex crimes without the requirement of the priest reporting it.)

    Three: if someone is charged, they should be immediately be fired from any church positions. same day!

    Four: if someone is not charged but an investigation finds the accusation creditable, they should be immediately be fired from any church position.

    Five: SBC churches are autonomous they are free to disassociate with SBC and become independent if the congregation wishes to do so. If SBC leadership refuses to behave properly churches should leave the denomination all together.

    Six: SBC and all non-Catholic denominations do not have a private confessional. Anything a pastor or church member hears can be reported. No legal excuse for not reporting.

  17. How will you retaliate for me telling the truth – witchcraft, break in car and rewire the battery so it won't start? Or steal our furniture? Or steal the screws out the car door? Tell landlords and neighbors we are criminals so they won't like us? Which one? Satan has so many wicked devices to use, but I plead the blood of Jesus against you and all of those who helped you in your mess. Unclean spirit(s) come.out of them in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord for exposing the unfruitful works of darkness. For 12 years we have spoken out gainst your foul ways, and nobody listened, and continue to enable you to do wrong. I know GOD will make a way for these victimized survivors to get restitution, and us as well.

  18. Of course, to protect the reputation of the church. They always chose to mask the scope of the crisis by silencing corrupted members with hush money instead of choosing the painful path of massive lawsuits.

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