The House Rules Committee set to vote on 2 abortion rights bills

ABC News senior national policy reporter Anne Flaherty discusses the House Rules Committee vote on two bills that could protect abortion access nationwide.

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Author: avnblogfeed


18 thoughts on “The House Rules Committee set to vote on 2 abortion rights bills

  1. "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe.

  2. Taking away Roe completes the Catch-22 of women! Darned if you have another kid and there's the here we go again! Another Welfare kid! A woman doesn't want kids you're yelled at as if all we are are breeders. A woman has an abortion she's yelled at. But the hypocrite pro lifer refuses to take in a pregnant person into their home, nurse her through pregnancy, pay for medical care, be there at labor, be there at birth be there to help raise that baby. Every time I've posed that NOT ONE pro lifer will say I'll be glad to do that! Once that baby is born you couldn't care less! Where are YOU pro lifers paying her maternity leave! Where are YOU looking for that unwanted kid's child care and paying for it! Where are YOU packing that unwanted kids lunch when free school lunches are taken! Where are YOU! Where are you paying for psychiatric help for that incested 10 year old YOU insist give birth! You couldn't care less! You want others to pick up the pieces! Where are you pro lifers stamping your feet and tirading if the fetus has a genetic disorder and its aborted! You don't mind abortion THEN! You don't swing from the chandelier giving your Tarzan yodel in outrage when HE demands she have an abortion! Funny how people demand women give birth no abortion and shout that kid needs a father but when he's a single parent no one shouts the kid needs a mom! Where's the pro lifer baby sitting kids! Taking care of babies when mom's at work. Not your problem right? You don't like abortion don't have one! But women will still get one and many will die like the back alley days. Give birth you shout! No abortion! But where are YOU pro lifer feeding and diapering that unwanted baby! Nope! You love 'em in the womb! Once they're born you don't give a crap! Talk about hypocrisy! Mind your own business pro lifers! We're not accountable to you and you don't ever raise the babies you insist be born!

  3. You're not "pro-life" if you only support measures conducive to life before it exits the womb. Are you equally outraged about the fact that millions of innocent men, women, and children halfway around the world are being bombed into oblivion by our military or starved to death by our sanctions (and those of our allies)? Or that close to 70 MILLION Americans are uninsured/underinsured and 45,000 die each year due to a lack of proper healthcare? How about the future generations that will be completely wiped out because minimal action is being taken to address the impending climate catastrophe? Do you support the most basic regulations that would ensure that those precious unborn children won't be brutally gunned down once they reach the 3rd grade?

    And don't even get me started on non-human life. The suffering of hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows we slaughter alive each and every day merely because we enjoy the taste of their flesh is ASTRONOMICAL compared to all abortions humanity has ever performed COMBINED. Does the life of that unborn child matter if it is gay or transgender, or would it be better off if it was "six feet under"? Prove to me that you believe life matters AFTER it has left the womb by pressuring your legal representatives to pass paid maternity leave and universal childcare, as the USA remains the ONLY developed country that does not provide these services. Better yet, demand that those children earn enough to make a decent living for themselves and their families when they grow older by advocating for raising the minimum wage and unionization efforts. Make it clear that you demand action on criminal justice reform, starting with abolishing the barbaric practice of state-sanctioned execution which more closely aligns the US with Saudi Arabia than with any of our peer nations in Europe. Finally, vigorously oppose any measure to engage in an unjustified and illegal offensive halfway around the world that costs taxpayers trillions of dollars and steals the lives of thousands of innocent Americans (usually young men).

    George Carlin called out this blatant hypocrisy decades ago.

    "Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."

    "Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're f-cked."

    Embryos/fetuses prior to 18 weeks gestation cannot suffer (let alone possess any form of sentience or consciousness), and that infuriates conservatives. So in order to maximize human misery (their ultimate agenda), they seek to outlaw it so that mothers are forced to give birth and those children grow up in destitute and dysfunctional households with little to no social support, receive a poor quality education and either saddle themselves with student debt or serve in the armed forces, only to end up wounded/severely traumatized with no guaranteed healthcare and/or slaving away for a corporation for baseline wages — all the while ensuring maximum penalties for engaging in sexual activity — and finally growing old and retiring in little comfort due to a rapidly diminishing allowance in the form of Social Security. Then the cycle repeats itself. And that's not even taking into consideration the potential consequences of overpopulation — resources will be spread thinner and thinner until, at a certain point, the damage done to our planet will be so severe that human civilization will be all but wiped off the face of the Earth. Think how much worse off we would be TODAY if we added 60+ million to our population (approximately the number of fetuses aborted since 1973). Famine, war, and widepread civil unrest are just the beginning. That's the world Republicans want — a dystopian Malthusian/Orwellian hellscape — whether they are cognizant of it or not.

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