ABC News Live Update: Johnson & Johnson releases results from phase 3 trials l ABC News

The company said the vaccine is highly effective at preventing severe illness and death from the coronavirus, including the new South African variant that has now been detected in the U.S.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #JohnsonandJohnson


Author: avnblogfeed


23 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: Johnson & Johnson releases results from phase 3 trials l ABC News

  1. .Willkommen beim Zauberspezialisten Real Magic Of Love
    Wenn Sie von anderen Zauberwirkern und Heilern enttäuscht wurden, die Ihnen nicht die Ergebnisse geliefert haben, die sie Ihnen versprochen haben, und Sie keine Möglichkeit des Glücks haben, wenden Sie sich an einen begabten spirituellen Heiler und Zauberwirker, der Ihre Probleme lösen wird .
    Es ist nie zu spät, um Ihre Probleme zu lösen. Es ist Zeit, das Leben zum Besseren zu verändern. Lehnen Sie sich nicht einfach zurück und denken Sie, dass Ihre schlimmste Situation nicht zum Besseren verändert werden kann. Es ist an der Zeit, dass Sie Ihr Problem einem begabten Zauber präsentieren Caster prof: Baba Nana, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihr Lebensproblem und den Weg nach vorne zu lösen.
    Zu seinen Zaubersprüchen, die nicht aufgeführt sind, gehören unter anderem:

    Verfügbare Behandlungen

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    Verlorene Liebeszauber
    Geschäfts- / Geldzauber
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  2. J&J gives a certain percentage to prevent DYING vs. 100% of death for sure…no brainer .. J&J is the way to go… i'll take a double with an order of fries and a Coke to go,thank you

  3. How many months have they been perfecting this vaccine? Is it not common knowledge that the coronavirus mutates every year. And there has never been a cure for the common cold and flu.

  4. Hurry Sheeple, get in line for your poison. The MSM has become a total disgrace of lie peddlers. Do youself a favor and unplug from MSM. So tired of the Sht shows.

  5. 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights

    U.S. Code


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    If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
    If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
    They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

    18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law

    U.S. Code


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    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

  6. broadcaster's homicide criminals,

    Do not use coronavirus 19 for your crime of evil and cover the your crime. 미국 선거에서 뉴스의 기본적인 책임을 망각을 하고 자신들이 원하는 방식으로 뉴스 방송을 조작 짜집기 하여서 내 보내고 있음. 법적으로 자신들의 범죄은닉과 범행의 이득을 위한 방송 내용들이 계속해서 나오고 있음. 방송국에 지원이 되는 모든 지원금 그리고 광고료 등 모든 돈들에 대해서도 검찰과 경찰의 조사가 필요합니다. 국민의 목숨이 속해져 있는 재앙의 홍수와 코로나 바이러스 그리고 태풍과 허리케인과 지진 등을 자신들의 악한 범죄에 맞추어서 사용을 하고 있으며 악하게 이용을 하고 있습니다. 또한 자신들의 마음에 들지 않거나 자신들의 범죄에 대한 증거의 글들이 댓글에 남기는 것을 원하지 않으며 삭제를 하고 있습니다. 그것은 공용 방송국에서 있을 수가 없는 일이며 있어서도 안되는 범죄에 해당됩니다. 언론의 자유는 국민을 위한 것이지 범죄를 저지르고 있는 방송인을 위해서 있는 것이 아님을 분명히 해야만 할 것입니다. 2020. 11. 09 이 정 연 ( Prophet Yi , David of JESUS )


    You will see what GOD's punishment is.

    You will get what GOD's punishment is. Coninue /

    Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 27 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )

    Criminal Biden speaks, 'Nothing wrong'.

    This is what Bill Clinton and Hillary used often. Whenever people learn about their crimes. But this time it will be different. Criminals are punished. The crime then will be punished as well.

    They will all face cruel retaliation and punishment. Immediately

    There are people who speak without evidence or evidence. It also listens to other people talking and pretends to be their own. They are at the very bottom of the evil scammers, robbers, and offspring of the devil.


    It's time to do everything you need. You must do everything you can, let alone martial law.

    필요한 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 하는 시간이다. 계엄령은 물론이고 할 수가 있는 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 한다.


    You (Twitter) already know where the problem comes from. Also, you are using your rules for the offender. This is the crime of an accomplice who is concealing and concealing criminals and helping them to commit falsely. It's also the same crime against defamation and the criminal in all things. The choice is not with me, but with you (Twitter). Penalties for crimes come true.

    당신은 (트위터) 이미 문제가 어디에서 온 것인지에 대해서 알고 있습니다. 또한 당신은 범행자를 위해서 당신의 규칙을 이용을 하고 있습니다. 이것은 곧 범죄자를 은닉을 시키고 숨기며 거짓으로 범행을 돕고 있는 공범자의 범죄에 해당이 됩니다. 또한 이러한 일은 명예훼손과 범죄자의 모든 일에 같은 범행이기도 합니다. 선택은 나에게 있는 것이 아니라 당신에게 (트위터) 있습니다. 범죄에 대한 처벌은 꼭 이루어집니다.

    Votes more than the number of citizens. Record voting. Presidential elections and voting for criminals' crimes

    America has to fight for her.

    She's nothing but a person like you. And you have to fight for someone better than you. She is you and the face to your country.


    Also, murderous robbers (presidents) of the Blue House and White House in South Korea and the United States, along with the murderers of the broadcasting stations they hired. They doing tortured and murder with slaughter and abuse the JESUS and "Prophet Yi"

    Criminals in South Korea and the United States are committing a deliberate murder that robs and destroys Prophet Yi's policies, ideas, and money and property.

    Criminals are committing the (planned) murder of 'complete crime'.

    Criminals take what they have stolen from Prophet Yi, make it as if it were their policies or ideas (with falsehoods and manipulations), and inform people by broadcasting of crime.

    They commit crimes for 'crime concealment' and 'crime power' and 'crime money'.

    Criminals, abominably, use children evilly and use the Patriot Act and the National Security Act for their crimes.

    Also, all laws are being used against for their evil crimes.

    It started 27 years ago when Bill Clinton and Hillary were presiding at the White House.

    Criminals Biden and homicide robbers of South korean and American of TV stations die in cruel pain.

    The criminal Biden and the murderous robbers in South korea and the United States die in cruel suffering and pain.

    또한 한국과 미국의 청와대와 백악관의 (대통령들) 살인 강도들은 고용을 한 방송국의 살인자들과 함께 예수님과 Prophet Yi에게 살인 학살과 학대의 고문을 저지르고 있다.

    한국과 미국의 범죄자들은 Prophet Yi 의 정책들과들 아이디어 그리고 돈과 재산을 강탈과 파괴를 하는 계획적인 살인을 저지르고 있다.

    범죄자들은 (계획적인) '완전 범죄'의 살인을 저지르고있다.

    범죄자들은 Prophet Yi 로부터 강탈을 한 것을 가지고 자신들의 정책이나 아이디어 인 것처럼 (거짓과 조작들로) 만들어서 범행의 방송으로 사람들에게 알리고있다.

    그들은 '범죄은닉'과 '범행의 권력' 그리고 '범죄의 돈'을 위해서 범행을 저지르고 있다.

    범죄자들은 가증스럽게도 아이들을 악하게 이용을 하고 있으며 애국법과 국가보안법을 자신들의 범행을 위해서 사용을 하고 있다.

    또한 모든 법들을 그들의 악한 범죄에 이용을 하고 있다.

    27 년전에 빌 클린턴과 힐러리가 백악관에서 대통령을하고있을 때부터 시작이 되었다. 범죄자 바이든과 한국과 미국의 방송국에 살인강도들은 잔인한 고통들 속에 죽는다.

  7. Votes more than the number of citizens. Record voting. Presidential elections and voting for criminals' crimes

    America has to fight for her.

    She's nothing but a person like you. And you have to fight for someone better than you. She is you and the face to your country.

    Criminal Biden speaks, 'Nothing wrong'.

    This is what Bill Clinton and Hillary used often. Whenever people learn about their crimes. But this time it will be different. Criminals are punished. The crime then will be punished as well.

    They will all face cruel retaliation and punishment. Immediately

    There are people who speak without evidence or evidence. It also listens to other people talking and pretends to be their own. They are at the very bottom of the evil scammers, robbers, and offspring of the devil.


    You (Twitter) already know where the problem comes from. Also, you are using your rules for the offender. This is the crime of an accomplice who is concealing and concealing criminals and helping them to commit falsely. It's also the same crime against defamation and the criminal in all things. The choice is not with me, but with you (Twitter). Penalties for crimes come true.

    당신은 (트위터) 이미 문제가 어디에서 온 것인지에 대해서 알고 있습니다. 또한 당신은 범행자를 위해서 당신의 규칙을 이용을 하고 있습니다. 이것은 곧 범죄자를 은닉을 시키고 숨기며 거짓으로 범행을 돕고 있는 공범자의 범죄에 해당이 됩니다. 또한 이러한 일은 명예훼손과 범죄자의 모든 일에 같은 범행이기도 합니다. 선택은 나에게 있는 것이 아니라 당신에게 (트위터) 있습니다. 범죄에 대한 처벌은 꼭 이루어집니다.


    It's time to do everything you need. You must do everything you can, let alone martial law.

    필요한 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 하는 시간이다. 계엄령은 물론이고 할 수가 있는 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 한다.

    미국의 AT&T와 한국의 KT는 1994년부터 같은 범행을 저질러 오고 있다. 즉 김염삼과 김현철의 안기부 x파일과 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 클린턴의 CIA 및 상원과 하원 그리고 국회의 국가보안법을 악용을 한 만행의 상상을 초월을 하는 범행이 신의 종인 프로펫 이 와 가족들 그리고 예수님에게 계획적으로 저질러 온 사실들이 부분적으로 한국과 미국의 뉴스 기사에 나타나 있다. 한국의 국정원 x파일 그리고 안기부 x파일 또한 이명박의 총리실 민간인 사찰 등 김영삼부터 김대중 그리고 노무현과 박근혜 또한 이명박과 문재인이가 지금까지 미국의 개의 노릇을 하며 못오를 자리에 올라가서 어떠한 만행의 범죄를 저질러 오고 있는지 확인이 가능할 것이다. 그것들이 지금도 나라를 망하게 하고 사회를 혼란 속에 빠트리며 언론 방송국의 밑바닥에 살인강도들과 함께 국민들을 잔인한 학대의 고통들 속에 죽이며 멸망과 멸족을 시키고 있는 것이다. 자신들의 범죄의 은닉과 범행의 권력 그리고 돈의 호의호식을 위해서 말이다. 국정원 x파일을 검색을 하면 '망원'에 대해서 나온다. 그들은 바로 TV와 라디오 방송국의 범죄자들을 말을 하는 것이며 연예인 기획사들의 범죄자들 또한 개독교를 포함을 한 TV와 라디오 방송국의 살인강도 범죄자들을 말을 하는 것이다. 또한 그들이 고용을 한 밑바닥에 살인자 년놈들을 망원이라고 한다. 그것들이 1994년부터 계획적으로 24시간 교대로 살인강도의 학살과 학대의 고문들을 교대로 저질러 오고 있으며 모든 만행의 학대의 고문들과 강탈과 파괴를 하며 폐인을 만들어서 잔인하게 죽이는 완전범죄의 상상을 초월을 하는 범행을 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연님과 가족들에게 (집, 회사, 길거리, 기타 등) 개 난도질로 저질러 오고 있다. 미국에서부터 많은 기적들과 말씀들 그리고 정책들로 예수님의 종인 것이 확인이 된 프로펫 이 정연에게 자신들의 범죄와 범행을 숨기고 자신들과 자신들의 가족들에 범행의 출세와 돈을 위해서 말이다. 처음부터 예수님에게 살인학살을 하는 것을 알고 국가보안법으로 계획적으로 저질러져 오고 있는 만행의 범죄와 범행이다. 이 모든 범죄들은 미국의 TV와 라디오 방송국의 살인자들과 그것들의 하수인들인 한국의 언론들 즉 TV 와 라디오 방송국들 또한 연예인들과 연예인 기획사들 그리고 모든 프로듀서들 그리고 제작진들을 포함을 하여서 보도국과 기자들 또한 특파원들이 총 동원이 되어서 경쟁이나 하듯이 더 악한 범행들을 저질러 오고 있는 세계의 역사의 기록에 남을 범행들인 것이다. 이러한 사건들로 인하여 이미 한국과 미국의 TV와 라디오 방송국의 살인강도 범죄자들은 대통령들도 자신들의 범죄은닉과 범행에 같이 동참을 할 수가 있는 것들을 선출을 시켜서 자신들과 자신들의 가족들에 출세와 돈을 위해서 이용을 한다고 하고 있다. 김영삼과 김대중은 물론이고 노무현 그리고 문재인은 가장 대표적인 예이다.

    정동영은 MBC 문화방송국에 미국 특파원때부터 미국에서부터 알려진 예수님의 종이신 프로펫 이와 가족들에 악한 범죄를 계획을 했으며 악한 범행을 저지르기 시작을 한 폐륜아도 안되는 밑바닥에 살인자이다. 노무현은 범죄자들인 TV와 라디오 방송국들 그리고 연예인들과 기자들이라고 하는 것들이 만들어 낸 영웅이다. 또한 그것으로 대통령을 만들었고 문재인 정권까지 현재에 이르고 있는 것이다. 더 필요한 자료를 원하는 사람들은 또는 에서 확인들을 히기 바란다. 오로지 당신과 당신의 가족들을 위해서 확인이 불가피 할 것이다.


    What is 'Corona Virus 19'?

    It is GOD's punishment for the crime.

    'Coronavirus 19' will follow the DNA individually and kill people in more cruel pains. 'Coronavirus 19' according to their crimes, they slowly kill them in more cruel suffering. There is no cure for'Corona Virus 19'. There is only partial treatment. Therefore, no vaccines exist. Individual DNA make the mutations of Coronavirus 19 and new diseases and epidemics will continue to appear and will be contagious to people. Not only the body, but also life, work and everything are destroyed.

    Murderers in the United States and South korea die by they crimes in pain. More than they crimes. They doing crime committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.

    Murderers in the United States and South korea die in divine punishment according to the crimes committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.

    Not only South Korea and the United States, but also the criminals of all countries who have been committed to committing crimes even though they know the truth are also destroyed in cruel pains and abused to die.

    Not even compared to their crimes.

    24 hours a day without rest or equality.

    Make public and punish criminals of murder and massacre in South korea and United States. Punish them (Mang Won) so that they are incomparable to the crimes that have been committed against to "JESUS" and "Prophet Yi" and his families for over 27 years. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Aug 25, 2020

    Two public officials were infected with 'coronavirus 19' in the building of the South korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.23 news

    Chinese heavy rain Continue … Sichuan Province 'a huge flood once in a hundred years'. 2020.08.19. news

    Hydrogen chloride, which becomes hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water, leaked from a chemical plant in China's Sichuan Province, causing great confusion as residents escaped. 2020.08.23. news

    'Yang Zetsu', a member of the Chinese Communist Party's diplomatic politics bureau, visits 'Singapore' and South korea one after another. 2020.08.19 news

    A nurse at 'Seoul Asan Hospital' became infected with the novel corona virus 19. A confirmed corona virus 19 infection was also found at the 'Bundang Cha Hospital' Cancer Center. Hospital treatment was completely stopped and part of the ward was closed. in the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22 news

    Lightning strikes at Bukhan mountain, Mangyeongdae, killing 1 climber and seriously injured 1 by lightning. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22. news

    Sewer backflow by intensive heavy rain. And hail. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea.

    2020.08.22. news

    Twenty people were infected with 'corona virus 19' at the Antichrist's 'Galilee Church' in Bupyeong, Incheon, South korea. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22. news

    5 residents, including 'Incheon' public officials were 'coronavirus 19' infected confirmed in Gimpo. (the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea.) 2020.08.22. news

    'Corona virus 19' hit the CBS·KBS·SBS etc TV and radio broadcaster. Also, hit the EBS educational broadcasting station, entertainers, producers and production crew. 'Stop shooting all programs'. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.20 news

    Thunder, lightning, heavy rain hit the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. And new typhoons coming to South korea. 2020.08.22 news

  9. Sure they all say that highly effective, the Russians said that and everyone said we need to see data it's too early to know if it's really effective but when the US said the same thing no one is question it, except the smart ones, wait and see let them have it they say the fact is in the pudding.

  10. Robot children will be watching this news segment in their US History classes 10 years from now, and will ask:
    "What is a vaccine."

  11. J & J the Welfare Vaccine!Bottom of the Barrel!Oh you will get Covid but it will not be as bad.GET out of Here J & J!Saving the garbage for us!Isilated areas meaning black community.Get out of here!

  12. I would not take Johnson and Johnson ever as Black woman.They are so Racist and support racist agendas.Did even use black for their studies?Check No!Try in to save this crap for black people! They give Oac money to Racist.But you want to give us their vaccine!

  13. hey Dr Sutton if for any reason your browsing through these comments I'm a Sutton too my grandfather had I think 11 or 12 brothers and sisters that was just him so there's a good possibility you might be related to me if you think so reply anyway was good to listen to this video and I was supposed to get my shot this Thursday and on Wednesday they called me to tell me they ran out what a bummer you don't know how much I was waiting for getting vaccinated and not having to worry about having it or getting it or spreading it meaning the virus sincerely yours, Bob the blind bedroom guitarist

  14. Unbelievable that ABC News would do an entire segment on a vaccine with 60% efficacy when yesterday Novavax announced their phase 3 covid-19 vaccine results of 95.6% efficacy against the original strain (tested 94.1% and 95% efficacy by Moderna and Pfizer respectively) and 85.6% against efficacy against the UK variant, resulting in a combined 89.3% total efficacy. Also like JnJ's vaccine, the Novavax vaccine does not require cold storage, only avg. refrigeration temperatures…hence Novavax stock rose +64.87% and Johnson and Johnson stock went down -$.56% today on disappointing vaccine efficacy results. It is a real travesty that the major media outlets such as ABC will not disseminate unbiased news and would rather side with big pharma and deprive the public of news of a far superior (if not at this stage the most efficient) vaccine. Btw, the Novavax news broke prior to the Johnson and Johnson news late afternoon yesterday…don't have to believe me, just google.

  15. "South African variant"? Isn't that racist by the Biden administration's standards? You're not supposed to say the original strain came from Wuhan, China… so where do you get off saying the variant is from a country in Africa?

  16. I don't understand why these nurses giving vaccine shots not wearing gloves, 🤔 I keep seeing too many videos nurses touching container cap and injecting in to container's cap !! Who can guarantee healthy people won't get sick because of this action??? 👈

  17. One year of disaster ,365 days of mourning, USA thousands of dead. Trump's disastrous policy for him money is worth more than a human being.This disease is like war hand in hand .

  18. Are we all just going to pretend like Johnson&Johnson didn't cause cancer from their baby powder products? 😒

  19. And yet major media does not report on liberal Democrat governors giving vaccines to people who are least at risk, like 30-something teachers!

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