ABC News Prime: Russia’s relentless siege; Hong Kong COVID-19 surge; Celebrating Emilio Delgado

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48 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Russia’s relentless siege; Hong Kong COVID-19 surge; Celebrating Emilio Delgado

  1. In one hand Putin maintains Ukraine is part of Russia in the other he murders its citizens and the innocent. So Mr. Putin this is what you do to your citizens, your own people YOUR OWN CHILDREN? OUST PUTIN!!!!

  2. Russia does not want the Great Reset. This is what this is all about. He is not going along with the New World Order plans. They just went back on the Gold Standard.50 years from now if we are all still alive and Jesus has not yet returned lol… Russians might just be the last free people in the world. They will be better off than us. We are going into bondage and doing it it willingly.

  3. Maripole Children hospital was Long ago taken over by the Azov Nazi fighters. The hospital was turned into a Azov Nazi fighter base!!
    Stop lying.
    The false flag is gonna be done by US and our CIA proxy troops on the ground…. and blamed on Putin.

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  5. Key lesson we learned, Progressive MSM cannot be trusted. Teasing audience hearts while supporting choas and crime. If Russian troops are decimated, no need for American environment.

  6. I'm 63 years old I'm an American and I'm in and out of a wheelchair and I'm willing to go put my life on the line to help these people need all the help they can get very hurtful to sit around and just watch these people going through what they're going through we ask God everyday to help in any way in every way he sees fit

  7. This is a damn shame every country in the world should be going and helping these people man please God do something give these people some help please God..

  8. You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off.

  9. First, recent interviews, and emerging documentation. And statements from the contractor Black and Veotch show that the US is indeed engaging on such biological research. r

    Somebody needs to let Russia know that a false flag serves no purpose as we can prove US involvement in biological research without Russia's help. Sounds like Fitton is all over this.

    If these children f

  10. major false flag coming: CIA spy Zelensky will release chemical weapons from his US sponspored Ukarine bio-lab upon his own people and blame Putin of using chemical weapons. By order of the deep state!. Thousands of innocents will die.!

  11. Ask Jesus Christ to help you! Follow Him and His teaching! He is the only Way, Truth and Life! All this happened because of our sins. Ask Jesus to forgiveness the sins ! The choise is only here because forgiveness can only be in the body. Take the Gospel and read the chapters every day. By reading we are more aware of why we are here – He did all this for us, so as not to go to terrible hell and not suffer and crying forever. We need Beat our sins strong, before they can beat us! Keep the 10 commandments, don't judge anyone, forgive insults, and you will be forgiven, give the alms. We all need to be saints for our Jesus. Come and take His Love for the coming to Sky Home soon! Jesus called everyone to come to Him. Whoever follows Him will receive unlimit life and will no longer need anything.

    Stay strong Brothers & Sisters! …✍

    Wellcome to His Orthodoxy Church☦

  12. ‘WHO urges Ukrainian labs to destroy pathogen samples’. So WHO is confirming biological weapons in Ukraine?

  13. The massive outbreak in Hong Kong is one thing, but the death rate is the other…The emergency room and hospitals have long be flooded with patients well before the covid, but the Hong Kong government never put more resources into the medical system, recruiting more doctors and building more hospitals. The Hong Kong government only knows how to suppress the citizens by recruiting more popos, turning Hong Kong into a police state, but never put resource into something the citizens need, such as a good medical system.

  14. The facts of the matter is that if this sanctioning doesn't end soon then WWIII will be all but assured and guaranteed to transpire. If someone wants war then, affecting one's $$$ is the surest way to go.

  15. I love how the US news loves to censor every fucking thing. Like Ukraine and Russia are at war there are people being killed but let’s censor any dead body laying on the ground because it might be too sensitive for The us citizens. What a joke.

  16. They tell lies the US was funding bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
    Thats is why they keep mentioning that Russia may use bioweapons….. 
    Why would he do that it would spread to Russia?
    That is partly why Ukraine is getting attacked.
    Russia cannot afford neighboring nations like Ukraine to allow the US to put bioweapon labs right by its borders.
    or allow them to join NATO to position weapons right at its borders…..Putin had no choice

  17. I feel sorry for future civilizations reading about the last 8 years. It’s embarrassing how predictable everything has been. They’re going to think we were ignorant, evil, selfish, primitive, and avaricious.

    Putin doesn’t even bother preparing a decent defense anymore. Why should he? He’s been able to avoid consequences for even the overt assassinations.
    Loopholes that protect criminals’ rights over victims’ rights should not exist.
    Nuclear weapons and dictators should only exist in history books. Sadly greed will exist as long as our species does, so those will also.

  18. Russia military industrial complex is making a lot of money. They support Putin.
    Ukraine is their Russia Vietnam. But a lot of Russian are going to lose their son, brothers and fathers. Russia Is going to lose a lot of money in the war. Ukraine is a war the west cannot afford to lose. It could be the match that starts World War 3. Oil is running out, the world food supply start to diminish. WW1 and WW2 were all about oil. The countries that controlled the Middle East oil. Where the countries that would succeed. Now that peak oil has come and gone. The world is in Kaos. The pandemic did not cause all these economies to slow down. Every company kept working. And got most of the stimulus's stuff. No one enforce the closure of most business except restaurants and bars. States that made Strick work laws durn the pandemic never enforced any of those laws. All the problems today are a result of oil running out.

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  20. China India Iran Saudi Arabia and many others know that Russia isn't doing thease ridiculous things. The U.S gov't knows that the American people will believe any thing they hear in the news.

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