ABC News Prime: Storm looms in the Gulf coast; Delta variant now in 45 US states; Iran’s election

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22 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Storm looms in the Gulf coast; Delta variant now in 45 US states; Iran’s election

  1. Delta varient??? No I believe you mean the new virus that has been unleashed and being covered by saying it is a mutation (varient) of the Covid virus! Funny how the mutation language is absent in this Delta "varient" if you want to peddle fear then show all documentation on this supposed
    Mutation "varient"…oh wait you can't because the medical profession still don't have the actual isolate yet!

  2. Aye dam right , you stand by those in the right , and against anyone who backs wrong, I can say my families may have had problems but they all taught me to stand up for those done wrong.

  3. The way things are going, a lot of people are still going to die, for the following fact it is not the vaccine that protects people, nor does it fight the demon virus. It's God, I don't see anyone saying that God is the one who heals, who protects. All the time, only mentions man's things, man is nobody without God, as long as this madness and stupidity continue, many will lose their lives, only God can save, Heal, Protect etc. So much so that a lot of people continue to die, get caught etc. Even when that, more people go out on the streets to drink, prostitute themselves in funk, use drugs, prostitute themselves, etc. But you don't see anyone trying to live the commandments, have faith in God, seek God, respect the holy spirit, that's right. To have God you have to have the Holy Spirit and to have him, you have to be sanctified, to be sanctified you have to obey the commandments yes. But I only see older people trying to do this, or people with a lot of problems in life, now the rest of the young people, children, teenagers and adults don't care about the things of God. So many will die. Because no one really has faith in God, no one seeks God, but seeks the things of the world, things that change, and everyone knows the world does not save anyone, but rather condemns and causes sin. And the wages of sin is always death, it is written holiness life, God life. The people are changing the right path for the wrong path, this can never end well. Trading right for wrong, this will never have a happy ending, while some criticize people like me who have faith in God, now I tell you. If these people focus right, because no one who speaks has power, has gifts, but tells people not to have faith in God, with excuses that people would use the name of God, the beliefs of God to deceive people. But I tell the truth, it is thanks to these beliefs that the world was saved, it will be saved. And it's thanks to the same beliefs that God makes his people always win, so don't be fooled. When pombagiras, scandalous women, women who betray, men who are not real men, all this is to deceive you and lead you to hell, only God can save, Heal and protect. Everyone knows this, it is written that only those who had God can survive from time to time, from generation to generation. The rest fall all. So rethink before you listen to sinners, better have faith in God. I honestly don't see anyone saving or helping anyone against the real coronavirus, but God has always done that. And without charging anything in return, too. Well, as I am smart and wise I prefer to believe in God, he does save me, protect me and will always heal me. I will not allow any braga to come to my house, nor beast, nor death that devastates at noon, I would rather be protected by God than by sinners who do not obey the commandments of God, what is the use of being saved now, but going to hell for not obeying God and not having faith in him. In the end, it won't do any good, everything is the worst illusion for these people, it's still to come.

  4. Do jeito que as coisas vão, ainda vai morrer muita gente, pelo seguinte fato não é a vacina que protege as pessoas, nem combate o vírus do demônio. É Deus, não vejo ninguém dizendo que Deus é quem cura, quem protege. O tempo todo, só menciona coisas do homem, o homem não é ninguém sem Deus,enquanto continuar nessa loucura e burrice, muitos vão perder a vida, só Deus pode salvar, Curar, Proteger etc. Tanto que um monte de pessoas continuam a morrer, a pegar etc. Até quando isso, mais o povo sai nas ruas pra beber, se prostituir no funk, usar drogas, se prostituir etc. Mais você não vê ninguém procurando viver os mandamentos, ter fé em Deus, buscar Deus, respeitar o espírito santo, isso mesmo. Pra ter Deus tem que ter o Espírito Santo e pra ter ele, tem que se santificar, pra se santificar tem que obedecer os mandamentos sim. Mais só vejo os mais velhos tentando fazer isso, ou pessoas com muito problema na vida, agora o resto dos jovens, crianças, adolescentes e adultos não estão nem aí pras coisas de Deus. Então vai sim muitos morrer. Porque ninguém tem fé em Deus de verdade, ninguém busca Deus, mais busca as coisas do mundo, coisas mudanas, e todo mundo sabe o mundo não salva ninguém, mais sim condena e faz pecar. E o salário do pecado é sempre a morte, está escrito santidade vida, Deus vida. O povo está trocando o caminho certo pelo, caminho errado isso não pode acabar bem nunca. Trocar o certo pelo errado, isso nunca vai ter um final feliz, enquantos uns criticam pessoas como eu que tem fé em Deus, agora eu te digo. Se essas pessoas focem certas, porque ninguém que fala tem poder, tem dons, mais fala pras pessoas não ter fé em Deus, com desculpas em que as pessoas iam usar o nome de Deus,as crenças de Deus para enganar as pessoas. Mais eu digo a verdade, é graças a essas crenças que o mundo foi salvo, vai ser salvo. E é graças as mesmas crenças que Deus faz seu povo vencer sempre, então não se iluda. Quando as pombagiras, mulheres escandalosas, mulheres que trai, homens que não são homem de verdade, tudo isso é pra enganar vocês e levar pro inferno, só Deus pode salvar, Curar e proteger. Todo mundo sabe disso, está escrito só quem teve Deus pode sobreviver de tempos em tempos, de geração a geração. O resto caiam tudo. Então repense antes de dar ouvido pra pecadores, melhor ter fé em Deus. Eu sinceramente não vejo ninguém salvando, nem ajudando ninguém contra o coronavirus de verdade, mais Deus sim sempre fez isso. E sem cobrar nada em troca também. Bom, como eu sou esperto e sábio prefiro acreditar em Deus, ele sim me salva, me protege e sempre vai me curar. Não permitirá que nenhuma braga chega a minha casa, nem beste, nem mortandade que asola ao meio dia, prefiro sim ser protegido por Deus, doque por pecadores que não obedece os mandamentos De Deus, o que adianta ser salvo agora, mais ir por inferno por não obedecer a Deus e não ter fé nele. No fim, não vai adiantar nada, tudo ilusão o pior pra esses aí, ainda está de vim.

  5. There was up to 97% C19 decline in DeIhi Delhi, Goa, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and a few other states after they defied WHO stance against Ivermectin and started a wide- spread campaign of Ivermectin prophylaxis and early treatment. In contrast, Covid 19 cases increased up to 8.5 fold in the states without Ivermectin use – On May 25, 2021 Indian legal bar association issued WHO chief scientist a legal document for misinformation and disinformation on Ivermectin, which caused preventable sufferings and death A few days later, Indian health regulators revoked Ivermectin use and announced that Ivermectin wasn’t the reason for Covid 19 decline.

  6. Carbon dioxide naturally exists in air, plus it is produced by combustion and other processes. 

    You are exposed to carbon dioxide every day in the air you breathe and in household products, so you might be concerned about carbon dioxide poisoning. Here's the truth about carbon dioxide poisoning and whether it's something you need to worry about.

    Can Carbon Dioxide Poison You?

    At ordinary levels, carbon dioxide or CO2 is non-toxic. It is a normal component of air and so safe it is added to beverages to carbonate them. When you use baking soda or baking powder, you are purposely introducing carbon dioxide bubbles into your food to make it rise. Carbon dioxide is as safe a chemical as any you'll ever encounter.

    Then Why the Concern Over Carbon Dioxide Poisoning?

    First, it's easy to confuse carbon dioxide, CO2, with carbon monoxide, CO. Carbon monoxide is a product of combustion, among other things, and it is extremely toxic. The two chemicals are not the same, but because they both have carbon and oxygen in them and sound similar, some people get confused.

    Yet, carbon dioxide poisoning is a real concern. It is possible to suffer anoxia or asphyxiation from breathing carbon dioxide, because exposure to increased levels of carbon dioxide may be related to decreased concentration of oxygen, which you need in order to live.

    Another potential concern is dry ice, which is the solid form of carbon dioxide. Dry ice generally is not toxic, but it is extremely cold, so if you touch it you risk getting frostbite. Dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide gas. The cold carbon dioxide gas is heavier than the surrounding air, so the concentration of carbon dioxide near the floor may be high enough to displace oxygen, potentially posing a danger to pets or small children. Dry ice does not pose a significant hazard when it is used in a well-ventilated area.

    Carbon Dioxide Intoxication and Carbon Dioxide Poisoning

    As the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, people start to experience carbon dioxide intoxication, which may progress to carbon dioxide poisoning and sometimes death. Elevated blood and tissue levels of carbon dioxide are termed hypercapnia and hypercarbia.

    Carbon Dioxide Poisoning Causes

    There are several causes of carbon dioxide poisoning and intoxication. It may result from hypoventilation, which in turn may be caused by not breathing often or deeply enough, rebreathing exhaled air (e.g., from a blanket over the head or sleeping in a tent), or breathing in an enclosed space (e.g., a mine, a closet, a shed). Scuba divers are at risk of carbon dioxide intoxication and poisoning, usually from poor air filtration, not breathing at the normal rate, or simply from having a harder time breathing.

    Breathing the air near volcanoes or their vents may cause hypercapnia. Sometimes carbon dioxide levels become imbalanced when a person is unconscious. Carbon dioxide poisoning can occur in space craft and submarines when scrubbers aren't functioning properly.

    The Truth About Carbon Dioxide Poisoning.

    Carbon dioxide naturally exists in air, plus it is produced by combustion and other processes. 

    You are exposed to carbon dioxide every day in the air you breathe and in household products, so you might be concerned about carbon dioxide poisoning. Here's the truth about carbon dioxide poisoning and whether it's something you need to worry about.

    Can Carbon Dioxide Poison You?

    At ordinary levels, carbon dioxide or CO2 is non-toxic. It is a normal component of air and so safe it is added to beverages to carbonate them. When you use baking soda or baking powder, you are purposely introducing carbon dioxide bubbles into your food to make it rise. Carbon dioxide is as safe a chemical as any you'll ever encounter.

    Then Why the Concern Over Carbon Dioxide Poisoning?

    First, it's easy to confuse carbon dioxide, CO2, with carbon monoxide, CO. Carbon monoxide is a product of combustion, among other things, and it is extremely toxic. The two chemicals are not the same, but because they both have carbon and oxygen in them and sound similar, some people get confused.

    Yet, carbon dioxide poisoning is a real concern. It is possible to suffer anoxia or asphyxiation from breathing carbon dioxide, because exposure to increased levels of carbon dioxide may be related to decreased concentration of oxygen, which you need in order to live.

    Another potential concern is dry ice, which is the solid form of carbon dioxide. Dry ice generally is not toxic, but it is extremely cold, so if you touch it you risk getting frostbite. Dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide gas. The cold carbon dioxide gas is heavier than the surrounding air, so the concentration of carbon dioxide near the floor may be high enough to displace oxygen, potentially posing a danger to pets or small children. Dry ice does not pose a significant hazard when it is used in a well-ventilated area.

    Some of the Symptoms of Carbon Dioxide Intoxication and Poisoning

    Deeper breathing

    Twitching of muscles

    Increased blood pressure


    Increased pulse rate

    Loss of judgment

    Labored breathing

    Unconsciousness (occurs in under a minute when CO2 concentration rises about 10%)


  7. What's going on in the Middle East? Why did the United Snakes of America waste our TAX DOLLARS on Over 700 Jet's to be Created by April of 2021?

    Especially while there is a so called pandemic happening and there are still over 250,000 homeless Adults in America?

    Again who's writing these Narratives? 

    Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros …

    China is the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions, interesting has anyone in Beijing, China catch/caught this so called Virus, yet?

    We've been asking this question since June of 2020. 

    BTW when was their first case reported?

    It's a scary life to live when you know what's about to happen to you, especially once people start catching wind to WHO'S ALL INVOLVED.

    So let's get this straight A society which kills millions of unborn babies a year for convenience, has shut itself down and is now preaching about the safety of adults?

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

    Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a normal product of metabolism within the body’s cells. The blood carries this carbon dioxide waste to the lungs to be exhaled out of the system. When there is an elevated level of CO2 within the blood, complications occur. Doctors refer to this medical condition as hypercapnia, or hypercarbia. This can occur through health problems, environmental exposure to carbon dioxide or unsafe scuba diving practices or faulty diving equipment 1⭐

    This is a verified and trusted source

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Acute Health Effects of Carbon Dioxide

    Goto Source


    Shortness of Breath

    Too much carbon dioxide within the blood causes the body’s pH level to plummet and become dangerously acidic, explains Auburn University at Montgomery School of Sciences. The higher the acidic quality, the more difficult it is for the blood’s hemoglobin to pick up oxygen. The result is rapid breathing in order to increase lowered oxygen levels and, eventually, difficulty in catching one’s breath.


    The Advantages & Disadvantages of Carbon Dioxide

    Learn More

    A study revealed in a report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exposed 42 volunteers to inhalation of 7.6 and 10.4 percent of carbon dioxide within 2.5 to 10 minutes 1⭐

    This is a verified and trusted source

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Acute Health Effects of Carbon Dioxide

    Goto Source

    . Headaches were a common adverse effect experienced by the study group individuals.

    Increased Heart Rate

    The human body reacts to carbon dioxide retention. As available oxygen lowers and carbon dioxide levels begin to rise, receptors within the body sense a problem and send messages to the heart to beat faster, according to Auburn University. This is an attempt to increase the amount of blood going to the lungs in hopes that CO2 is released and more oxygen inhaled.

    Dizziness or Confusion.

    What are the Effects of Smoking on the Cardiovascular System?

    Learn More

    In the same study results revealed by the EPA, the other most common side affect from excessive carbon dioxide exposure was dizziness. Those who inhaled high concentrations in only one minute had initial dizziness and then experienced bouts of confusion and inability to focus or reason.


    If 30 percent or more of carbon dioxide is inhaled, the body begins to convulse within 1.5 minutes, states the EPA. By this time, the body is unable to get rid of the carbon dioxide and obtain oxygen fast enough on its own. The body’s receptors begin to lose control of body movement.

    Unconsciousness or Coma

    Humans exposed to high concentrations of carbon dioxide in a short time frame can experience catastrophic, lethal effects, according to the EPA. Instant exposure to 17 to 30 percent of CO2 after only one minute can result in unconsciousness and coma.

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

    Respiratory Arrest

    Medical conditions which cause weakening of the lungs can result in dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide. If the muscles are not strong enough to expand the lungs to sufficiently inhale, only a small amount of air and little to no carbon dioxide is exhaled. If untreated, this leads to lower and lower oxygen levels and eventually, cessation of breathing.

    The Wrap Up

    Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a normal product of metabolism within the body’s cells. Doctors refer to this medical condition as hypercapnia, or hypercarbia. As available oxygen lowers and carbon dioxide levels begin to rise, receptors within the body sense a problem and send messages to the heart to beat faster, according to Auburn University. In the same study results revealed by the EPA, the other most common side affect from excessive carbon dioxide exposure was dizziness. If untreated, this leads to lower and lower oxygen levels and eventually, cessation of breathing.

  8. No worldwide virus, only worldwide eugenics via central banking.
    Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

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