Anti-abortion advocate says “we are approaching a post-Roe world’

Elizabeth Graham, vice president of Texas Right to Life, calls the new Texas abortion law a “great victory” that will keep the abortion battle out of the “talons of activist judges.”

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49 thoughts on “Anti-abortion advocate says “we are approaching a post-Roe world’

  1. For the inbred prolifer whores: look into what the FDA and the pharma companies, along side the U.S. government, did to Dr. Burzinszki's antineoplasti treatments. Then look in the mirror and ask yourselves if you are really pro life, or a moron. See ya in HELL fuckers. Hope your inbred children die and suffer needlessly of cancer. Your fake "god" (government) is suppressing cures for almost all illnesses for purely financial gain purposes. You're not prolife. You are worthless.

    And to the buttfucks at YouTube and Google who will try to delete this, it will continuously be reposted. You let trump have a platform along with evangilists who have pyramid schemes (yes, that's all churches are).
    I am planting MY stake in MY platform to share MY feelings of ire and disdain.

  2. The only reason why there are so many thumbs down on this video is because of the leftists that normally watch ABC News in the first place. The pro-lifers far outnumber the pro-abortionists.

  3. What happened to USA who believed in freedom for all? One person enforcing their beliefs on another person where's the freedom in that? Texas right to life = Women haters

  4. She says Planned Parenthood "is for-profit, by the way." I checked. It's not. She should clarify what she means by "non-profit," before she goes spreading misinformation about highly-respected, and valued, organizations. "(PPFA), or Planned Parenthood, is a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health care in the United States and globally. It is a tax-exempt corporation under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) and a member association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)." –Wikipedia, Planned Parenthood

  5. ''About 10-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage.'' But about 30% of fertilized eggs either never attach to the wall of the uterus and/or are miscarried naturally, no? A 70% chance is no magical miraculous moment that life begins. All eggs and all sperm have the potential for life and a just fertilized egg is not much different, potential for life, but not life that men should take control over. Science-denying American Republicans wouldn’t even know what an egg or a sperm or conception was without the science they deny.

    Every single American Republican policy puts fear and greed (fear) before people and planet (including taking or preventing equality from women, minorities, the poor, etc and empathy in general) and no single policy in the world in the modern era is as patently bigoted and of the scale as their continued fight to ban (and register, and ''pre-arrest'', etc too) all Muslims (a bigotry-blanket of fear/hate covering all 1.8 billion people of all colors, from all nations, of all ages, of all sexes and sexual preferences, etc).

    Fear (and the empathy and critical thought it kills) is what separates the right from the left. The fear at the root of ”Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” — Albert Einstein

    Liberals hate American Republicans because all of their policies put fear and greed (fear) before people and planet (including equality and empathy).

    American Republicans hate liberals for the exact same reasons, because they’re afraid we’ll get in the way of their fear and greed.

    We're closer to #AmericanCivilWarII than most people believe and just like before our own friends and family members would take up arms against us for not getting on board with their extreme bigotries just like the Confederates in 1865 or the Nazis in 1938.

    With a $15 min wage, tuition free education, universal healthcare, a universal basic income (UBI) and internet access for all, we'll raise the starting point of capitalism from zero, we'll let you die with no money, to a level of life with dignity, reducing societal daily fears on a massive scale which will free us to welcome the coming automation revolution with open arms rather than fear and great harm.

    #getALLmoneyOut #EqualityMovement #StillSandersPlatform

    Call me overly positive, but I think we’re leaving the era of ‘greed is good’ and celebrating wealth and entering an era of altruism and equality. #EraOfAltruism #CelebrateSelflessness #UniversalHealthcare #AbortionIsHealthcare

  6. "Peoples of the earth, you have hated life, you have polluted My garden! Diseased and awful generation, you have destroyed the garden! And so I am come to cleanse, and to wipe away! I am come down, My face is very near! Do you feel the heat of My wrath, O ignorant and vain peoples?! You retain no knowledge at all! Only greed and wickedness, wickedness upon wickedness, passes before your eyes without ceasing, and oh how you love to have it so!
    DEAD GENERATION, YOUR HEARTS ARE STONE! Day after day you build up wrath, the vessels overflow! Day by day, the bodies are stacked up in heaps! Day by day, the unborn are slaughtered, whole generations of people murdered without cause, multitudes of innocent cast off as refuse! Yet you think Me too harsh, and My punishments too severe, My judgments unfair.

    All you see, from the ground beneath your feet
    To the farthest reaches of the universe, is MINE,
    And I shall do as I please!…
    I shall do according to the counsel
    Of My own will,[2] for I am God!

    Therefore, O peoples of the earth, because you have slaughtered the innocent and murdered your neighbor, lo, you have even made for yourselves laws that all may do their pleasure in unrighteousness and perform evil at their leisure, so then shall I also declare MY Law, and it shall fall hard upon the backs of all nations! Yea, I have put forth the decree and hasten to carry out your sentences, O peoples of the earth!
    And what is the sentence, you ask?… Look upon the slaughtered innocent! Look upon their torn and broken bodies; behold how they are torn in pieces! See how their blood pours down and their limbs are strewn about! LOOK! Look how they are scraped out of their mother’s womb! Look upon the works of your hands, you evil and most wicked generation! LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS! LOOK UPON ALL YOU HAVE DONE!

    Thus says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth: Because of this blood which remains on your hands, because of all the multitudes of slain you have piled up in heaps, because of the evil works of your hands in where you have agreed together, to both do and allow them, to make them law, THUS SHALL I IN LIKE MANNER DO UNTO YOU! IN LIKE MANNER SHALL YOU RECEIVE AT MY HAND!
    Lo, even double shall you receive at My hand, and double again, until there is no place found that is not laid waste, until every land is polluted by the stink of rotting corpses! Both man and beast shall lie down in death together; they shall be as refuse upon the land! I shall tear down your cities and break apart all your dwelling places! I shall tear your leaders in pieces and pour out the blood of your mighty men upon the ground, until it reaches unto the neck![3]
    Behold, all mighty and evil men shall be torn in pieces, with their limbs strewn about in the open fields and in the waste places![4] Behold, the great army, the astonishing company, the assemblage of nations who have come together to fight against The Holy One of Israel,[5] shall be broken in pieces without hand! For strong is The Lord, and sharp is the sword which proceeds from His mouth![6] Behold I, even I, The Lord of Hosts, shall scrape every last vestige of man and his inventions from the earth at the last day! For I am God, and the glory of My strength is revealed in My Holy One!

    The glory of men must die!
    Declares The Lord of Hosts,
    The Only Creator, The God of Israel…
    Hurry now, those who hear!
    Hurry now, those who know Me!
    Hurry and kiss The Son![7]
    Hurry now and kiss Me upon My face,
    All you who know My name!…


    "Thus says The Lord God: Woe to Dallas! Woe to the City of Innocent Blood! Woe to the nation not desired!…
    Day by day, the bodies are piled up in heaps! Day by day, the unborn are slaughtered in droves, because of you! Whole generations of people murdered without cause! Multitudes of innocent cast off as refuse, BECAUSE OF YOU! Fill up then, the measure of the sin of your fathers! Yes, add to your iniquity, that I may also add to you all that which I have purposed in My heart to do! Behold, I shall greatly trouble you, causing nature to rise up and fight against you! I shall leave your people desolate and bring you to utter ruin! Says The Lord.

    Behold, all shall fall and crumble
    Before The Lord, in His anger!
    It shall be shaken down, it shall no more stand!…
    All shall crumble under the weight of My fury,
    For all your forsaking of Me, and for all this blood
    Which remains on your hands!…
    Says The Lord."

  7. Will you promise these pregnant women your support for them in the form of: childcare, child education and help in finding employment? Or will you just race off to your next pregnant victim and create another criminal hated by the woman forced to raise them? Look beyond your God Damn nose for once.

  8. Thank you president trump for appointing the conservative Judges. look at all the foolish decisions Biden has made, Afghanistan is one of them.

  9. It's not a choice if it's your only option! jeez these fanatic christians who are now forcing women to keep babies they can't look after or afford to look after which will now be in foster care. What about the backstreet abortions that will happen in Texas dangerous for women? They don't care about these babies once there born though do they

  10. The Constitution says there should be a division between church and State. WHY THE HELL is abortion even on the POLITICAL platform? If you don't want your wife, daughter, sister, niece, mom, etc. getting an abortion, address that! Do NOT take away that choice for other women.

  11. Fun fact: “women” are not the only ones capable of getting pregnant. How about a 10 year old GIRL who becomes pregnant from rape? Does THAT child’s life not matter? You’re going to “empower” her to “choose life”? You’re going to “coach” the father (her rapist) on parenting? What if it’s the victim’s own father? Wrong wrong wrong in so many ways to not include exceptions for incidence of rape, incest, or the age of the person pregnant. This law is what is criminal.

  12. "To give them options when they're in a crisis," yet yall out here taking away all their other options and leaving with only one choice. That's not giving them an option lady

  13. We need George Carlin back to tell these pro-life conservative people how wrong they are, ridiculously dangerous the law they just passed putting neighbor against neighbor…shame on you Texas

  14. Fortunately, the re-criminalization of abortion in Canada through legislative and/or judicial means will never see the light of day. Evidently, abortion has long remained a 'proverbial' third-rail of Canadian politics.

  15. The way to empower women will never be at an abortion clinic. She says she wants Planned Parenthood to empower women with options, that’s put of their scope of practice. POOR women are more likely to abort even if she has kids. The empowerment women and men need is financial education and good paying opportunities that allow one parent to stay home. POVERTY raises abortions. Help people financially prosper and they will want their kids. They will be proud to have something to hand down. We’re not interested in being slaves and sure as hell don’t want kids to become your slaves lady. She has proposed no solutions at all. Remove stigma against women who have kids out of wedlock and help them prosper financially.

  16. We are NOT "anti-abortion". We ARE PRO-LIFE. Stop with the racist, sexist tag of those that protect human life. Anyone who would even think of murdering their child makes decent people vomit.

  17. This law is so outrageous that its baffling. There is no law toward men that put rules on their bodies and it doesn’t protect women that are victims of inc3st or r@pe. A women is a life that is already here a fetus is a clump of cells. Worry about the children already born not the ones that aren’t.

  18. Abortions aren't going to end. Women will have it done illegally. Throughout history the use of herbs, foreign objects, chemicals etc to abort wasn't uncommon. Why does Texas want that for women?

  19. Listen to the cult's terminology, no doubtl cooked up in a 52-million-dollar board room somewhere: "A post-Roe world." Nah, it's not going to be a post-Roe world, it's going to be a post-Roe America. They use the word, 'world,' as both a form of projection and distraction, getting their followers to think less about a post-Roe America, where women are forced to travel to other states and countries to get abortion, and to instead envision what it will be like when abortion is illegal all over the world. But, we already do know what that looks like. It's been a disaster, and an abject failure. There is a clear correlation between pro-life, and autocracy. Clear. Not rrefutable.

    So, why the same old talking points? It's time to elevate this discussion. It's time to challenge them on how they explain the IVF embryo-destroying free-for-all in their state, and it's time to challenge them on how they think they're going to avoid turning America into something that looks more like this:

    Dominican Republic: What happens when abortion is totally banned?
    Nov 19, 2018
    Human Rights Watch
    110K subscribers

  20. Their moral preening is noxious. As if I need a lecture from this person as to how I'm 'devaluing" born life by asserting that a woman has total control over the fate of her fetus when it's six weeks old, in the eyes of God. In my Christian worldview, which is actually practical, real sin has to have obvious consequences to society. But, I don't see any evidence of societal harm being caused to society by abortion clinics, or by IVF clinics. I don't see any harm to society from women having natural miscarriages all the time, which was obviously God's plan for the precious babies "with toes and eyes and fingers." Again, a cult. If any societal harm is being done around abortion, it's by pro-life's incessant attempts to stop it. It's not a coincidence that the movement occasionally generates extremely violent domestic terrorists, almost always men, almost always clearly unstable. Fundamentally, pro-life is a terror movement.

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