Biden addresses inaugural democracy summit

President Joe Biden gave opening remarks Thursday morning at his inaugural “Summit for Democracy.”

#ABCNews #PresidentBiden #InauguralDemocracySummit


Author: avnblogfeed


47 thoughts on “Biden addresses inaugural democracy summit

  1. What a fraud. Holding a Democratic Summit while silencing and persecuting truth tellers (Assange, Snowden & others) is as hypocritical as it gets. Truth is treason when empire rules.

  2. I see a lot of democrats referencing to the US as democracy . However that word is neither the Constitution or the Bill of Rights . We are now and have always been a Constitutional Federal Republic .
    A democracy is a government in which the power to govern rests in the country's peoples rather than a ruling family or a single individual. A republic is a government system where the power rests with the nation's citizens . They seem to want to change how we are governed and to take the power from the citizens and give it to anyone who is in the US . By allowing people who have no allegiance US to determine how and by whom the county is governed it undermines the principals on which American was founded .
    They are not calling it a democracy without a reason . By doing this they appear to be training the minds of people to accept it as fact when it isn't. I believe that is why they are wanting to change how elections are held . By removing the requirement of having a government issued ID they take the power from the citizens to decide by whom and how they are governed . Any American citizen should not be ok with this . Absolute power corrupts absolutely . Taking the right to vote away from citizens will bring us closer to a dictatorship that is led by tyrannical autocrats . We must make it clear to our representatives that we are against the changing of our election requirements . If we don't we will never get that right back ! You will never have a voice in how this country is ran and if you think things bad now you are in for a massive wakeup call.

  3. If anyone tell me that the leader of free world is an old man who can't stay focus for more than few minutes, or isn't capable of finishing few sentences without having a stroke, I would thought that someone is joking. Now, well, thank you, democracy.

  4. What a joke of a man, China Joe – CBS and all the other Main Stream Media outlets are now the Socialist Media arm of the DEMS. DNC – DEMS NOW COMMUNISTS – There once was a time when the DEMS and Republicans could meet in the middle, Treasonous Marxism is a show stopper – The overwhelming President Trump votes from the last election that will come back to bite the DEMS/RINO Traitors, The DEMARATS Voter Fraud won't happen again – LET'S GO BRANDON!!! 🗽 VOTE EM OUT 2022 TRUMP2024-2032 🗽

  5. Why could Taiwanese representative not be able to show a map behind her if this is a REAL and AUTHENTIC "democracy summit? Why invite Taiwan if the US tries to insult both Taiwan and itself in front of the world?

  6. Sadly, as hard as he tries, he reads poorly… many slurred and mispronounced words….
    The timing of his tone and inflection is continually off, as he just struggles to not completely misread or misunderstand the sentences of the teleprompter…
    Very sad…

  7. You thieves and robbers take a lot of pride in the stories you tell to yourselves and sell to the world how great your "founding" was!!! The very people who embraced democracy, imposing unwanted values and ideology on others people without taking into consideration of what other peoples culture and believes. The US and its puppets subjugate, oppress and suppress any countries that refused to joint their gangster club.

  8. We will dissolved this system and abolished this printed paper money system and we will launch a free all system everyone will work for the republic,law breaker load them plus working hour depend on their crime and do business to other country product vs product, no single person can own the wealth of the land it all belong to the republic.

  9. Supreme court hands Brandon and his party of failed politicians another loss in blocking sb-8..cry more libs😂🤣

  10. Brandon couldn't convince anyone because US is so divided. So much domestic problem he couldn't solve . So many people died because of the virus…Etc. This democracy summit is for what?

  11. You guys hate on Joe biden all you want but don't forget all the good he's done! Record gun sales 2 years in a row! Gun rights expanding! This guy is doing more for guns then Obama did 🤷🏾‍♂️

  12. Jill has been baking cookies and has bought plenty of marshmallows for each and every immagrant that will be camping out on the White House lawn and Biden will direct the
    "Oh Lord, kumbaya my lord, kumbaya" song as they sit around the open fire roasting their marshmallows.
    "Que cagada que me mande, Y eso que me lo dijeron "No vendas tu vaca porque no la vas a poder comprar de guelta" Y ahora… Quien podra defendernos?.


    "Mas agil que una tortuga, mas fuerte que un raton, mas noble que una lechuga, suescudo es un corazon……. soy llo el Chapulin Colorado! llo les protegera"

    "Mira, tenemos un bejo que nos esta deshaciedo nuestro pais y si lo degan va a segier parra delante y se va a llevar el planeta con el. Por eso nesesitamos tu ayuda y el presio no tiene limite"

    "Calma que no panda el cunico, llo les ajudare"

    " !Mis antenitas de vinil estan detecando la presencia del enemigo!"
    "Y se llama Biden"

  13. "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." THOMAS JEFFERSON…Founding Father.

  14. "And though the forest was shrinking, the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that since her handle was made of wood, she was one of them."

  15. What a joke! Once upon a time, America is the lighting rod of democracy. Now, it needs a DEMOCRACY SUMMIT to promote its democracy. Really? The whole world knows what happened in 2020 is a dysfunction democracy.

  16. United States is the modle of the world? Rampant crimes everywhere, 1/2 of the population hate another 1/2. Less than a year ago, a dictator wannabe failed in a coup attempt. Got your house in order first, before trying to sell it.

  17. I love how Biden actually calls out authoritarianism but points the finger in another direction. NOBODY has done more to advance authoritarianism within the US than this man and his current administration… not even Trump's attempt at dictatorship compares with this radical attempt at the ultimate power grab. You've got to admire this man's hypocrisy. If it didn't have so much destructive power behind it, it would definitely be worth a good laugh.

  18. Biden and the Democrats are undermining democracy! Democrats want to loosen voter registration, end voter I.D. and signature match on absentee ballots! They want illegal immigrants to be able to vote canceling out citizen votes – which is why they are opening the border!  And BTW – all these people coming are NOT vaccinated and Biden has no requirement to vaccinate them!

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