Bipartisan border talks begin in House and Senate

Democrats reject funding for President Trump’s proposed border wall, but express willingness to finance border security improvements.


Author: avnblogfeed


31 thoughts on “Bipartisan border talks begin in House and Senate

  1. Our founding fathers laughed their asses off when they came up with the two party system, they knew Dems and Repubs would be at each other's throats till the end of time… with all the constant backstabbing between our citizens and leaders, the Bipartisan Ship sailed away long ago from existence!

  2. Amazing. I didn't realize so many Trumpsters watched anything but Fox News.
    Because each and every Trumpster aids and abets the traitor president. ala Benedict Donald, that makes them all traitors, too.

  3. Article IV Section 4 "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and …"

  4. Trumpskyov is on the verge of resigning. It's no fun if bitches like 'Nancy' and 'Chuck' get to say stuff.😨 Hey I know. Why don't y'all lock and load and go save your President? There's a whole lotta bad people to whack.😈

  5. The “wall” won’t stop benefits, voting rights, government assistance, etc. for those already here or those that will tunnel underneath. Stop the benefits and assistance, deny voting rights, and prosecute to the fullest employers who hire illegals. That’s how you build a wall.

  6. #BuildTheWall  Nutty Pelosi said, "A wall is immorality. It's not who we are as a nation." And, Nutty Pelosi kept repeating, "Do I make myself clear?" No, not at all. Nutty Pelosi is confusing the American people. The wall around her $5 million house in Napa Valley totally contradicted what she stood for. In fact, the wall around her house betrayed her intelligence. It's publicly against what she said. Nutty Pelosi is truly hypocritical. What Nutty Pelosi did represents immorality at its best. If walls hadn't worked, Nancy Pelosi wouldn't have had one around her house in Napa Valley and Obama wouldn't have had one around his house in Washington DC.

  7. The Transnational Organized Crime Network aka Underworld which began as a Secret Society in Russia hundreds of years ago, is led by the bloodlines who founded Russia working primarily through Norway and Mongolia. This country's government and entertainment industry has been infiltrated by underworld operatives. The tell-tale operative is feigning the appearance of the bloodlines of Cleopatra, Dionysus, King Henry VIII, Morgana, Sir Kay of the Round Table, Bernadette Peters, Xerxes and Esther, etc, as if themselves, (amongst other identities) and there are about six look-alikes for each. Don't forget the hybrids and morphs.

    Underworld operatives have to perceive a particular way by assigning different ideas to understanding. They have to pertain to things differently. They have to feign belief that ideas are different. This becomes their 'prescription' to an alternate perception.

    The underworld is the source of Scientology and is commune-minded. The underworld is behind the "Hoax". The underworld tries to affect perception so that it can commit a crime. Operatives intentionally project and feign belief that what they are projecting is actually perceived elsewhere, this is called "reperceiving". You can reperceive identity. Prostitutes who are humble and not comparable can cause a client to reperceive their spouse onto themselves. Stranger things happen all of the time in the underworld.

    Julian Casablancas fell prey to underworld patterned and assigned sexual feigning services who intentionally caused Julian Casablancas to reperceive 100% of his Soulmate onto themselves.

    Julian Casablancas could not perceive flattery from Amy Knorr. The feigning service renderers themselves could offer no flattery because they have no place in the actual sexual experience feigned. Julian Casablancas could not perceive himself. Julian Casablancas could not afford to perceive reality.

    In order to sexually feign with feigning services, you must #1 perceive yourself and #2 perceive your Soulmate even if you feign for your own identity mission.

    The underworld screwed up the perception of Julian Casablancas and he is stuck.

    Underworld operatives had to perceive as if there had not been a tenth century Fortress Schuangau era in order to perceive an entire line of information. Now we must put it back.

    Despite society's proficient understanding within perceivability about issues of the underworld, underworld operatives themselves, cannot seem to perceive their own issues of predicament.

  8. President is controlled by 🌮 with gun to head. Us military = 100% pro 🌮. The lands below are the military's land. Trump has no control, all USA presidents since 1900 are tools of 🌯 south of the boarder. 65 million 1943. Census. 2010 322 million more tacos 🌮 s. Outnumbered . just await asteroid to stop the hate. Taco will never care about the poor Jews in all of history- a pattern. They are Italian MAFIA Roman ba'alite, fake ✝. Their God is death. A skeleton. FBI is 90% 🌮. Just await til taco Meuller and 🌯 Rosenstine kill you with fake charges. Tacos have no souls.

  9. The hispanic peoples and peoples from around the world are more intelligence and smart them Trump and the white GOP party up on the hill you are struck on this stupid wall and they come in boat load plane and truck and tunnel in other state like florida.

  10. And one more thing any bullion making a reverse side how do you say reverse psychology because sometimes that a bully never wins never because they're always cheap skipping the page not telling the right truth and even to make sure that who is United who's not United and this is the truth anyway but this is your choice anyone of you Americans going to be a reference different Americans for the future of America because everyone going to have a chance it doesn't matter who they are all at how you are it's everyone is united united always to come first and even telling the right truth the only the right truth to the future of America and different Americans and American people you are so let's see what's going to happen next in the future

  11. Oh yeah one more thing border funding that means that is very very dangerous that for All American different Americans and US state of America that it could be damaged of your money their money and every American money imagen de said if you are going to be back rub and that's kind of very dangerous and that's very risky but some of you that you're done your homework some of you you don't know your homework well this is your only chance to prove it that do you mask do your numbers and how much pounds and weight materials and other stuff well is your choice because Baltimore is not the future is 17th century 15th century and 14th century for a wall and there is no technology room over there because it's nothing

  12. Now all of you Americans differ Americans and US citizens of America you should know this already that technology it is the number one first one ever it much quicker easier faster more security and safer from all of your Americans different Americans and everyone Americans because the 21st century it is the future of a technology and you should have noticed already but only for border security that is the only one is the choice to the past of technology to the present of a better technology and for the future of a any new technology of it security to keep America safe of the United States of America defending Americans American people and all of American people I need oil because I hear America everyone is a family but if you're ready to move forward to the future to be United but this is your choice look for every one of you and good luck to a better your future itchin future and to everyone's future of a of America including US citizen because everyone to have a dream but if your dreams come true then it will be reachable because everyone is all different Americans different language in different speaking on the awards some of you are ready to move forward some of you are not maybe to move forward because the future is coming soon but it has to be a responsibility

  13. -Do you believe White children deserve a homeland?
    -Do White children have a right to exist?
    -Do you believe that tens of MILLIONS of non-Whites flooding into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries and being force integrated/assimilated into EVERY facet of White society IS genocide?

    If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you are a RacistNazi.
    That makes YOU part of the RACE problem.Especially if you are White.
    Anti-racist is a code for anti-White

  14. Nobody says “let’s import MILLIONS of non-Blacks into EVERY & ONLY Black countries until Blacks become a minority, FORCE assimilate them into EVERY black community to create a “blended humanity”, give them Affirmative Action & free health care and push miscegenation 24/7 via movies/t.v shows & media(only in black countries)”
    THEN, when the Blacks object we call them RACIST!
    Of course not.
    They only call WHITES “racist” for objecting to their own geNOcide.
    Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White

  15. Nobody is saying that Africans in Africa will ever be a minority
    Nobody is saying that Asians in Asia will ever be a minority.
    So why are they saying Whites will be a minority in Britain in 2036?
    And Sweden in 2024?
    That’s because there’s MASSIVE non-White immigration in EVERY White country and ONLY White countries.
    Because there’s a program of White geNOcide.
    They say it’s “anti-racist” but it’s simply anti-White.
    Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.

  16. “Multiculturalism” is a program that is FORCED upon EVERY & ONLY White countries.
    “Multiculturalism” is a program to turn EVERY White country into a non-White country.
    This IS geNOcide. WHITE geNOcide.
    If you are White, and you object to your own geNOcide, you are called a RACIST!
    Well guess what, my people, White people, are catching on very quickly to the following two things:
    1 – Multiculturalism is a code for White geNOcide.
    2 – Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.

  17. Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Cities✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighborhoods✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Workplaces✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Schools✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Sports✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no Whites✓
    Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
    White geNOcide!

  18. The wall funds was put into the military budget and the army Corp of engineers will be building it. So burn on the democrats they signed it all ready 😂😂😂.
    Time to drain the swamp.
    Witch-hunt = Hillary

  19. Washington hypocrisy in full bloom. I wonder how many of these liberals that oppose the wall live in gated communities and lock their doors at night, and borders don't work? All while big cities are riddled with crime and violence and much of it is driven by the twenty plus million illegals in the US that we are unable to properly vet. But Democrats really do care about border security, Bulls@#%.

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