COVID-19 cases resurge as colder weather moves in | WNT

The CDC is predicting up to 20,000 more COVID-19 deaths by Election Day. In New York, authorities cracked down on hot spots through closures and by threatening fines.




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #COVID19


Author: avnblogfeed


36 thoughts on “COVID-19 cases resurge as colder weather moves in | WNT

  1. We all know that cold weather brings flu so why twist everything up and brainwash people. I'm starting to doubt whether this virus is true or not. Before covid people regularly die of fever,cold and other diseases. I'm starting to think the testing machines have been manipulated, when a person gets sick and gets tested, the test results come out as positive even if it's a simple flu. We all know that people in the past with severe illnesses died if they catched a flu.

  2. WebMD
    The following information has put my mind at ease regarding covid-19. Although, I feel badly for those who have died and their families, it reassures me that the threat is not as grievous as we see everyday on television and in the newspaper.

    "Coronavirus Recovery Rates

    Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%."

  3. I had Covid you cannot scare me. Data collection is garbage, because few are getting tested because we don’t trust the government with our health no matter who thinks they are in charge. Wisconsin has over 1,000,000 hunters with guns, the government is PERMITTED by the people to rule only as long as they behave themselves per the people’s wishes.

  4. CURE FOR COVID 19 prayers

    Father who is above all and who abides in heaven hear my prayer towards you.
    I will obey I will pray towards you and I will turn from my ways so my heart can be healed by you

    Everything is nothing if everything is not you. If you made the earth and the winds I will obey hear my prayer and my spirit stepping out and faith to be used and healed by you lord god I repent for anything that has offended you

    There are no cures in the world father god but you are the cure for everything hear my prayers and let your will be done in my favor your humble servant is here to serve

    In the bible
    Paul a servant of the lord at the time is aware of the troubles for Timothy, lovingly calls him my child, but also aware of the task at hand, tells him to be strong. Not just to be strong, but to be strong by his connection to Christ, by living in God’s grace. Paul calls Timothy to a new level of spiritual strength. We are continually empowered by the grace of God, which he sent forth through his Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8, Christ promises the apostles power, fitting with the current church celebrations aka the current COVID-19 trouble. of the Pentecost: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.God knows the virus and service is hard, but the lord encourages the disciples aka anyone who has repented in Christ to wait until they are clothed with power from on high (see Luke 24:49). Paul isn’t calling Timothy to get a rush of adrenaline and do it on his own, he is calling him to realize the power within Christ.

    Will you be thankful for this or will you you take his grace for granted ? Learning how to give thanks to God in the struggle is you key to healing find the lord in your darkness be strong in your connection but three consistent ways WORSHIP,PRAYER and reading the bible

    God has never lost a battle and those who seek him in spirit and truth will not lose either !

    Workout exercise

    Read the word of God


  5. Covid-19 or ANTHRAX?
    People may experience:

    Pain areas: in the chest or muscles

    Skin: blister, dark scab, small bump, or ulcers

    Whole body: fever or malaise

    Respiratory: respiratory distress or shortness of breath

    Also common: coughing, headache, itching, nausea, sore throat, or swollen lymph nodes.

  6. I sincerely believed in trading after I met with @joelclaytonfx . This is really good and a passive way to make income from home . Connect with her on Instagram. @Joelclaytonfx

  7. I’m will be doing a very great thing telling people about my manager . This woman is one of a kind and God sent not just to me , but anyone interested in earning passive income. She helped me explain how binary works and now I’m debt free . Connect with her on Instagram @joelclaytonfx

  8. Don't let hard times defined you!

    You are not this, You are wonderful and Powerful! Stay Positive and YOU are LOVED!!!

  9. Inhale STEAM of BOILED WATER plus 3tablespoon of SALT 3-4x a day or when the VIOLENT COUGH ATTTACKS.. In between is a MIXTURE of BOILED WATER+ GINGER + HONEY + LEMON = strong natural ANTIVIRALS.. HAS to ACT PROMPTLY ….🚨🚨🚨to PREVENT FURTHER VIRAL REPLICATION and to DETER FURTHER TRAVEL and DETERIORATION on other BODY SYSTEMS… PROMPT ACTION is NEEDED to PREVENT it from going FARTHER from the THROAT as it entered the BODY..🚨🚨

  10. A virus that has 0.06 chance to actually kill someone. Heart disease and cancer kill more people than covid19. I have a higher chance of dying by my head exploding from headaches after a year of this nonsense. More important stuff to talk about than this.

  11. After about eight months of waiting, one of these days the surge will finally reach the point where I actually know someone who has even gone to the hospital due to Covid. I know a few who have had the Covid sniffles, but that’s about it.

  12. 2020 events have revealed how biased and anti-America mainstream media ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN are. Their attacks on us Americans with disinformation are relentless and intended to hurt. Mainstream media works with higher education, entertainment/Hollywood, and Democrats on their anti-American actions. We see this and we will overcome.

  13. People who are overweight are also at risk of breaking law chairs , getting stuck in small doorways and ripping their pants.

  14. This is not surprising. Since there is no plan, a myriad of plans are being acted on by both the WH and state governors including: "giving up", "pin all hopes on a vaccine", "herd immunity", "protect the vulnerable & back to normal for everyone else" (more herd massacre), and on and on.

    The virus is stopped by spreading a small # of best practices as far as possible and updating best practice when new info is available. It is the responsibility of every leader and task force to spread those practices and that is not happening. Likely at least 75% of the current death toll and 95%' of future deaths were completely preventable if this strategy, that was almost perfectly executed in S. Korea was followed. S. Korea showed that the economy does not need to be shutdown if the other best practices are spread far enough.

    Example matters. If leaders don't wear masks then people who follow them won't wear them. If you don't update practices with new info then there is stagnation and new best practices are never investigated or followed. DT recovered with early aggressive treatment. However, the current guidelines for C19 is "supportive care" unless a Pt. gets very sick. Early treatment options have not been studied or debated. This is not done in other diseases where early treatment is vital to preventing bad outcomes.

    So right now, because there is no plan the WH has basically given up and is pinning hopes on a vaccine when many times vaccines are not 100% effective. Some Dem governors substituted personal opinions for best practice forcing nursing homes to take sick people without resources killing many. Rep leaders have politicized best practices like masks in the hope of obtaining political advantage when in fact they may be run out of office for failing to contain the pandemic. So the pandemic is a mess and getting worse when it could be stopped very quickly with good leadership that understands what to do.

  15. Nope sorry. You gonna start building concentration camps like Canada or what? And i say you meaning you ABC who is compliant with the conspiracy. Yep check out Canada and their order for nerve agent, tear gas and barracks to hold "infected and non infected" people!!!! I'm heated.

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