COVID-19 vaccine supplies dwindle as Biden takes control l GMA

The new administration began on the deadliest day of the pandemic thus far with more than 4,400 lives lost in the U.S. in just 24 hours.

Biden’s 1st 100 days live updates: Biden to spend 1st full day focused on pandemic:

#ABCNews #COVID19 #COVIDVaccine #Biden


Author: avnblogfeed


31 thoughts on “COVID-19 vaccine supplies dwindle as Biden takes control l GMA

  1. If they tell you they are short in supply u will run out and get one it’s reverse psychology for the people that don’t do research

  2. Let the democRats have all the vaccines, they deserve them!
    Do not take any vaccine, this SOBs want you sick for life!!
    Vaccines are a crime against humanity — all involved are criminals, from pseudoscience whores, to politicians and parents.
    All vaccines attempt to do, is to stop a symptom– what is stupid in itself and not address what causes the problem. By covering/ignoring the symptom, the problem — mostly a weak immune system due to a bad diet, will escalate and manifest itself somewhere else and affect you for life, by ingesting poison/junk in the process you're guaranteed to be real sick for life — if it doesn't kill you, or screw you up badly– look up what the criminal Gates did in India. All great for their business scam and they know it….Their motto: LONG LIFE, LITTLE HEALTH!
    Time to eat smart — it's not about taste, or a sport, it's about giving your body what it needs — a strong immune system needs no medicine, time to have the parasites get a real job…Only complicated if you're lazy and dumb — smart race my ass!!

  3. The Trump administration declined Pfizer’s offer to provide the U.S. government with additional coronavirus vaccine doses in the second quarter of 2021

  4. Does anyone seriously believe that idea? Laughable. Biden is not in “control” of anything. He does well to control his bladder. He is controlled by the CCP and global elites.

  5. We see you clearly NWO…..

    Keep using cash folks!

    So glad and happy that more and more folks are awakening to the evil sham being caused by a small group of self entitled despots!

    Plandemic. Scamdemic.

    CV = cabal FAKE bio-weapon.

    911= cabal "pearl harbor" type galvanizing attack per PNAC.

    We have a criminal, corrupt, immoral and deceitful monetary system.

    It is astounding that we continue to allow central banks and the fed to exist. They have always been a secretive, crooked and in equitable operation.

    There is overwhelming evidence we've been lied to and deceived for millennia on a grand scale about almost everything by a group of greedy, dysfunctional, entitled,  "elites," 13 families, council of 300 et al.

    A huge tapestry of deceit, greed & secrecy, to control and keep the true nature of humanity from ourselves, our history, true origin, destroy our pineal gland and keep us tied to debt, cause constant wars, confusion and tension for them to get more wealth, control and power over us until we and our descendants are eternally enslaved in this NWO Luciferian web.

    From the Annunaki, Adamu, even our redacted, edited and corrupt bible, nibiru, monoatomic gold, religion, wars, Lincoln, Jackson, Garfield, JFK,  the federal reserve, USS Liberty,  giant skeletons, abduction/disappearances, pedophilia, PNAC, COFR, Tri Lat Comm to 911 and now the war on "terror." The best way we can support our troops is by bringing them home now. Let's stop battling enemies of the fed and start helping folks and create heaven on earth as we should.

    Let's KRUSH da kabal!

  6. Coronavirus e annuncio del miracolo della guarigione senza vaccini o medicine
    L'Imam Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani
    24 Rabi` al-Akher (Rabi' II) 1442 (Anno dell'Egira)
    09-12-2020 (Anno Domini)
    ore 09:01 a.m.
    (secondo il calendario ufficiale della Madre delle città [La Mecca])

    Coronavirus e annuncio del miracolo della guarigione senza vaccini o medicine

    Nel nome di Dio (Allah), Clemente e Misericordioso
    Dal servitore di Dio ed il Suo vicario, Nasser Mohammad al popolo in generale e tutte le persone: O gente, io sono l'Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad, non sono solo il califfo ed il vicario di Dio (Allah) sullo Yemen; infatti, il califfo di Allah in tutto il mondo. In verità, per Allah, non c'è differenza per me tra uno yemenita e un cinese.
    O comunità di leader umani e decisori tra la loro gente, ed a tutti coloro che hanno raggiunto la loro maturità tra gli umani, gli arabi ed i non arabi, i musulmani ed i miscredenti, ascoltate e razionalizzate ciò che vi diremo con la verità dicendo l'ultima parola decisiva e ciò che non è uno scherzo:
    Giuro su Dio, l'Uno, il Soggiogatore, non conosco un vaccino o una guarigione per quello che c'è nel petto, dal castigo di Dio, fino a quando non implorate con questa supplica senza arroganza contro il califfo e vicario di Dio, Mahdi Nasser Mohammad; e le parole della rimozione del castigo di ciò che è nel petto, è che vi umiliate a Dio (Allah) e implorate Dio recitando quanto segue:
    “O Signor nostro, abbiamo mancato contro noi stessi. Se non ci perdoni e non hai misericordia di noi, saremo certamente tra i perdenti", e dopo essersi pentiti dovrebbero dire: "Oh Dio, io sono il Tuo servitore, ti chiedo per il fatto che non c'è altro Dio all'infuori di Te, e per il fatto della Tua misericordia che ti sei imposto, e per il fatto della grande beatitudine del Tuo compiacimento che è più grande della beatitudine del Tuo Paradiso; che tu mi guarisca dal castigo della Corona o lo rimuova da me; sicuramente io credo nel vero Araldo di Te. Oh Dio, allontana da noi il Tuo castigo che ci investe da ogni parte, così potremmo seguire il sentiero della verità da Te; e rendici saldi nell'adempimento di ciò che Ti abbiamo promesso, O che si insinua tra l'uomo e il suo cuore, sicuramente non abbiamo altro che la Tua misericordia che Ti sei imposto; se non ci perdoni e non hai misericordia di noi, saremo certamente tra i perdenti. Tu l'hai detto nei versetti espliciti del Tuo libro:
    { Il vostro Signore ha detto: “InvocateMi, vi risponderò" }
    Ha detto il vero, Dio il Magnifico [Ghãfer_ 40:60],

    { وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ } صدق الله العظيم [غافر: من الآية ٦٠]،

    Quindi la supplica e la preghiera da parte mia, mentre la risposta da parte Tua, in verità, Tu non manchi alla promessa. O Signor nostro, gloria a Te! la Tua promessa è veritiera e Tu sei il più Misericordioso dei misericordiosi; O Dio, rendici saldi nell'adempimento di ciò che Ti abbiamo promesso per seguire il Chiamante ed Araldo globale di Dio, il Vicario di Dio sulla terra, l'Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani; O Dio, rendi il suo invio come un favore ed una benedizione su di noi e non una maledizione ed afflizione contro di noi a causa del nostro allontanamento e indifferenza per il vero richiamo dell'Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani".

    L'Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamaniu

  7. The virus is in the world for a full year now, there was never any mutation. The moment vaccines start to roll out, new strains pop up everywhere. Coincidence?! Are you kidding me?! I don't think so. Just do the math. The simple fact people are taking it proves these are the dumbest, most imbecil brainwashed generations in human history. This mRNA vaccine is totally different than all previous ones, it will make the virus part of your dna and will kill you within a year. Scared already? Oh, but there's more coming from these sick satanic elites, this agenda will not stop. Yes, satanic. People have no idea who these groups are and what they do in secret. It's stuff of nightmares. This decade will be biblical. Literally. Revelation 13:16

  8. I hear covid numbers are falling in Commifornia! Who would have thought that Biden's Inauguration was the cure for the Rona!!!

  9. You must meet God. Are you ready?

    In comparison with this question, all others are utterly insignificant. You may be successful in business, have a wonderful family, and be healthy in both body and mind. You may even be religious and respected by all. But can you say with certainty that you are ready to meet God?

    To be ready to meet God requires a new birth. Jesus said, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). This statement has no exceptions. It cannot be ignored, as it was given by the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you been born again?

    The need for new birth arises from the fact that we are all sinners by birth and by practice. Sin is contrary to the nature of God. He hates sin, and it keeps us from having fellowship with Him. The Bible declares that God is “of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness” (Habakkuk 1:13).

    But while God hates sin, He loves sinners. In fact, He loves us whether we walk the clean or filthy side of the road to Hell. Because He loves us, He has provided the way for us to be restored to fellowship with Him: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

    God’s judgment for sin fell upon Christ on the cross, and there is cleansing and forgiveness for all who believe on Him. “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12). Through new birth, by receiving Christ, by believing He died for my sins, I am born into the family of God and can answer the question “Are you ready?” with a glad and confident “Yes!”

    Have you known this change? Have you experienced this new birth? Have you turned to God in repentance, admitting that you are a sinner in need of salvation? Have you given up the false idea that you can earn God’s favor through your own “good” works? Have you by faith accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?

    Do not resent these personal questions, for they are intended to lead you to blessing. If I were to tell you of a path to wealth and fame you would probably be very interested. What Jesus Christ offers you—forgiveness of sins and eternal life with Him in Heaven—is of infinite value. Put the matter to the test. Do it now.

    The terms are simple: “This is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 3:23). Will you receive Him, the living Christ of God who died, rose again, and now offers salvation to all who believe on Him? Will you trust Him now as your very own Savior? It is not the reception of a creed, or identification with a church, or becoming a religious person that saves. It is the acceptance of a Person, the Son of God. Your acceptance or rejection of Him answers the solemn question, “Are you ready?”

    “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). When you stand before God, will you be stained with your sin or will you have been washed clean through faith in Jesus Christ? The issue is very clear: your response to Jesus Christ now will determine your destiny for eternity. “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved…. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 4:12; 16:31).

    You must meet God. Are you ready?

  10. These people are trying to cause scarcity in order to entice people into getting this vaccine. Don’t do it, it’s the mark of the beast. Start stocking up now and repent and turn to Jesus Christ before this thing becomes mandatory and before famine and a worse disease hits America. Stay away from politics and mainstream media, the celebrities, musicians, and political parties are not your friends. God Bless.

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