Debate rages over a $15 minimum wage

ABC News’ Elizabeth Schulze speaks with workers continuing to fight for a higher minimum wage and examines the potential impact of raising the federal minimum wage for the first time since 2009.


Author: avnblogfeed


44 thoughts on “Debate rages over a $15 minimum wage

  1. That 15 minimum wage will help me pay my bills fucking Republicans. Democrats do the right thing get us to 15 minimum wage.

  2. $730 every two weeks damn what the hell am I doing wrong I don't even get close to that and it only make 13.50 compared to 11.00 an hour also Pennsylvania minimum wage is the lowest is still 7.25 since 2009 and I work at Home Depot. Also she must be a manager

  3. Just don't go to work. They bitch about paying more? They'll pay more when nobody shows up altogether. Can't make money when your business isn't running

  4. It's an endless cycle, creates higher food costs, etc. Those higher costs only hurt people making a low wage. The only true way to make it work and have higher wages is to free up the system and at the point where unemployment is low then businesses have to pay more to get the workers they need. You can't force that. It's basic supply and demand.

  5. The problem is that when minimum wage is high it becomes more important for the employer to find a way to eliminate that job if possible. If the wage was low, they would not bother or even consider it, but once the investment is made, its a done deal, those jobs are gone forever.

  6. Give em 15/hr! Then inflation will happen that pay will still be just all the same as you had before and/or will lead to job cuts. Just economics 101 for ya

  7. Even if the minimum wage was raised to $15 an hour, still does not guarantee 40 hours a week. You know Walmart will still fight this.

  8. "ThEsE jObS aRe NoT SuPpoSseD tO sUsTaIn A lIviNg."
    "bUsInEssEs CaN't AfFoRd $15 aN HoUr."
    ~ Every uneducated American conservative on the planet

  9. Democrats are pretty dumb its pretty simple why it can't just be raised by double. Especially with a lot of states that don't have as high of a cost of living would be the ones on 7.25$ still. What do you think happens to most of the minimum wage workers on 7.25-13$. Easy answer, they get laid off, they get replaced with a robot, prices on goods or services goes up and they still might fire them even after increasing the price of goods or services. Pretty simple explanation but democrats don't think that far ahead. Bidens a great example especially with his executive orders.

  10. 🤨Yo! Truth is why should you folks get $15 an hour when you can’t even get my order right at a simple fast food joint like McDonald’s day after day… You wanna make the big bucks, get a serious job like the rest of us🙄

  11. Yeah this really sucks minimum wage haven't been risen in 10 years on one hand I can understand people need a raise people need you to survive $15 an hour okay but I hope they do it gradually at least start the minimum wage at $12 an hour and then gradually work it up when they do it gradually people will still have a job because if they just jumped to $15 an hour first thing that's going to happen their 40 hour week is going to be cut down to 25 hours a week can you basically back in the same boat or they going to lay some people off and the product in the store prices are going to go up but on the other hand these big corporations can afford it they need to come off their money but I really feel sorry for the mom-and-pop and the small business owners

  12. I agree with the Democrats and Biden/Harris administration on this one.

    15/Hr minimum wage is too high. We have a surplus of labor that is continuing to grow in the United States and would not be beneficial to the employers and businesses in our country.

  13. Get a better job then if people don't take that job they will be forced to raise there pay rate .also maybe if you guys dint mess up every other order your boss could pay you more .

  14. Listen not mad at it. However minimum wage will always going to be minimum wage. That rent will go up, in 5 years, it still won't make a difference because everything else will go up, including other people's wages.

  15. Everyone who wants a minimum wage increase says that it would make a huge difference in their lives. The problem with that is that there are people who have worked up to 15 per hour and now people right off the street are at their level. Those people will now demand an 8 dollar per hour raise to keep them at the same level. That means that everything will be more expensive which means that the new 15 per hour workers will be in the same position they were in before the raise. Is the minimum wage a real way to live as an adult? No. That is for teens just starting out. If you are an adult with children to feed you need to do what you can to get education or training to stop working at a fast food place and start earning better money. The employer has their best interests at heart not the employees. The employees need to look out for themselves and stop thinking McDonald's will care if they can pay rent and feed their 4 children and themselves.

  16. $7.50 & No increase in 12 years ☹️👎 I'd like to see no increase in the house in Congress in 12 years, for the government workers for 12 years, They always get raises!!! And the saddest thing is the money is not the government's it's we the people's money we're saying, give us some of it, You always have enough for yourself!☹️👎

  17. Why can’t y’all understand raising the minimum wage also raises the cost of living, why is this hard to understand just look at California vs Texas

  18. The US minimum wage is behind. We are earning the same as a person in the 1960s. In 1960 $14,000 was worth $120,000 but we never changed it to met the minimum wage and now $14,000 is worth just $14,000.

  19. I really don’t think that people realize that it’s a gradual change, not a sudden one. Businesses will not suffer on levels that some people believe. Raising the wage could also improve business because more people can afford it, if people are paid more, the economy will be more successful.

  20. Get a second job or work more hours. If income is that low, one can also qualify for food stamps to supplement income.
    There have been several times in my life when I have worked a full time job and then 2 part time jobs to make ends meet.

  21. Look it up folks 647,000 people a year die in US from heart disease!!!!! Stop the fear manipulation and control!!!!!!!!

  22. From my experience I have yet to see that raising the minimum wage will help people out of poverty.

    I live in a county that has raised the minimum wage over a dozen times and yet, they are still saying that it's not enough.

    The minimum wage has increased by over 300% since I got my 1st summer job in high school.

    You might as well raise the minimum wage to $100 an hour so that a gallon of milk costs $30.
    Because at the end of the month, all your going to see is that same sad dollar you had when you were making $10 an hour.

    No company or business is going to sacrifice their profit margins to give their employees a living wage.

    You raise the minimum and all you will see is that products will cost more OR you will get less of that product for the same price. This includes services, you will ether pay more for your service or you will receive less from that service but still end up paying the same amount.

    The problem is education.
    We need to invest more resources into better education and we need to expand free education into college level.

    This will give students a reason to finish high school because they know that college will not be such a heavy burden.

    Plus, teens parents need to acknowledge that their kids were an unplanned mistake made by immature people who were looking for a good time.

  23. That woman says she's doing it for her kids. If her kids get $15 an hour, they will struggle. How many times must i say, minimum wage must be dynamic. It must be a formula with cost of living and inflation factored into a formula. I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE THINKING OF THIS!!!

  24. There is no debate, entry level jobs don’t deserve $15 unless it’s a trade or highly skilled job.
    Stay in school or learn a skill you lazy pos.

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