Gas prices reach a staggering high

President Joe Biden announced that the U.S. will ban imports of Russian oil, which is expected to trigger sharply higher energy prices. The national average for a gallon of gas is $4.20.


#WorldNewsTonight #JoeBiden #GasPrices


Author: avnblogfeed


48 thoughts on “Gas prices reach a staggering high

  1. I never owned a car and I get around riding bicycles and having a permanent disabled bus pass works for me and It's always the way I've commuted for years so gas prices never bother me. There are other ways of getting around WITHOUT using a car that's a money pit only in the exception of you drive for a living (Uber Lyft construction worker soccer moms). Other than those people I mentioned!?….You are the very problem you're complaining about because of very high gas prices. $6.00 a gallon can actually buy you a hamburger a Cheese burger and a small soda at McDonald's….let that sink it for a minute and figure how much money that is!

  2. Expect suicides to increase, oh wait they're already high! People can't afford to do anything, let alone even eat! Oh yeah yippy~ Thanks Biden dumb@ss!

  3. You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off.

  4. This disaster has caused so much havoc at the border, Afghanistan, oil industry, Ukraine and the global economy. We are idiots for voting for Beijing Genocide Biden.

  5. Another Biden accomplishment. Complete incompetence by Joe. Are you
    happy with your vote? Closing Keystone and reversing all on President
    Trumps energy de-regulations, only to purchase oil from Russia another
    countries that don't like is ridiculous. This is smoke and mirrors.
    Nobody to blame other than the people who voted for him and the pot
    smoking VP

  6. Mean while they tax you when you get your paycheck, tax you to deposited it in your bank account then tax you again at the end of the year for the money you have in your savings that you don’t spend and then if you spend above 599 bucks you get taxed again when it leaves your account and then you get taxed again for what ever you buy.. don’t believe me look it up. I was in shock too! I thought they just talked about doing that but I didn’t know they did it. You are being fleeced of your hard eared money at every turn. They got away with it social security and now they are onto a grander scale. No difference than being robbed but this way you are robbed everyday

  7. This man is curse he just instigated a war to sale LPG to europe but resulted in gas crisis and a humanitarian crisis in russia and ukraine this man is Americans worst choise they voted for

  8. No company is going to invest in drilling when they know president Husain Biden will pull the plug as soon as this slows down. Why doesn’t Biden invest in oil production with his money? This is directly his and the democrats fault, but they will never admit fault or dig us out of the hole. Because all their expenses are paid for by taxes.

  9. Inflation to 15% and gas to $8 per gallon.

    Unfortunate that Biden and AOC progressives attacked our domestic energy last year; that gas and oil sure would come in real handy right now!!!

  10. The first day in office Joe Biden signed a presidental directive that ended all new oil leases on Federal land in the Continental US. Open your closed mind and ask yourself if just possabily that could have anything to do with the price at the pump? Didn't Donald Trump tell you Joe Biden would do this during the debates? He did. If you voted for a democrat in 2020, bend over and pucker up.

  11. I remember from 2016 to 2020, every day ABC News criticizing Donald Trump – Non-stop. Apparently a lot of you fell for it. Pat yourself on the back it you were one of those Americans who got sucker punched and voted for a democrat in 2020. Joe Biden, the day late and dollar short president.

  12. Foolish people complained about President Trump…Trump kept our country going into oil independence…
    Biden is blaming the Russian invasion as the problem for high oil gas prices…Biden is liar as can be.
    When Biden took over he reversed all of President Trump's oil independence accomplishments!
    Including stopping the keystone pipeline..
    Biden has lied to the American people for over 40 yrs as a politician.

  13. Biden and co. were mainly the ones who shut down the keystone pipeline.. ANWR in Alaska has more oil than Saudi they say.. The liberals have said they want 10$ a gallon gas to stop people driving.. (to stop climate change ???)(hoax)The libs must be happy in all this.

  14. I believe that's the secret to financial stability is having the right investment consultant or ideas to enable people earn more money. I don't know who agrees with me but either.

  15. Great! Force me into an EV!! Let's get this dystopia going!!!
    Its crazy in a couple years gas is gonna be "the good stuff" only rich people will have gas powered vehicles all the poor people will be in EV's waiting hours in line at the charging stations!!!

  16. They should not be this high we need to hold the oil executives accountable! While their profits rise America struggles..we have millions of barrels of oil in reserve this should Not happen

  17. Biden and ABC are total liars and propagandists. Biden's policies are causing this and he is trying to blame it on the war and domestic oil companies somehow not drilling? Buffalo Chips!!!! Biden's energy policies are squarely to blame. Let's go Brandon.

  18. The national average gas price is $4.43! I'm PISSED! I paid $2.08 just 14 months ago under Trump! Before Ukraine, gas had already shot up $1.50 a gallon! Biden on day one started the war on the middle class and family budgets when he banned new drilling on federal land and shut down the ANWR oil reserve in Alaska! He killed thousands of jobs by shutting down the Keystone pipeline! DEMOCRATS WANT HIGHER ENERGY PRICES AND THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US! They put their fanatical green energy addiction ahead of what's good for the American people! VOTE THEM OUT!

  19. Why did Biden close so many areas to drilling from oil only a few weeks ago? Why did he crush the Keystone Pipeline the first day he was n office, he is responsible for most of this, you voted for Biden you voted for this, we told you he would mess the country up. Hope you can still afford to feed your kids in a year

  20. Interesting everything went cheaper and all the world was doing good when Trump was a president and now it completely mess that I couldn't addord like I use to

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