Invasion imminent?

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is meeting with Russia’s foreign minister on a high-stakes mission to keep the peace in Ukraine. ABC’s Ike Ejiochi has the details.


Author: avnblogfeed


19 thoughts on “Invasion imminent?

  1. Yes let's all kill each other for? Nothing justifies these massive destructive weapons pointed at people who we will speak to later. At people who have loved ones.

  2. Creo que no estamos actuando correcto y provocan a una persona con tanta poder de otro país es un gravísimo error tenemos que pensar inteligentemente llegar a soluciones con beneficios para todos Pero nunca retar a alguien está preparado para pelear y morir por defender a los a nuestra familia haríamos todo por defenderlos tenemos que unirnos respetar ayudar solucionar problemas con los de otros países eso es triunfar y hacer algo bien usar nuestra entidad no para dañar pero si para salvar y ayudar a todos que podamos Y qué piensan de nuestros hijos esos jovencitos esos niños qué pagarán por nuestros errores eso pone a todos a todos tristes los que estamos luchando por un cambio de vivir mejor y ayudar a nuestros jóvenes que tenga las oportunidades que nosotros no tuvimos por la Maldita pobreza ser justos el futuro está en nuestros jóvenes ellos se lo merecen Ojalá todos entiendan pues no es tiempo de juzgar todos estamos sufriendo qué pasa con nuestros valores el respeto todo tenemos derecho piénsalo bendiciones duele mucho cuando alguien Qué es niño y sufre no sabe qué hacer Y eso no hacemos las personas

  3. Could you imagine the hysteria in the media ifRussia was about to invade Ukraine and North Korea were setting off missiles with Trump in office? The media is deranged – too busy trying to frame Trump and not addressing things for what they are..

    Biden Compared 1/6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbour!! That’s an unforgivable insult to all the victims and their families of these two “real” colossal events. The BLM riots are a comparison; not the two worst acts of mass murder and war on the American people that killed thousands of US civilians and servicemen/women. You realise how many people died as a result of the BLM riots? 25! Not to mention the costs to repair public property and the costs to businesses that were looted and destroyed.. That was absolutely disgusting but you fools will sweep these events under the carpet because you know the blood is on your hands. The future generations will look back on us as being corrupt and delusional. I’m so ashamed.

    What else on Je Je Joe?

    -the media celebrated when he lasted an hour in a media scrum.. He’s the president and these are the things people celebrate with this clown. Yes, that’s the standard!
    -Compared George Floyd with Martin Luther King
    -Build back better collapse
    -Clearly unwell and senile
    -All-time high in crime nationally. 2021 closed with most homicides ever in history
    -Defund the police mess
    -Evidence of him and his son doing backhand deals – not to mention the quid pro quo with Ukraine. There’s No surprise Russia sniffing around the border getting ready to invade
    -vaccine mandate will be rejected by high court
    -Afghanistan embarrassment – abandoning your allies like rats. The people who have stood by the US through thick and thin. What a Dog act and a representation of a coward
    -Inflation is the worst in 40 years
    -Can’t remember the Australian prime minister name
    -Killed power Independence – fuel prices
    -Ruined relations with France over submarines deal
    -Russian border about irrupt into war and are likely to invade Ukraine & Kazakhstan
    -he basically gave Russia the green light to invade
    -The US Mexican border is a humanitarian crisis
    -Covid completely unmanaged – no testing kits and new heights of infection
    -Chicago education collapse
    -No follow up on the origin / cause of Covid.. Who is accountable for this global mess? Too afraid of the truth Mr President?
    -China about to invade Taiwan
    -Sick obsession with sniffing kids hair

    Sadly this president and friends have acted on trump derangement syndrome rather than the greater good for Americans and the world. It’s just sad. That 1/6 “insurrection” speech was purely political and was only meant to be divisive. This is the uniting president? No…. He’s just a joke. Literally… a joke. That was a day that some people believed in something enough to protest and it unfortunately went too far. There’s no conspiracy. So stop contaminating people’s minds with this “insurrection” rubbish.

    No one takes the old man seriously, he’s dodgy and senile; meanwhile China and Russia are aggressively pushing their agendas knowing America can’t and won’t do anything about it. Biden is weak and so is America while he is in the white-house. We are watching a once “great nation”, get divided and slip down the drain. The US is no longer the force it once was and absolutely not the leader of the free world anymore. Not even your closest allies have faith anymore.

    All you Trump obsessed democrats; compare Biden’s score sheet to Trump (up to now in their term) CNN can’t re-engineer those facts. Trump was a reasonable president and you will never admit that. You have become paralyzed by an evil form of Atychiphobia when Trump is around. You lose any moral compass and are willing to distort the the truth while killing a great democracy… It’s about winning power at all costs no matter if America dies.

    It’s so ironic, a few years ago the dems fabricated this “Russian collusion” nonesense and completely screwed the government in doing so. Americans suffered, the country divided and Trumps term had a cloud over it, because of a baseless conspiracy made up by his political opposition. There was constant politically driven impeachment rubbish which did no one any good. Very bitter sentiments were born then and there. Now, yes now.. The Russians are actually invading other countries and Biden is turning a blind eye. Seems like Crimea during the Obama era all over again. Funny that! We all know the democrats are the real criminals but constantly use smoke and mirrors in the media to deflect their misdeeds. Look at Joe’s Ukrainian “quid pro quo”- that was actually recorded on video – he boasted about it. Or Obama’s Russian “I’ve got an election coming up”… Mind blowing stuff!

    And here we are now questioning the legitimacy of the 2022 election. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ACCUSING TRUMP OF!!!! This is all a complete disaster and the country continues to go backward!!!

    The only thing Biden has done is reverse Trump policy when they were the best things going for the US. Go figure???

    How are you not embarrassed? Denial? Trump derangement?

    Name one good thing this guy has done? I challenge you. It’s all backward!

  4. 2022 Edelman trust barometer shows 83% of Chinese people trust China Government, while American Government only got 43% of American's trust. What does it mean?

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