Johnson wary about lifting lockdown in Britain as Denmark reopens

As Boris Johnson recovers from COVID-19, Denmark is opening back up after it took early action to shut the country down after the first death.




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36 thoughts on “Johnson wary about lifting lockdown in Britain as Denmark reopens

  1. Jeg er så begejstret for at dele mit vidnesbyrd om Dr.WISEs gode arbejde, der helbredte min Herpes-virus med sine urter, jeg troede aldrig, at jeg ville leve på jorden, før året løber ud. Jeg har lidt af en dødelig herpesvirus (HVS) i de sidste (3) år nu; Jeg havde brugt en masse penge på at gå fra et hospital til et andet på udkig efter måde at slippe af med denne sygdom, hospitalet har været mit hjem hver dag. Konstant kontrol har været min hobby først denne trofaste dag, jeg søgte på Internettet, jeg så et vidnesbyrd om, hvordan Dr, WISE hjalp nogen med at helbrede hans Herpes-virus ved hjælp af hans helbredende urter, hurtigt kopierede jeg hans e-mail bare for at give ham en test jeg talte med ham, han bad mig om en forberedelse til urteprodukterne, hvoraf jeg gjorde nøjagtigt, hvad han instruerede mig om at gøre, han fortalte mig, at han vil give mig urtemedicin, hvilket han gjorde, få dage efter at jeg gik tilbage til det samme hospital, der tidligere bekræftede mig som Herpes-virus-positiv, og denne gang erklærede resultatet mig negativ til den dødbringende virus af Herpes-virus …. så jeg besluttede at dele mit vidnesbyrd om, at intet er umuligt med Gud , Gud brugte en mand til at helbrede mig. Uanset hvad du går igennem, uanset hvor dødelig sygdommen er, og uanset hvordan situationen er, vil Gud, som gjorde min, stadig gøre din, lider af aids, også, hiv / aids, copid, astma .. Kræft, enhver form for sygdom, kan du rig ham nu via +2349063191711 eller WhatsApp nummer +2349063191711


  2. The universe is made up of 150 billion universes and 12 billion humans can live in peace on earth For the international People by an Italian citizen (covid 19)
     I report 450000 Indian children suffering from
    Bill Gate funder vaccine paralysis (vaccine proposal for Italy …. Italian
    children all to be vaccinated with multipurpose vaccines).
     The doctor from Pavia wrote that
    he first detected the error of the CHINESE doctors: "I would not seem
    excessive but I think I have shown the cause of the lethality of the
    coronavirus. Only at the Hospital Beato Matteo are there 2 cardiologists who
    run on 150 beds in echocardium with enormous effort and one is I. Terrible
    fatigue! But what some supposed, but they could not be sure, now we have the
    first data. People go to resuscitation for generalized venous thromboembolism,
    especially pulmonary. it is, there is no need for resuscitation and intubations
    because first of all you have to dissolve, or rather prevent these thromboembolisms.
    If you ventilate a lung where the blood does not reach, it is not needed! In
    fact, 9 out of 10 die.venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia to determine
    fatality! And why are thrombi formed? Because inflammation, as per school text,
    induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological
    mechanism. Then? What scientific literature, especially Chinese, said until
    mid-March was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now in Italy
    anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are used (as in the influences) and the
    number of inpatients collapses. By taking care of it well at home, you avoid
    not only hospitalization, but also the thrombotic risk. It was not easy to
    understand it because the signs of microembolism have faded, even at the echocardium.
    But I compared the data of the first 50 patients between those who breathe
    badly and those who do not and the situation appeared very clear. For me it
    could go back to normal life and reopen business. Quarantine street. Not now.
    But time to publish this data. The vaccine can come slowly. In America and
    other states that follow scientific literature calling for NOT to use
    anti-inflammatories is a disaster! Worse than in Italy, and we are talking
    about old drugs that cost a few euros "The heparin, in fact. As far as can
    be understood, the "phantom cardiologist of Pavia" (who exists and
    has his name and surname) and other specialists (neurologists alarmed by the
    brain damage they have found) have asked to do an autopsy of some victims,
    especially of the dead under 40 years whose tragic aggravation was not
    explained by what is known so far; autopsies which, apparently to understand,
    were avoided and rightly so, given the degree of danger of the infection. But,
    as the Gazzetta di Bari writes, on the autoptic table the
    "anatomopathologists, at the suggestion of other specialists
    (cardiologists, neurologists), have made a discovery that could dramatically
    change the scenario:" The main problem is not the virus – explain the
    specialists but the immune reaction that destroys the cells where the virus
    enters. The problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory. People go to
    resuscitation for generalized venous thromboembolism, especially (but not only)
    pulmonary (autopsy tests are also expected on the brain, ed.). Many deaths,even
    in their forties, had a history of high fever for 10-15 days not properly
    treated. Inflammation has destroyed everything and prepared the ground for
    thrombi formation. It was not easy to understand this because the signs of the
    microembolias appeared blurred, even at the echocardium. " In a few hours,
    doctors from Milan, Brescia, Pavia, Bergamo, Naples, Palermo exchanged
    information, and unaware of Burioni's prohibitions, they began to use the drugs
    that suggested the results of the autopsies: anti-inflammatory (cortisone) not
    recommended by Chinese colleagues, but we believe we have demonstrated the
    cause of Coronavirus lethality. If this were the case, resuscitations and
    intubations are not needed because first of all you have to dissolve, or rather
    prevent, these thromboembolisms. It is of little use to ventilate a lung where
    blood does not reach. The effectiveness of the therapeutic treatment, then,
    leads us to believe that this is the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy
    are reduced. It is becoming a curable disease at home. For me it could go back
    to normal life and reopen business. In short, enough with the current
    restrictions. Not immediately, of course. But very soon ».
    Frontline doctors corrected the diagnosis. Immediately Chinese and British published:
    "In the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis' led by the hematologist Jecko
    Thachil of the Department of Haematology of the Manchester Royal Infirmary
    (Gb), the use of heparin in Covid-19 patients could have anticoagulant, as well
    as anti-inflammatory and even antiviral effects as results of the Pavia
    cardiologist who first understood the mechanism of the disease. I add another
    technical solution that of the plasma influence which, however, requires
    transfusions and controls while heparin is a LOW cost drug to be taken at the
    moment of the first symptoms of cough and fever without contraindications and
    can also be purchased by those who do not have health insurance.
    developed acute respiratory distress syndrome, the most severe manifestation of
    interstitial pneumonia caused by coronavirus 
    and which, consequently, require mechanical support to breathe:
     "What we are seeing is that once the
    plasma is infused, there is a reduction in viral load and an improvement in symptoms within a few hours",

    But another disease at least in Italy is spreading.
    This is an illness that begins on April 20, 1940
    Betrayal of GOD by Prime Minister Mussolini killed on April 28, 1945
    God writes through one of his tools:
    April 23, 1940
    To the Head of Government
    Benito Mussolini
    I come to you in the name of God to tell you what the Lord has revealed to me and
    what He wants from you. I didn't want to write, but yesterday, 22, the Lord
    appeared to me again forcing me to let you know the following:
    "The world is in ruins for the many sins and especially for the sins of impurity
    that have reached their peak before the Justice of my Heavenly Father.
    Therefore you will have to suffer and be an atoning victim for the world and
    especially for Italy, where my Vicar's seat is, so that I can use mercy for
    many sinners and save them. My Kingdom is a kingdom of peace, the world is all
    at war, because it rejects my law, made of truth and love.
    Peoples Governors are agitated to buy new territories. Poor blind people! … They do not know that where there is no God there can be no real conquest! In their
    hearts there is only wickedness and they only insult me, laugh at me, despise
    me! These are hellish monsters, subverts of the peoples, they try to overwhelm
    Italy, home of my Vicar, the Angelic Shepherd of souls, in the terrible
    France, so dear to my heart, for its many sins, will soon fall into disrepair and will
    be overwhelmed and devastated like ungrateful Jerusalem.
    To Italy, because the seat of my Vicar, I sent Benito Mussolini to save her from
    the abyss towards which she had started, otherwise she would have arrived in
    worse conditions than Russia. In all dangers, although undeserving I have
    always saved him. Now to keep Italy out of the war, because it is the seat of
    my Vicar and mother of civilization.
    If he does this, I will give him extraordinary graces and favors and I will make
    every other nation bow before him; instead he, has decided, in a month, to make
    war, but know that if he does not prevent it, he will be punished by my
    Justice! "
    All this the Lord told me. Do not believe, O Duce, that I am concerned with
    politics. I am a poor Sister dedicated to the education of abandoned Little
    Girls and I pray a lot for your salvation and for the salvation of our country.
    With sincere esteem
    Elena Aiello
    The current society proposes the removal of children in Italy in many cases
    including that of a pandemic such as coronavirus and or the destruction of the
    family with the family gender, that is neither male nor female.
    This disease has moral foundations in old Masonic England which are spreading
    in Europe wildfire and then get to the genre printed on the skin, that is, the bar
    code proposed by the Bill Gate foundation, Soros, Attali ect for all citizens.
    In Germany, a doctor who opposed the obligation to remain closed at home was
    placed in a mental hospital.
    We know that in Germany in the brothels many women from poor countries come
    brutalized and enslaved by sex.
    Why these reflections? Because this merchandise must end, there is no neutral genre but two sexes, if there are physically errors, they do not justify planning
    of error and the family is the basis of society and must be protected and
    And from this pandemic we have to get a message out of it. We are not creators but only creatures and broths should be closed and imprisoned those who exploit prostitution.
    Progress or improvement in the material world is the flight of time that flees
    towards  better world a new world
    A world where soul and spirit can understand the infinity of the deepest life
     and at every spiritual material step we approach from
    spiritual to the divine GOD and His Infinite Lover

  3. Well Done Boris..Coronavirus Cases: 152,840 Deaths:20,732 with 3 month of warning and 10 years of NHS destruction + the Cygnus report that was thrown in the bin SUPERB

  4. Boris got slapped into reality catching Coronavirus and this may end up saving lives in the United Kingdom as a result. He looks terrible since he’s been out of the hospital.

  5. I don't get why people call this draconian. I know Draco was extreme in his measures, but wasn't he more about punishment than protecting the public from danger? Plus it seems he treated all people the same and probably wouldn't provide exceptions like in the case of key workers. It just seems a silly phrase to use in this context.

  6. Johnson has always been a self-entitled prick who cares only about himself. He's basically an educated, posh version of Trump. They're both con men.

  7. It will be crazy and dangerous to lift any restrictions just yet it's just a shame that a small minority of selfish people are still treating this extremely dangerous pandemic as a huge joke .It seems that if they can't understand a simple instruction like STAY AT HOME what hope do we have .God help us all .

  8. If we had Medicare for all, we could be more sure about the standards of adult homes and they wouldn't be fighting against each other but possibly better coordinated. Sweden left its old folks home. They also are super small, radically different in cultures and economics too… dont have 50 states of idiot 2 party system either.

  9. DId anyone notice that at 1:30 they showed the picture of Taiwan's prime minister but didn't show the name Taiwan underneath like they did the others?

  10. "Countries led by women"… the UK used to be one of them, until you weirdos ran out poor Theresa May. You want to see a real female leader, look no further than Margaret Thatcher.

  11. Countries led by women are doing the best?… ABC just earned an unsubscribe for this sexist reporting.. You wouldn't do the opposite and praise male ran countries doing good…

  12. Not a surprise the women leaders acted early during the outbreaks & relied on the scientific facts. What an ingenious strategy!! Thank you ladies!

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